Film Reviews by KN

Welcome to KN's film reviews page. KN has written 24 reviews and rated 28 films.

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Soul and destroying

(Edit) Updated 14/12/2021

Disappointing thriller, I expected more as I always rate Kidman and I am a sucker for a bent cop film. This was turgid and depressing . No one to root for. Denzel Washington’s extraordinary performance in Training Day saved that film, unfortunately Nicole wasn’t strong enough 

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Usual horror disappointment

(Edit) 07/06/2019

The original TV movie had  much more tension than this money spinner . I don’t know why I bother with horror films they are almost always disappointing . Read the book it’s far superior 

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Tv is better

(Edit) 08/05/2019

Why this is highly rated is beyond me. Unexceptional dialogue and acting . No interesting plot devices but above all boring. I remember enjoying the tv series in the eighties and it’s probably dated but I imagine it’s superior to this twaddle. There are scenes that insult your intelligence.

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(Edit) 04/05/2019

Gave this a go because of the same directors Hyena. Unfortunately it’s not in the same class. Low budget violence and misery. I really wanted to like it but apart from the authentic acting and dialogue there wasn’t enough plot to keep me interested.

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No dogs were hurt

(Edit) 04/05/2019
Spoiler Alert

Bleak , powerful story about one of life’s losers. Dog groomer bullied by truly terrifying bonehead. Forced into crime which destroys his relationships and sends him to prison . I found the main character strangely unsympathetic which was unusual and original. Recommended but hard to watch.

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(Edit) 12/03/2019

Something as important as this subject matter should shock you to the core . Unfortunately this is just a worthy film rather than an emotional experience. Of course the acting ,script etc are fine but where is the real horror. Irving is evil but I don’t think this is fully realised

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Anything for Her


(Edit) 24/02/2019

Pretty daft thriller about an attempt to extricate an innocent wife from prison. Almost every plot device is ridiculous. I liked the main mans relationship with his parents and lovable son but that’s about it. Mind you it’s not boring.

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Picnic at Hanging Rock


(Edit) 11/02/2019

As a lover of Australian films of that era I found this disappointing. Mysterious disappearances should be more enigmatic and atmospheric. I found this didn’t have either of these attributes. There’s nothing really wrong with the film I just didn’t engage with it

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American Animals

Original caper

(Edit) 11/02/2019

Original heist film about four kids robbing a museum starts off almost comically. Things take a darker turn when inevitably the plan collapses. Then the tone changes and for the better. The actual robbery is tense and shocking and you’re sympathies lie very much with the employees .Interspersed with interviews with the real protagonists this is highly recommended

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Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool

Tears to your eyes

(Edit) 03/01/2019

Realistic portrayal of a doomed love affair. I didn’t really think about the age difference because it didn’t matter. Proper love story without the schmaltz .Annette Bening is marvellous and Jamie Bell nearly as good. Read the book years ago and I was amazed when I heard it was to be made into a film. Compelling, moving and the best film I’ve seen since joining Cinema Paradiso

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Get Out


(Edit) 02/12/2018

Expected more from this but I should have known better. I find nearly all horror films awful(even the well reviewed ones).This at first is an intelligent sometimes funny and creepy take on the race issue. Unfortunately it descends into a predictable macabre ending going nowhere. Still it’s better than most.

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Sicario 2: Soldado

Could have been great

(Edit) 12/11/2018

Another corking thriller but doesn’t have the depth of the first one. Left open so I presume there will be another one. I hope next time there is a bit more characterisation

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The Big Sick

What’s not to like

(Edit) 31/10/2018

Faultless comedy.Funny,emotional,realistic characterisations. Above all likeable, superbly acted. You’re not quite sure how it will turn out which is always a good sign as nothing is ever straightforward in real life.

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Detroit skakedown

(Edit) 08/10/2018

Powerful stuff about an embarrassing and gruesome event in American history. I liked the mixture of real life footage with the fictionalised account. Never seen a bad Bigelow film yet although I think the story should have been opened out

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Acting to die for

(Edit) 15/09/2018

Second best film I’ve seen this year after Wind River. Compelling story of loss and revenge but it’s a whole lot more than that and character driven for once. Not often am I moved by acting because the story is the thing but Frances mcdormand and the rest are marvellous. Probably too long as the first hour is superior. A film that makes you think for once.

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