Film Reviews by DJ

Welcome to DJ's film reviews page. DJ has written 25 reviews and rated 28 films.

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The Battleship Island

Great drama

(Edit) 09/08/2018

A good story of brutal oppression by invading with oppressed finally rising up in a bid for freedom. A good story well worth viewing.

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Murder on the Orient Express

Easy viewing

(Edit) 09/08/2018

If you do not expect too much then you will find this an easy going film for an evening in without having to tax your brain too much. The acting was Ok , even though big stars were involved but not really needed , though I did begin to like Kenneths potrayal of Hercule , it seem to suit him at the end. A decent film , though I would not have been happy paying to see it in the cinema , more like a TV film.

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The Death of Stalin


(Edit) 09/05/2018

Having read quite a lot on Stalin I was eager to see it get the "thick of it " treatment with black humour and plenty of laughs. What a disappiontment. More like Brian rix than T of It. Lasted for 45 minutes before I gave up as I still had not raised as single smirk or snigger. And please dont tell me I didnt see the jokes , I didnt because there were not any up until I switched it off.

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Baby Driver

Great surprise

(Edit) 15/02/2018

The film was described as basically a car chase , bank robbery and boy meets girl romance all set to a great soundtack. With our family consisting of a man of 66 with a thriller/drama/foriegn preference , a lady of 61 who loves rom com , drama , foreign and a 24 year old who prefers films that provoke deep thought with socialist leanings and encouragement to slay all Tories and Brexiteers , ordering this for a nights viewing was always going to be questionable , especially with the wife giving it - " its got 10 minutes then.... " .

Despite this I had heard great reviews from critics that I normally follow , whose tastes are similar to mine.

So it was up into the converted loft , DVD into cinema surround sound , and away to go.

Verdict - 3 scores of 10 out of 10

WHY ? Well it is hard to say , other than , yes , it was as described , but with alot more , though it was very difficult to put your finger on one particular aspect of it. It was just a great mix of everything - with a brilliant soundtrack. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and all were left with a great feelgood factor , and thats what good films do , what more do you need.

And to AL ( reviewer ) I can confirm that I have joined the ranks of pre - adolescents, though at 66 I grew up long ago and dont mind giving you a few tips on how to notice a girl and give her the feelgood factor , and anything else after !!!

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Most Enjoyable

(Edit) 15/02/2018

Nothing more to add than the previous review , very enjoyable , light hearted , plenty of tongue in cheek action. Seemed like Ryan was doing an audition for the next James Bond , Roger Moore style - and , on this performance, he would get my vote long before dour McMafia man. Recommended.

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(Edit) 17/01/2018

If you could think of all the current plots in this genre and put them in one over complicated film , this would be it. Not so much a thriller more like a puzzle.

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(Edit) 04/01/2018

The film seemed to be split into little stories which didn't really connect with each other. The acting was somewhat wooden and the dialogue , as little as was planned , was bordering on boring. Of each of the little stories none really offered much in way of drama , thought provoking or even shock at fearful events. Too much of too little.

Older films concentrated on the true horror of the anticipated , and realised , carnage on the beach , the terror of the sounds of the incoming planes and then the hope , etched on the faces of the stranded soldiers , when they caught sight of the little boats.

That was all that what happened at Dunkirk was. To portray that as a single , well acted storyline of an actual horrific event was all that was needed and was what previous films had done.

Probably 50% of the filmgoers/renters bought in simply because of the popularity of Harry Styles , and there was nothing to write home about with his acting.

If you want to see a fact based film with superb acting , tension , horror and gripping drama I suggest you watch Kajaki , brilliant and VERY underated

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22 Bullets

Typical French revenge movie

(Edit) 18/12/2017

A most enjoyable film if you enjoy the French anti hero genre. Plenty of action , lots of bad guy getting come uppence and a plot which was pure exciting action , leave your deep thinking genre hat at the door. Jean Reno never fails to entertain. Recommended for easy viewing action.

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The Prey

Superb action.

(Edit) 18/12/2017

Another typical French thriller, with once again , the anti hero giving what he gets , with a little extra. Acceptable level and quantity of violence , combined with a sympathetic cop ( under pressure from zealous boss ) gives this film a flavour of The Fugitive but in true French style. Again , a film for simple action and chase , nothing too deep just plain simple entertaining enjoyment.

For those who will not watch foreign films because of the subtitles - they have no idea what they are missing when on offer are films such as this and 22 Bullets. Recommended

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Waste of time

(Edit) 03/12/2017

Whoever did the script or story must have wanted to play out their own sexual fantasies. The first 20 minutes was all sex talk , sex acts and bad language. The story was disjointed , if there actually was one , it just seemed like an excuse for the writer/ produces get off on their own sexual trip. Bad taste and utter crap.

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Hell or High Water


(Edit) 13/11/2017

Managed , under strain , to get to 60 minutes then fast forwarded to final action. At my age i cannot waste too much time on a " morality via modern western " bank robbing trip. Did it really take the previous reviewers this film to realise that banks rip people off ?They caught me before with unfair overdraft charges but I wouldn't contemplate shooting the local lady bank clerk , especially as her mother would come around my house and play hell with me - and I wouldn't be allowed back in the rugby club !

A pretty poor storyline , dreadful muttering and sound , schoolboy toilet script and corny ending. Dont waste your time.

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Patriots Day

Drawn out

(Edit) 13/11/2017

Simply too much drawn out boring dialogue , muttered as is now common practice - are they using the mighty Iphone to do the sound recording ? Totally uninteresting characters and their average lives. Tried to make a drama out of a terror attack and failed. Also , what possessed them to film the final shootout in the dark ? all that you could see was gunshot flashes , seemingly small explosions and ghost like figures running across the screen !!! Since most of the " drama " was made up why couldn't they pretend the shoot out was at dawn.

Lets be honest , you sit through 90 + minutes of tosh hoping to see the terrorist die in a hail of bullets and what do you get - bonfire night.

After Deep Water Horizon I was hoping for some realistic action with the manhunt but all I got was Emmerdale. Avoid.

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Blood Father

Tried and tested

(Edit) 24/10/2017

Simple story , child in trouble with baddies . Dad with dodgy past but big reputation helps out using honed violence. There it is - but its great action all the way through , typical menacing Gibson with aging face ( but still managing to keep the wife drooling). Not arty , not thought provoking , no big message , just good(ish) guy versus baddies and that's what it is , simple entertainment and great viewing on a wet autumn night. Recommended even if , to some , it is B-movie fare.

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Hanks saved the film as well as the plane

(Edit) 24/10/2017

Well they took a near tragedy and managed , with Tom Hanks help , to turn it into a drama , though the drama was a little mild and maybe the investigating panel overplayed. To be honest if the pilot on my next flight looked as old and worn out as Hanks I would probably let the train take the strain. Not a bad film but a lot of minutes wrangled out of a short drama. One for Hanks fans.

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Line of Duty: Series 2

gripping drama

(Edit) 22/12/2016

I missed the first 2 serious on Tv but , after seeing the 3rd , I knew I had to see what went before , and the stand out character of this series has been Keeley Hawes who , as the persecuted officer running rings around the others , gives an ice maiden performance - is she guilty or not ? Brilliant TV drama. If you haven,t seen it on Tv it's a MUST to rent. Highly recommended

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