Film Reviews by Peteczar

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Blade Runner 2049


(Edit) 31/03/2018

The original Blade Runner was an immersive, atmospheric and poignant. This sequel brings none of that legacy to the screen. It drifts and doesn't carry much story or character development - other than Ryan Gosling's masterful struggle with a confused and confusing character. If there is any story, atmosphere or emotive elements in this film he delivers it - his work is the only reason I rate it as high as 3 stars (and the old dog in the end game).

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Mr. Turner

Not nice... but then that's what it was probably like

(Edit) 05/03/2018

Timothy Spall is amazing in this part and the film as a whole depicts a sordid and unpleasant era of art. Talent needed sponsors, artists needed inspiration. The female companions suffered.

Good film but not uplifting.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Nil points

(Edit) 26/08/2017

I doubt anyone who has ever seen previous Star Wars films will enjoy one moment of this film…. zero storyline and amateur special effects. Plus a computer generated Peter Cushing.... why?? Where does it fit in the Star Wars storyline? lmpossible to tell other than the presence of the Death Star. It relies heavily on snatches of the old Star Wars theme music and musical score to make it feel like a Star Wars film....but when Darth Vader appears he has no “presence” despite the music.

Not a film to watch.... I couldn't finish it and would rather do some ironing...or even better read a good book. Don't bother.... life is precious and you'll never get that time back!!

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