Film Reviews by RR

Welcome to RR's film reviews page. RR has written 2 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Clever film that lingers in the memory

(Edit) 14/03/2015

Such an unusual film, which takes place in a car journey over 3 hours on a motorway to London, with only the driver (Locke) appearing on screen. The other characters in the story are heard on the phone. I found it rather strange at first, but the unfolding story held my attention, and it stopped at just the right point to keep me thinking about it for several days.

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Le Havre

Le Havre

(Edit) 17/10/2014

Wooden acting, sluggish directing, amateur production. Quite disappointing. The plot addresses a contemporary social problem which could have been fascinating, but the story line was spoilt by being barely believable.

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