Film Reviews by CD

Welcome to CD's film reviews page. CD has written 4 reviews and rated 9 films.

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Tell No One

A really good, well made thriller

(Edit) 10/06/2023

A really good, well made thriller. A film with a good plot, a great script and believable action sequences. The acting is real throughout.

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What an absolute masterpiece.

(Edit) 02/02/2023

What an absolute masterpiece. A great film that is thoughtful, entertaining, depressing and hopeful, achieved with brilliant acting and superb cinematography.

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Wonderful film

(Edit) 01/11/2020

Uplifting and thought provoking. A wonderful portrait of a friendship that develops in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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Black Mirror: Series 1

Thought provoking

(Edit) 27/09/2019

Deeply thought provoking even if they are a bit far fetched at times. We really enjoyed these and they engendered a lot of conversation about the lives we live and the way the world is moving. Scary really!

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