Film Reviews by NI

Welcome to NI's film reviews page. NI has written 6 reviews and rated 5 films.

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Ordinary Love


(Edit) 10/11/2020

Despite an excellent performance by Lesley Manville this is a depressing movie. It almost seems like an official guide to breast cancer treatment and the consequent emotional turmoil that's produced. Liam Neeson is not on top form and his accent grates. Not a film to lighten to lockdown gloom.

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The Godfather: Part III

Poor by comparison

(Edit) 06/08/2019

Complicated, tortuous and far away from the world of the first two films, it also stretches the believability string. Pacino is below par, Keaton has lost her bloom but Garcia is good. Only made to get people out of financial trouble.

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The Entertainer

Time machine

(Edit) 03/07/2019

If you want to see what everyday life was like in 1950s Britain take a look at this. It's accurate - I know, I was there. An excellent film of Osborne's play with super performances. Captures the sadness of a fading career in a fading genre - music hall.

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(Edit) 09/05/2019

Good in parts but veered away from main plot line too much. I didn't find any of the main characters appealing and Robert Duvall was wasted in an irrelevant role. Sorry Gillian but the dialogue was poor.

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Leave No Trace


(Edit) 30/04/2019

Fine performances by the two lead characters but a thin plot which left you wondering why some of the situations couldn't have been developed.

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(Edit) 08/03/2019

This had most of the elements of a very good film but it's pretentious structure spoiled it. Travolta was good - as an actor but not a director. Bring back chronological order!

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