Film Reviews by themadpanner

Welcome to themadpanner's film reviews page. themadpanner has written 8 reviews and rated 857 films.

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Twisters: The Real Story

Chasing twisters, if only they did.

(Edit) 05/09/2024

I had been really looking forward to this doco, oh dear what a mish mash it turns out to be. I’m so frustrated, loads of bits in incorrect picture ratios from the original “Twister” movie , repeated news and weather reports and the so called commentary jumping all over the place. The biggest problem is the fact that it has a running time of 2 hours. At the end of it what have you learned,  absolutely nothing except perhaps wait to see “Twisters” 3 stars is being very kind to it.

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The Woman

This movie should be BANNED by the BBFC.

(Edit) 05/09/2024

With all the violence in our midst with very young people committing murder one wonders where they get their ideas from, well it’s movies like this. Arrow should be ashamed to release this on 4k and the censors should also. I am very broad minded but films like this and others like “SAW X” should for home entertainment be digitally edited to protect people, if it was sex they come down with a ton of bricks. I worked for 50 years in the British film industry and had rejection slips from the BBFC for the most mundane things but CGI is not classed ‘as real’ anymore.  A very sad state we are in.

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Bermondsey Tales: Fall of the Roman Empire

No subtitles

(Edit) 02/08/2024

How in this day and age can a company release a Bluray without subtitles when dialogue at times is drowned out and or muffled, the ratings for this one must have been generated by AI.

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(Edit) 08/01/2023

The most ridiculous ending of all time, without spoilers what can I say. I watched the uncut version on the disc and couldn’t believe what I was seeing,  really 75 minutes would be enough for the script but it only takes 36 minutes to get to the top of the tower, it’s a painful experience for the rest of it. 

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Audio authoring problems.

(Edit) 29/12/2022

When playing the main movie what you hear is silence, total silence, the reason for this is that there is no audio auto select function, so you have to go to the audio menu (in the case of Panasonic players the OPTION button) and scroll thru the audio options until you here sound. The 2 other programs on the disc are fine, no problems. The movie itself is not bad for the 70s but the 2 other documentary’s are very interesting with a view to those way back years. 

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Stunning movie.

(Edit) 06/10/2022

This is one of the best movies of the decade, a sensational, shocking and hard hitting masterpiece. You will not remember this, and a excellent French DTS 5.1 sound mix. A pity it’s not Dolby Atmos as a full aural mix which would have made it even better. The music score, recorded in London fits the picture perfectly. A 10 star movie. 

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Spears and Munsil UHD HDR Benchmark

Where are the instructions ?

(Edit) 29/03/2022

Already owning the 2k Benchmark disc I was interested to view this 4k one but as previously said the instructions need to be included. I was able to sort it as I have the 2k instructions and the filters. It’s great to be able to rent this but without these it really is pointless.

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The Stylist

Almost boring but ……

(Edit) 09/07/2021

This could be a cracking movie but because of very slow and dragged out editing it becomes almost boring. A good idea. let down I suspect by a group of exec producers and many repeated names on the credits that produce what to me looks like a committee edit. 105 minutes is too long and a recut to 85 - 90 minutes max would produce a cracking little slasher movie.

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