Film Reviews by DH

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Truly awful

(Edit) 14/12/2021

When the history books look back at film making, 2020 will be the year that time forgot. Any film that is marked 2020 is truly awful and not worth watching. We've seen quite a few now and you'd think we'd learn. Really dull.

Perhaps I'm thick but I've never heard of this woman so didn't realise that there was 'some' truth in this story, from reviews I've read, I think it was purely the location, the womans name and that she was key in the history of fossils. They appear to have taken liberties with everything else.

I will admit that my absolute nightmare is a museum with a glass case with broken bits and a label saying 'bit of pot' so maybe this film was never going to please me.

Please avoid as this is really bad!!!!! Avoid 2020 films!!!!

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Don't Look Now

Avoid avoid avoid

(Edit) 24/11/2021

This is truly awful. Some people say they don't make films like they used to! If this is the yardstick that modern films are being held to then all I can say is thank goodness.

Acting poor! Long lingering looks at things that are totally insignificant and clearly a short story that should not have been stretched. Maybe it worked in its day but not now.

We hated it and couldn't believe the run time of something like 109 mins. It felt sooooo much longer! We were bored to tears, this so called 'classic' belongs in the bin.

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Excellent movie

(Edit) 15/11/2021

Superb performances by Streep and the late Seymour Hoffman. Very thought provoking, one of the extras is the writer of the play speaking about how people leaving the theatre all went into deep discussion about what they thought of the end, everyone has a different angle which makes it interesting.

Well worth a watch if you want to see quality acting. Don't bother if you like car chases and things blowing up as you'll be disappointed.

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To Olivia

I'm sorry but 'boring but true'

(Edit) 09/11/2021

This is a really dull film. It appears that all films made in 2020 should just be thrown in the bin. I've not seen a decent one yet. Perhaps rules just made it too difficult.

If this was how Roald Dahl really was he wasn't a very likeable man.

We were absolutely bored to tears by this and felt that the 90 min running time was 30 minutes too long.

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Death Becomes Her

Ok for a while but just gets stupid

(Edit) 18/10/2021

I remembered this film from some time ago and it totally loses its way. We are on a Streep fest at the moment hence including this one. Failures are from writers not the actors.

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Utter garbage

(Edit) 31/08/2021

Sorry but a stellar cast who just turned up for the paycheck. This is a terrible movie. I am an absolute fan of Hepburn not so much the mumbling over rated Bogart. Hepburn I didn't think made a bad movie but then we found this one. Dreadful!

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Blithe Spirit

Truly awful

(Edit) 15/06/2021

Ironically this film is about a screenwriter adapting a play. Shame the screenwriter who wrote this hadn't bothered to read the original script. Yes the names were the same and premis of Elvira returning was the same but just about everything else was wrong! It didn't even end the right way! I've been in this play and seen it countless numbers of times and the maid is pivotal. Nope not according to this. Totally ignored.

This should have been given another title as Blithe Spirit it was not! Judi Dench has played Madame Arcati at the Savoy so should have known better.

Didn't work!

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23 Walks

Meh (said that a lot lately)

(Edit) 19/04/2021

Not offensive but not interesting either. Daves voice is incredibly dull so he slows the movie down. It is all a bit ploddy and we came up with lots of twists that didn't happen. We also came up with quite a dramatic ending but no, they just fizzle out the end of the movie.

I've come to the conclusion that films made in 2020 should be abandoned as they are all bad and show no imagination. The only one that did show imagination was Tenet and my head still hurts from that one. I've read explanations but I'm still none the wiser! There must be a halfway house between these twoddly movies and Tenet. Something with a decent story, well made! Anyone want to have a go? Please?

Steadman was lovely as usual but it just didn't go anywhere.

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(Edit) 12/04/2021

Yet another movie that is dull and then when the titles come up at the end you find the leading lady is the executive producer (has put up the money).

So many I've seen that were made last year have followed a similar scenario. How can you be critical about a piece of work when you are too close to it. Actors should not put the money up but I understand last year was unusual but poor films are being made.

This is a tedious film.

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The Great Alaskan Race

Cheaply made

(Edit) 29/03/2021

Some of the actors are truly awful, made me think of the generation game where the lines are pinned up in different places! How they got cast who knows!

The sad thing is that this is an amazing story which gets totally lost by thinking that showing a blizzard constantly means the viewer cannot see what the devil is going on. You cannot get the jeopardy and it turns a truly heart-warming story into meh!

Didn't care less about the lead actor or his daughter! The lead actor by the way wrote it, directed it, produced it and not only gave himself the lead role but cast his daughter too, I noticed another person with his surname in the cast list also!

Someone else could make this so much better and stronger. There is a great story here, they just didn't tell it.

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The Secret Garden

Boring I'm afraid

(Edit) 08/03/2021

This whole film felt very lazy. Was it made for 3D? Lots of effects felt like they were meant to be seen that way? Birds and butterflies zooming into the camera.

Mary is not a sympathetic character, the book is written that way but she did not win me round which I think she should have done. I wasn't even rooting for Colin and his recovery. The only thing I invested in was the dog!

I'm a fan of Julie Walters but nothing for her to do here I'm afraid, even less for Colin Firth. We'd been looking forward to seeing this, kind of wish we hadn't bothered.

Un-offensive but un-inspiring also.

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Hope Gap

Don't bother

(Edit) 22/02/2021

2 people split up - the end. There you are I have saved you an hour and a half of you life. This film is not good. 2 great actors using clunky dialogue and both of their deliveries are so flat that it is incredibly dull. You actually feel like these 2 people actually deserve each other as they are both tedious and uninspiring.

It is a depressing film I'm afraid. The dog is nice and I liked the scene in the solicitors but that's it!

Avoid avoid avoid.

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The High Note

Surprising film

(Edit) 08/02/2021

This was a nice movie. We googled Grace at the end to see if she had done her own singing. Discovered she is Diana Ross's daughter so yes she did sing! Very enjoyable, won't change the world but a feel good movie.

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Last Christmas

Really lovely film

(Edit) 04/01/2021

I think people have been a bit hard on this movie. If you like Love Actually then you'll enjoy this. It is beautifully acted and has a beginning, middle and end which is not always the case! Emma T is a great script writer. Kate is a tricky character as she is difficult to like at first but you need to stay with it to find out her back story!

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(Edit) 18/11/2020

The 2 executive producers (the ones who put up the money) are Dreyfus and the guy who plays his son in law! Enough said!

This is so bad and clearly a vehicle for them both. You are supposed to believe that no one checks anything. If you want to be on X Factor they check your passport but no we don't bother if you are going into space and feel free to just wander around a top secret establishment and join the CEO in the boardroom. Who wrote this rubbish?

Always a disaster when the star is involved in the decision making as they are too close!

Avoid avoid avoid

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