Welcome to PV's film reviews page. PV has written 1476 reviews and rated 2376 films.
In recent years, the UK has become as race-obsessed as the USA thanks to various ideologies being imported and enforced here - just watch TV to see the evidence. This has led to something of an obsession with certain themes in drama, such as racism, and also arguably overpromoted various people at the expense of others. I can think of more than few BAME writers/directors in that number and TV producers I know too (who have come through BBC/ITV BAME-only schemes). This has also benefitted women, via female-only schemes. One can only wonder at the hug amount of white male talent deliberately blocked and kept down, excluded because of what could be called 'the new racism/sexism'.
Anyway, this film claims to be a true story, In fact, as the extra 'filming of' film states, it came about as the (black female) writer/director say a photograph of a black girl in 1930s Germany. There were a few thousand though very few ended up in camps. Germany had an empire in Africa (Cameroon, Namibia etc) before the first world war and had black male workers from there - some mixed race kids resulted. Then there were others left after WWI who could not return home and they were stuck there in 1930s and until 1945. Not many though - a few thousand. The Jews had it far worse, of course.
It is actually a badly-written film with preachy on-the-nose dialogue which is often cringeworthy for being so worthy, so determined to ram home the point that 'racism is bad' and the Nazis were really mean to people not Aryan, No, really?
The events are predictable - I knew what would happen from the first scenes. The script needs trimming - a lot, by half an hour. And cartoon character Nazis need more padding too.
My fear is kids will watch or be shown this and so think a huge number of black people were persecuted by the Nazis. Not true at all as so few there.
This is good in parts; George MacKay never fails to impress but the actress paired with him in this Mills & Boon slushfest is wooden.
And I just did not believe the character arc of the father. Yes, we writers all know to ramp up the jeopardy and ensure characters go on a journey so end up different at the end of a film than at the start BUT there are ,limited. For an anti-war german veteran of WWI who is hinted to have suppported the 1944 plot against Hitler to end up, well, doing what he does (no spoilers) is absurd.
I do wonder if such a film would have been made without the tickbox diversity interest.
Instead of this, watch THE OCCUPATION also called MY NAME IS SARA (2020) - a superb film about a Jewish girl pretending to be Christian to survive in Ukraine. Or watch GENERATION WAR a superb German TV drama in parts. or maybe even Babylon Berlin
Too worthy by half and historically questionable too. 2 stars max.
Well this is all very cosy - the same director/writer and producers and main actor as several films the team has made before. Yves St Laurent, Frantz etc.
This is trying to be a Hollywood thriller and may well be remade there in future. It is bang on-trend with its focus on AI etc. It is basically a machines-gone-wrong morality tale, like WestWorld or Jurassic Park.
It is a conspiracy thriller treading a well-trodden path - lone knight of a man fights to discover the truth against an organisation dedicated to stopping him. As in any by-numbers Hollywood thriller, the twists and turns appear, and the jeopardy is ratcheted up as the plot reaches its conclusion.
Just about manages to convince me to suspend belief, however unlikely the plot. I thought the Jihadi theme was interesting and other red herrings.
A tad overlong with some flab round the middle but for a French film it is entertaining.
Possibly inspired by the tragic Germanwings Flight 9525 crash in the Alps in March 2015, though that was pilot-initiated.
3.5 stars rounded down.
I liked this loads. Produced by comedy movie Hollywood director Nora Ephron's dad, this has luscious colour for 1956 and must have cost a bit, and an oddly old-fashioned romantic score too.
What lifts it is the story, which is original with a visually-impaired playwright depressed and drinking too much, relying on sound and early reel to reel tape recordings - all integrated and folded into the plot.
Yes, the plot is rather penny thriller by-numbers and not that credible perhaps, all derring-do. BUT the main character's take on it lifts it.
Lovely London views from 1956 even if on a projected backdrop at a studio. Makes one remember how London had so many bombsites back then and until 1970s and even 80s, and massive issues with homelessness - which shows just how generous native Brits were to incomers from Windrush etc, though most postwar migrants to the UK were white Europeans (all forgotten as they do not tick the diversity box).
Funny to see how a golliwog doll as part of the plot and does not cause conniptions either - just a doll. As it was and is. No spoilers.
I enjoyed it. 4 stars
This is great fun, a real Friday night friends film, lots of gags and arch one liners, even satirising the modern woke gender fluid age of pronoun-obsession.
Great acting esp by Vince vaughn but also the girl, each utterly believable in their body or brain swaps!
Most would cite 1980s Tom Hanks vehicle BIG as THE first bodyswap story, Nonsense of course - the first was in 1882. Vice Versa, comic novel by Thomas Anstey Guthrie, writing as "F. Anstey". A magic stone from India make a father and son switch places & live each other's lives, so gain a better understanding for each other before they switch back.
This movie too uses the magic exotic element so back to the future 1882! The mass murderer plot if sun and very 'SCREAM' esp the long prologue. Not so keen on the coda at the end of the film (no spoilers).
Loved some of the one liners by the gay character - though I was not keen on what is becoming an increasing cliche in many films and also esp children;s books - every single white male character is bad, stupid, racist, oafish, useless, abusive. EVery one, except the gay guy. Very BBC Dr Who actually, where the one white man is a clueless buffoon as in all TV adverts and much TV drama (though he can also be an abusive brute monster man). I call this out for the racism/sexism it is.
BUT this is a well-written script - rare in such films - and the main actors nail it utterly
SO 4 stars. Good fun stuff.
This is neither a horror or a thriller - no scares or thrills. Not a comedy either. No laughs at all,. Not a satire that I can see either.
SO what is it? a pompous pretentious mess is what.
I only give this 2 stars due to the great cast esp George MacKay who I first noticed in PRIDE (2014) though he was a child actor before that in PETER PAN and more from age 11. The THE THIEF LORD and JOHNNY AND THE BOMB aged 13. It sure helps to be posh and at private schools agents visit and to have parents working in the TV and film industries...
Paddy Considine phones it in (watch THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS instead, a great virus end of days film). Johnny Depp's Nepo-baby gets a starring role too.
I see it has been compared to the awful film called THE LOBSTER which I have 1 star and reviewed thus: "This film is called 'The Lobster'. It should be called 'Preposterous pretentious unfunny Eurotrash fantasy drama'. It clearly thinks it is so clever and original - but it really is not. Theatre and film have done all this surrealist absurdist stuff a great many times over the last 100 years."
I really wanted to like WOLF but would recommend people watch AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON instead of maybe GREYSTOKE if they want a wolf shot.
1 star; plus 1 more for George MacKay who will win best actor Oscar one day for sure.
I really enjoyed this. Maybe it is my age - I suspect younger viewers will not get it.
From a novel, a penny thriller a bit by-numbers sort of plot-heavy derring-do story BUT none the worse for that. It has a story, and is exciting (if a tad confusing sometimes). I liked the film in a film trick too (Tropic Thunder before its time).
Czech-British actor (1917-2012) who was so good in the later The Ladykillers and most famous from The Pink Panther films is superb in an early role. He often played baddies but his English was superb, only slightly accented. He escaped the Nazis to come to the UK in 1939 then could not return of course as the Communist dictatorship came. Last seen in Miss Marple in 2002 aged 85.
The ending is abrupt BUT this is a watchable thriller nonetheless, and I loved the snow - must have been filmed on location in Italy or Switzerland or somewhere post-war in a time of real austerity.
if you like old black and white thrillers, this is for you, If not, maybe go watch CGI Marvel mush.
4 stars
This film is funded by the BBC in its pre-woke days, and looks it. Based on a novel by Matt Thorne with a screenplay with a fellow artiliterati, it proves it is great to have contacts. The BBC runs on such crony-fuel.
Riding the 90s/00s focus on what men are, a la Nick Hornby Feverpitch, or High Fidelity or maybe David Nichols' Starter for Ten.
There is just not enough here to sustain a film - or a novel, one suspects. It just tries way too hard, with subplots galore, stretching the plot out over almost 90s minutes and that felt long. A TV drama of an hour of half and hour is what such a story needs. It is a sitcom basically and not a very funny one.
Some funny moments and the actors do well with their cartoon characters Tom Hughes has played big roles since, Robert Graves in a recent film.
But in general, it is all as limp as the main character - get another wimp loser man portrayed in film (TV drama now only has those or men as incompetent buffooons, as in TV ads). There is a very long British tradition of this, think Some Mothers, Norman Wisdom and Chaplin etc. But they did it well.
The cat subplot is silly and not realistic too. And the one with a make underling and female boss would be considered sexual harassment at least if the sexes were reversed, and maybe even sexual assault or rape. But when a man is abused it is comedy, ha ha.
And they probably wouldn't get past the woke pc metoo new puritan police now with the lewd images, subplots and attitudes, oh no matron! Me I prefer Are You Being Served for innuendo.
2 stars. JUST.
OK so at the moment I record every week the 1994 French-Czech Maigret TV series on Talking Pictures (82 freeview) Tuesday evenings. That is variable but watchable.
This is dire. Slow, just boring. a paper-thin plot and story, and characters it is hard to care about. A bit confused too.
I suspect this is a Gerard Depardieu vanity piece.
A film to watch to pass the time but do not expect much.
Some viewers gush about SUCCESSION - me, I lasted half the first series, then stopped watching, - very rare for me to do that. Just not for me.
Why? Because unlike many it seems I am not obsessed or fixated with the super-rich. I am just not, I did not watch Dallas or Dynasty on TV either.
This has good bits to it, the finance scenes, the amoral money men. AND we always love a baddie. I am not a fan of Damien Lewis in general but his character here is well drawn with a Gatsby-esque backstory.
I just do not believe the backstory of the govt lawyer character Paul Giamatti or the depiction of his wife in her job (no spoilers). Honestly that is not realism or believable and would never be allowed.
I dislike the personal stories and backstories,. Like most TV drama now we have the obligatory 'strong independent' female characters taking up too much screen time arguably, and this is often done via wives and girlfriends of financiers (as the world of trading is very VERY male, most maths/economics graduates male too, the way it is).
SO as in The Sopranos we have the female counsellor subplots etc. That is all flab and makes this too long- it really could be a 6 part series or even 4 part, so it is all a bit waffly and bloated.
I was 50/50 about whether to bother with the 2nd series.
For a great film on finance watch the movie MARGIN CALL which is brilliant and does all this series does in just 2 hours.
For a decent tense series on corruption, watch HOUSE OR CARDS - UK version or US version (until the great Kevin Spacey was kicked out).
3 stars.
This is a fascinating if flawed film. Made during the war and shortly after the actual assassination of the hangman of Prague Heydrich, it is clearly propaganda for the war - it was shot in 1942, released in 1943.
Could be compared to the wonderful WENT THE DAY WELL made the same year, the first ever film based on a Graham Greene short story, to mention a Nazi invasion (lots of speculative novels and films since).
In reality Heydrich was not shot but died a week after a grenade exploded under his car in Prague. SO watch the extra here, a German professor with wonderful English explaining the history and context for half an hour.
Fritz Lang made classics like Metropolis (1927) silent film and the brilliant 'M' which made the German actor Peter Lorre a star - great films both.
Of course, there are many cartoon characters here, caricatures of Nazis, partly because it is anti-Nazi propaganda and partly because many silent film stars and directors did that - see Chaplin.ls the Great Dictator. That care get tiresome these days.
Some classic shadows and angles of Lang's German Expressionism too, making Nazis characters seem sinister just from shadows.
I am sure Mel Brooks was influenced by this to make THE PRODUCERS (original title Springtime for Hitler) - the OTT caricatures for one, but also the music, the song at the end - reminds me so much of HERE'S HITLER in that musical!
A great watch, esp for war film fans, maybe a tad long but 3.5 stars rounded up.
Hmmm this is a real mess of a film, maybe from a novel not sure. Seems to have some Irish loyalty inn the 4 star reviews maybe.
It falls between 2 stools - sometimes it tries to be a comedy, but is lame and very cartoon character caper, like Scooby Do in parts, just silly scenes, utterly unbelievable. At other times it is a violent revenge thriller.
The voiceover supposed twist is not clever, it is pathetic - voiceovers are often a sign of desperation to clarify a confusing film.
Great cast. No idea what they are doing in this dross which I note is state-funded by Irish govt and FilmFour (a UK-Irish coproduction) But maybe should have been a cartoon.
1. 5 stars rounded up.
This film is so timely - the invasion of Israel by Arabs of Egypt and Syria in late 1973 is portrayed in a realistic way, often wordlessly with the horrors of war.
Watch to the end - it does sag a bit in the middle but make sure you watch that.
Important and timely movie.
4 stars
This film is just awful. Beyond awful. It is a total mess - it makes Ed Wood's PLAN 9 FRO OUTER SPACE look well-structured and coherent.
Just a series of pointless scenes about - well,. nothing. It thinks it is clever but is not, it is pretentious, deliberately obtuse and inchoate, pointless, silly, boring but yes, expensive - who funds this trash? - and with a top notch cast.
Now I have always hated Wes Anderson movies and am genuinely baffled why anyone would like them or fund them. BUT I thought, look at the great cast - they can't all be wrong. But oh they are, this is SUCH A TURKEY.
Watch THE TRUMAN SHOW which makes the same points about reality and artifice I think this pretentious mess is trying to make but in an entertaining, well-written, coherent, funny and moving way. Or GROUNDHOG DAY (based on an old idea in old 20th C novels actually). Or the original STAR TREK series. want desert, watch CHINATOWN or LAWRENCE OF ARABIA or LORDS OF WAR. or hum SANDY, from GREASE. Anything is better than suffering this.
Or just watcn the wall for hours in case a spider crawls up it - because that will be more exciting and be a better story than anything in here.
1 star. Avoid.
No idea why anyone gives this 5 stars - it is a film with NO STORY just a string of vignette comic sketches which are pure slapstick visual humour, Tatis does his funny walks a lot - no doubt what he did in the theatre and the circus.
barely raised a smile. I enjoyed the old-style holiday resort though.
But come on, Is this REALLY funny? How? Why?
It is very silly clowning visual humour. 3 stars max. And that is generous.
I enjoyed this, Pure 1986s shock shlock horror. Pre CGI which I prefer.
A later 1990s film SLITHER influenced by it. TREMORS was earlier. the BlOB much earlier.
I liked it anyway. Good fun Friday night fare,.
4 stars