Film Reviews by CB

Welcome to CB's film reviews page. CB has written 37 reviews and rated 110 films.

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So many layers...

(Edit) 21/05/2018

A film which justifies its Oscar ratings!

The reviewers who got depressed or angry watching this film must have a heart deficiency. For sure the main character was going through a hard time being gay, and bullying is common in schools...but the care and love shown by two of the main characters shone through, and the ending was redemption....not depressing! Sheesh

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God's Own Country


(Edit) 19/04/2018

This film is not ‘shite’. In any way.

A story of a tough rural upbringing and the strains of relationships therein.

The way the director develops the relationship between Johnny and his love, and his dad, is masterful.

And...there is the ending, which to avoid spoilers, is untypical of gay themed movies.

Terrific film.

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Call Me by Your Name

Poignancy demonstrated!

(Edit) 18/04/2018

What a beautifully made film. Perfect lead casting, easy pace, top cinematography and music. Disagree with the reviewer who thought being gay would give an extra oomph to the film.....I thought the theme would totally resonate with anyone who has experienced the anguish of a love lost.

10 out of 10

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Nights of Cabiria


(Edit) 12/04/2018

Rented this film because of its high rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Did it justify the praise, yes indeed. The story is one of resilience against the odds, beautifully filmed and edited, and the lead actress, Fellini's wife in real life, was absolutely superb, very believable. You have to have a sympathetic nature to enjoy a classic European offering like this. Enjoy!!

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My Neighbour Totoro

Charm personified

(Edit) 11/10/2017

Beautifully drafted, pleasing story and Toronto and the Cat Bus. Another clever contribution from this venerable studio.

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My Life as a Courgette

Beyond me.

(Edit) 11/10/2017

Love this genre of film, but this one simply passed me by. Can’t explain my reticence really, but I simply lost interest after 20 minutes.

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Grave of the Fireflies

Collateral damage..

(Edit) 17/08/2017

When countries go to war, the forces know what to expect, how to cope with traumas as best they can. The public of the country attacked don't have this resilience built-in, and their world is turned upside down, inside out and lives lost called collateral damage. This film is wonderful- capturing the foulness of wars and it's effect on joe public.

Rent it and shed a tear or three.

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Odd mix!

(Edit) 27/07/2017

Read a less than glowing review of this film by Kevin Maher of The Times. Surprising considering almost every other critic gave glowing reports.


I got to side more with KM. The action sequences, well noisy and accompanied what I thought was a great score by Hans were good but mainly strangely uninvolving- there were even short periods when I got bored. There was a distinct lack of emotional involvement with the main characters, excepting the RAF crews who were better portrayed.

I gave it 4 stars because it had drama by the bucket load and was well filmed.

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Manchester by the Sea

Riveting.....after a bit!

(Edit) 20/07/2017

A very accomplished film.

From a slow start it develops into a story of loss, retribution and resolution of sorts. The acting of uncle and nephew makes the film, the relationship is so endearing in its own way. The ending.....well, best not to spoil it!

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In the Fog

Dour, rather mournful film

(Edit) 18/07/2017

Dour and mournful, but reflecting the side battles going on in the midst of a Great War. I found it riveting, interestingly paced.

Inevitable ending was well presented.

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The Maze Runner

Better than I thought it would be..

(Edit) 19/04/2017

Having read reviews by the pros, I didn't expect too much from this film. However, I found the action sequences exciting.... cgi good- strangely there was zero romantic interest which was odd considering the confined nature of the kid's existence.

All in all, a good watch.

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My Cousin Vinny

Great court action!

(Edit) 06/04/2017

Great fun- a good lively cast, Pesci warming up a little for future nastier characters. The court denouement was a lovely moment.

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Enchanting view of a sublime Venice.

(Edit) 16/03/2017

Beautifully filmed in Venice, a treat of its own. The storyline is predictable, so what, The star is as magnetic as ever. Just the ending though....did they run out of ideas or money? Seemed rushed and deflationary.

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Love Like Poison

They do it again!

(Edit) 09/08/2016

A superb coming of age film set in a remote Breton village. Great acting from Clara Augarde as the 14 yr old made to face the realities of life and death while growing up.

No on does coming of age films as competently at the French.

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Wrong order

(Edit) 07/11/2014

Saw the TV series first, then this film.

Now I know why the TV series was so was developed on the back of this film. Both female police officers were excellently portrayed, the out of control roller coaster sent events crashing to the inevitable dire conclusion. Excellent film! And TV series...

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