Film Reviews by CB

Welcome to CB's film reviews page. CB has written 37 reviews and rated 110 films.

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The Son


(Edit) 05/02/2014

Saw write-ups about this film, and they were mostly right.

We do see more of the back of the carpenters head than the front. There is limited conversation..the overall feel of the film is dour.


I enjoyed it..the story is gripping enough and the two main actors are impressive.

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I've Loved You So Long

Screen prescence or what?

(Edit) 09/12/2013

Wow, has any camera been able to frame a dodgy picture of Kristin?

The film has depth and honesty. Teases out the story in a very satisfying manner. The female leads are excellent.

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The Woman in Black

Commendable effort

(Edit) 08/01/2013

Having seen this story on the stage, I was expecting the film to take me to new heights of ghostly scariness. Apart from when the face appeared at the window at close quarters, nothing much scared me. In fact, the theatre production was more scary. Radcliffe was good.

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In Bruges

Funny and Black

(Edit) 08/01/2013

Engrossing film- Colin F magnificent playing literally the innocent abroad.Fiennes plays his part wonderfully fact the ensemble was faultless. Well paced and not boring at all.

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How I Ended This Summer

Heavy weather in all senses

(Edit) 08/01/2013

First rate acting from the two actors, but alas I found myself not totally absorbed as the action ground on. Even resorted to fast forwarding which is WRONG. A rather slow paced, extravagantly photographed tale.

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Grandma's House: Series 2

Different and really funny..

(Edit) 06/01/2013

As long as you like the rather wacky style of Amstell, you will love this story of a Jewish family enjoying each others company...

The premise of a writer downgrading his success stories is novel and Rebecca front is wonderful as ever.

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My Father's Glory

Perfect rendition of childhood memories

(Edit) 18/04/2012

A magical childhood summer seen through rose-coloured spectacles. The acting is light and fits the mood. The way French directors are able to make gloriously emotional films is a source of constant amazement to me. This film made in Britain just wouldn't work.

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