Film Reviews by LJ

Welcome to LJ's film reviews page. LJ has written 15 reviews and rated 22 films.

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Marry Me


(Edit) 12/06/2022

I really enjoyed this film, funny, light-hearted, easy to watch, likeable characters, no swearing (no, I'm not a prude but it's lovely to watch something without profanities in it!) Yes J-Lo pretty much plays herself but who care, shes a fantastic singer and a good actress - well worth watching in my opinion

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Solar Impact: The Destruction of London


(Edit) 04/01/2021

considering the title, not much takes place in London! a very bad "zombie" film based on the human race turning into zombie mutations from radioactive solar debris that hits earth, really, dont bother!

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The Assistant

why is in under the genre "thrillers"?

(Edit) 09/11/2020

there is nothing "thrilling" about this film - if you like watching paint dry, then this is the film for you! it ends so abruptly I was left wondering if the DVD had been damaged!

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Christmas with the Coopers


(Edit) 24/02/2020

for an all star cast this should be a brilliant film

it isnt - sadly!

boring, dragged on, miserable

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(Edit) 10/02/2020

"does for gators what Jaws did for sharks"

Erm - no! not in the slightest - Jaws is an excellent movie, this is not

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A Star Is Born

what a stuggle!

(Edit) 29/04/2019

blimey - this was a bit of a chore to watch - I stuck with it to the end but found my mind wandering off several times during the 2+ hours this went on for - couple of decent songs to sing along to but on the whole this was uninteresting and far to long

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The Girl in the Spider's Web

dont bother

(Edit) 29/04/2019

if you are looking for a fantastic film then dont watch this one! Stick with the original Swedish version

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Deadpool 2

wish I had read the reviews before renting!

(Edit) 15/10/2018

I really enjoyed the 1st Deadpool - this one however is awful - like others have quite rightly said, dont bother!

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The Little Mermaid

loved this

(Edit) 17/09/2018

such a fab film, Im surprised it hasnt had more reviews - anyone who loves anything to do with mermaids will enjoy this

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A Bad Moms Christmas

shockingly bad

(Edit) 20/08/2018

the 1st Bad Moms was ok - this is dreadful and Im sorry - what the heck was that song on the end credits?" F**king this, F**cking that" really not appropriate at all

Not funny, not clever, not at all good

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Love, Simon

I really enjoyed this film

(Edit) 20/08/2018

its funny, its sad and its lovely - was beautifully done as well and refreshing to see a coming out movie from a male point of view - the young cast were excellent and I would thoroughly recommend this film

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Red Sparrow


(Edit) 06/08/2018

"She emerges trained as a lethal agent, but is trapped in a world she desperately wants to escape"


No, she went to Sparrow School and learnt to be a hooker - nothing lethal or agent-y about that whatsoever! what a rubbish film

if you want to watch a film about a Russian Spy then I suggest you watch Salt with the fabulous Angelina Jolie - not this!

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The Layover


(Edit) 31/07/2018

not great, not overly funny, passed the time on a rainy sunday afternoon but nothing at all to write home about - found the 2 lead actresses very annoying after a while!

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Bad Santa 2

not for me

(Edit) 16/04/2018

I dont mind bad language but this was excessive - not at all funny and I gave up half way through - very disappointing as I enjoyed the 1st film

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(Edit) 19/02/2018

oh dear - this is not good - turned it off after about 20 mins - really really awful - there is nothing positive to say about this film

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