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this is a US remake of the 2007 UK crime TV drama CRIMINAL JUSTICE starring the great Ben Wishaw. Peter Moffat and producer jane Tranter went to the USA so this happened.. I have not watched CRIMINAL JUSTICE but will, and compare.
In general, this is overlong - could have been 4 episodes. It rambles esp in later episodes. The initial episode is great and the next, esp the first contact with police and the cell, the shock of the suspect, the sudden horror of a night spinning out of control.
The Muslim family is portrayed as SO angelic it's a wonder they did not sprout wings - I disliked that 2 dimensional portrayal (watch FOUR LIONS to see how many are in the UK). FYI the USA does not have many Pakistani Muslim immigrants compared to the Uk and most in USA are middle class and educated; most who came to the UK came from villages and are often lower socio-economic class village farmers so not educated or in professional jobs, A real difference.
And it is not good, i do not like Riz Ahmed much as an actor - the same doe-eyed act, puppy dog eyes all innocence - the upper class regular Asian features no doubt help his acting career, He is from a very posh privately-educated background, dad a shipping broker, grandad a SHAH so royal. Hardly council estate material or disadvantaged at all.
Michael K Williams here aged 50 is brilliant - he was dead at 54 from a drugs overdone, heroin and fentanyl (the latter the opioid that has killed 100,000 in the USA incl Prince of course).
Shocking of course these US prison scenes, I had no idea there were dorms in US prisons like this. The story itself is fairly unlikely.
Not sure if I like or dislike the shambling lawyer, all very Columbo scruff but reminds me of OCD TV detective Monk too. The tiresome illness theme is probably supposed to be a metaphor of a sick society and sick criminal justice system but....
4 stars JUST. A flawed drama that could have been better and shorter.
Ok so the HAUNTING and seance trope has been done MANY times, brilliantly in classics like NIGHT OF THE DEMON (it's in the trees, it's coming, Kate...) or even THE OMEN, but it's always nice to watch a really effective and efficient new attempt.
So timely, bang on the zietgiest, filmed in 2020, entirely consisting of zoom screens - in a very girly Friday night boozy lockdown zoom meeting online. Utterly believable.
Yes it's all hokum, all stuff and nonsense, BUT what horror film is not?
Slick and efficient at less than an hour running times - please take note self-indulgent Hollywood directors of 3 hours borefest yawnsome movies (the average movie length is 2 hoyurs 20 minutes there days; always used to be 90 minutes, which is THE OMEN length).
Do not think about it TOO much, just watch and feel - it is creepy and full of jumps and scares. VERy wisely the director chose not to show too much of the - you know whats.
All about facial expression and tension, expectation.
I loved it actually, Best horror film I have watched for ages. 4.5 stars rounded up.
I enjoyed this - and anything with the WONDERFUL Ben Wishaw in is worth watching! Also Kit Connor, rising boy star.
A rather odd British-Austrian coproduction. A weird intrusive soundtrack. A bit arty but still a 3 act story even though the last act drags a bit.
reminds me of the great British pandemic zombie movie THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS or even the 1976 Dr Who classic THE SEEDS OF DOOM with man-eating plants with Tom Baker as the doctor and Sarah Jane. And of course DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS and many zombie movies, The Blob too etc.
I liked it, though realising its limitations.. A bit silly but hey, so is all scifi and most Hollywood movies.
And I liked the flower design too. Could have done without the therapist though and the smug Cherie-Blair-like woman mother character who lives in a £3 million house working as a basic scientist, YEAH RIGHT. That annoyed me about Paddington too (maybe wealth follows Ben Wishaw around eh? Paddington books are set in a standard suburban semi). Disliked the smug poshery of it all.
3.5 stars roundedup. I almost rounded it down BUT for Ben Wishaw, it gets rounded up.
I had no idea what to expert with this. I though it may be mumbly Shane Meadows territory or gangsta topboy tosh, neither of which I like or watch if I can help it.
But this is superb. Set in the 80s, which is fine with me and GREAT as there are no mobile phones to ruin plots too, the music is fab - ska and chart hits of then.
Mostly this is AUTHENTIC - you can believe the context and characters' lives. Clearly written - well - by people who have either lived ordinary working lives or who understand them well. I am so sick of privileged privately-educated TV writers/directors writing 'poverty-porn' into scripts, as if they were on safari to see the poor people. This ain;t that. It is REAL.
Yes, it can be a bit cartoon caper at times BUT have you seen TV drama lately? Or Hollywood movies? Yes, the plot esp last act may be less than believable BUT a plot needs 3 acts and plot points, jeopardy and momentum, so fine.
The main actor playing Steve was excellent making his debut. I expect to see more. Other actors excellent too.
4 stars.
I really enjoyed this film - it made me laugh and it was predictably (for me)tragic at times.
This is produced by brothers who churn out straight-to-DVD horror B-movies to supply a demand. If you want to see previews for others, there are 4 before the film starts on this DVD.
This is not quality. It is B-movie stuff or even C or D movie. The writing is on-the-nose and poor throughout, esp at the end (NO SPOILERS) which is utterly unbelievable AND confused, contradicts itself. Very talky too. BUT if that flab were cut, it'd be 50 minutes.
The plots is absurd when one works out that an SS NAzi death camp guard if 20 years old in 1945 would be 97 in 2022 when this film is presumable set. Gosh. Watch THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL instead or THE MUSIC BOX or any of many Nazi war criminal hunter films.
The acting is sometimes so wooden you could make a table with it. The main actress Lowri something has been in 2 other films by the same production team and the socalled HIGH FLIER FILMS - her looks got her these gigs no doubt.
No idea what Rula Lenska is doing in this. Nice big chequey and bills to pay no doubt. He acting and speeches are why this is not 1 star. It is true that 97% of SS got away never put on trial which is still shocking.
1.5 stars is generous, rounded up to 2.
I watched some of the first disc then could stand it no more. Based on a computer game and it shows - an awful quiet soundtrack always on in the background like a computer game - awful.
FAR better than this is the superb British film THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS (2016) which also features a fungus parasitic virus infecting people and turning them into zombies hungry for human flash, THAT IS GREAT. Paddy Considine and Glen Close in that too.
Also THE BAY is fun as is SHAUN OF THE DEAD. 28 DAYS LATER. THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN,. and the Stephen Soderburgh's CONTAGION (2011) which was influenced by SARS so is very like Covid in 2020. ALL great to watch. PONTYPOOL is a cheap Canadian B-movie. Other films play on the same theme.
This? No. Very B-movie, trashy, predictable, boring. Maybe one for the kids. Not for me.
This is classic stuff. A 1979 film that is all the better for it.
You KNOW it's gonna be great when the woke TV announcer before it shows reads a massive trigger warning before it for all the oversensitive prissy prim po-faced wokiedokie snowflakes out there. Warnings of sex, violence, drug-taking and YAWN the usual 'contains discriminatory language which may be offensive'. WE:LL YES but in 1964 when London was majority white British, working class white kids spoke like that! And those words were DESCRIPTIVE not racist in intention, which no woke puritan even mentions.
3 writers wrote it - NOT The Who. A good move. The story thus has structure, plot points, acts, momentum, a story.
WHAT A CAST! The weakest link is Sting who is TOO OLD at 28. Toyah does her usual JUBILEE lisping totty act.
Timothy Spall here too as a dim card-playing projectionist at the ad agency. MANY more class character actors. Ray Winstone listed as RAYMOND here -his lead role in SCUM of 1979 made his name, and the great SEXY BEAST and more followed. Gary Shail, Mark Wingett, all familiar faces from TV drama since the 80s. Also an uncredited John Altman later Nick Cotton, Dot's son, back on Eastenders back when it was good. Trevor Laird playes the Jamaican drug dealer black character.
The new music is not the Who's best BUT what redeems this is how the film uses music of 1964 incl the Who's own on a TV show Ready Steady Go (The BBC deleted and taped over most of their Top of the Pops shows, to save money, to pay for chauffeurs for the senior managers...).
The late great Michael Elphick perfectly cast as is the actress who plays his wife Kate Williams.
Yes, people did actually live like this and London was like this, majority white working class and unwoke. White privilege? My foot! Meanwhile, these days in Goldhawk Road...
Nostalgia for many. Sad too.
A GREAT British film.
Richard Burton (Jenkins) makes his debut here, aged 24/5 maybe looking older. Welsh actor Anthony James plays his adoptive brother.
This is known as Woman of Dolwyn in USA which ruins the alliteration!
OK so it is all sets and filmed in England and dated BUT also a decent story which is emotionally connecting, showing Wales in 1892. Full of singing working Welsh folk and romanticised Welsh village life. But hey ho...
A plot is woven into the flooding of a village to create a reservoir - something used often by Welsh nationalist re a village in north Wales drowned to make a reservoir to supply water to Liverpool. Capel Celyn was a rural community to the northwest of Bala in Gwynedd, Wales, in the Afon Tryweryn valley. The village and other parts of the valley were flooded in the Tryweryn flooding of 1965 to create a reservoir, Llyn Celyn, in order to supply Liverpool and Wirral with water for industry
BUT this has happened a lot in England too: Derwent was a village 'drowned' in 1944 when the Ladybower Reservoir in Derbyshire, England was created. The village of Ashopton, Derwent Woodlands church, and Derwent Hall were also 'drowned'.
SO anyway, this old creaky film with some scratchy sound and occasionally wobbly old celluloid, is starkly relevant still.
Odd to think the heights Burton reached before his death in 1983 aged 58, from drink. Maybe the less successful actors were luckier...
4 stars
This 4 part drama dates from 2023 and thank goodness - so there is no attempt to created female characters who never existed or impose colourblind casting fakery on real history, as in the awful recent ITV drama A SPY AMONG FRIENDS - very slow, boring and a northern lass who never existed was created to woke up the story, and of course she has an unlikely Jamaican husband who never existed either. NO NEED for any of it.
It seems that we have to rely on the archive for decent dramas like this which cannot be made anymore without the wokiedokies making them into preachy woke pc finger-wagging lectures. Tickboxery does not make for good drama which just has to tell a good story well, NO lectures or preaching.
This excellent series does just that, a superb cast is utterly convincing as all the main characters, Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt et al. Not sure how accurate the portrayal of the American is - but drama needs the plot points, beats and jeopardy at the end. How true is this true story? No idea.
Watch with the superb story of Guy Burgess in Moscow AN ENGLISHMAN ABROAD (1983) and also watch RED MONARCH from the same year I think to see just how deluded these posh boys were in betraying Britain to support the USSR (Stalin referred to them and others in the west supporting Russian communism as 'useful idiots').
Also Julian Mitchell's great 1980s theatre play made into a film ANOTHER COUNTRY with colin Firth and Rupert Everett romanticises the schooldays or Guy Burgess. Wotch a watch. Very much influenced the Style Council's LONG HOT SUMMER video of the time.
Those who want a challenge should watch the original 1979 TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY though it was famous at the time for being rather baffling.
5 star great drama.
I was going to give this 2 stars but it was such a boring waste of time, with cartoon 2D characters, on-the-nose glib crass writing, plodding confused direction - only 1 hour and 40 minutes but feels like 3+ hours. It is that bad.
Having researched the producer of this, it turns out to be a well-off Canadian who set up his own company to make movies. Vanity project stuff, basically.
Plodding badly-written poorly-directed extended TV episode from a tickbox TV director. Not good.
Forget this unbelievable cartoon character drivel spin-off, and watch the sometimes-superb TV series instead.
SO forgettable - I watched it 5 days ago and cannot remember the plot. Says it all.
This bloated flabby overlong film =- German but trying SO HARD to be Hollywood - is like many US movies these days, WAY too long, 2 hours 40 minutes! If they cut out the badly sagging middle bits all about relationships and love interest and sex scenes, that's lose half an hour at least. NO standard film needs to be over 2 hours. Epics maybe like Lawrence of Arabia or Ben Hur, NOT most. Films used to be 90 mninutes - see The Omen for a film with NO FLAB onm it; now I think the average is 2 hours 20 minutes. That is not progress.
It is a shame because that makes an interesting story boring. Act 2 sags badly and drags on for SO LONG before it all gets very exciting in the third act. Loved that.
Fascinating story based on truth about the Berlin wall, where so many were killed trying to flee to the west, which I have visited too. I used to work with an East German man in 1990s how as a boy when the wall went up, completely unexpectedly for most, total surprise.
3 or 4 stars but just SO long it spoils the film utterly. So 3 stars. I prefer German films which are German, not fake Hollywood.
And it seems one main character is played by an actor called Mehmet who would be Muslim then, which is obvious in a nude scene but not realistic in Europe of now or then.
So-so thriller, not a patch of Bruce Willis's major blockbusters. Somewhat incredible plot and set-up but suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride.
3 stars
Ok so this is a low-budget Jack the Ripper thriller which feels like a sequel - maybe I missed the first film.
By a director who seems to specialise in low-budget horror.
I guessed the ending early on, to be honest.
The main character, a hard-up copper, does well and is credible.
Aims to be sexy and violent I think.
It passes the time. 3 stars.
How on earth did this tedious, slow, pointless film win any awards at all? BAFTA and Oscar? WHy? Because the direct ticks the female box, in the age of metoo, I presume.
I did not mind The Piano; Bright Star by Jane Campion was a one star film and this almost was.
I fail to see the point of the whole story, though it is based on a novel.
Also blatant sexism here with gratuitous and unnecessary male nudity but no female nudity - no doubt the direct thinks this make her radical.
such a slow boring film which goes nowhere. Looks pretty sure, thanks to the landscape, and nice floaty chilled soundtrack by Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead. But...
But the acting is fine esp from the stick-think actor who plays Peter, the most interesting story thread. A pretentious chapter structure signals this is artiness up itself and then some.
No awards and just 1.5 stars rounds up.