Film Reviews by PV

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Very funny, non-pc, one-off Western

(Edit) 13/02/2017

In spite of myself, I really enjoyed this movie.

I was expecting a Western - but got a weird screwball comedy with some really funny jokes and scenes - some crude, some old, some surreal.

Yes, all puerile - but why not?

It's a comedy which WILL make you laugh. But not for the easily offended.

4 stars

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Excellent drama about journalism and honesty

(Edit) 13/02/2017

This is a must-see movie - especially for anyone who's involved in the media or journalism in any way. It shows how the powers that be in the USA (and the UK) want to stop criticism of them by the media. The UK govt is at this very money trying to introduce legislation threatening to jail any journalist who reveals their secrets or blows the whistle.

Great script, top acting, an intelligent movie.

All very US-centric but it would be being about the 2004 US election, George Bush and CBS 60 minutes.

5 stars

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Metro Manila

Heartbreaking but classic movie

(Edit) 13/02/2017

This is a heartbreaking movie but one that shows a story which must be repeated for so many thousands of people in the poorer parts of the world.

All about the Philippines and its corruption, violence, poverty. As is usual, the massive exploitation of the very poor by those who are also not that rich is what happens - as it does in the UK with immigrants exploited by other immigrants to work the land.

Not a pleasant watch sometimes and quite violent - and in a way which may make some question their faith (the Philippines is a very devoutly Christian place).

After watching this, it's easy to understand why so many Philippine people want to work abroad - for example in the British NHS.

A superb film with decent subtitles.

5 stars

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Oddly cold retelling of a 1975 movie + WWII Czech story set in Prague

(Edit) 29/01/2017

This is no doubt a good film - but not a great one. It cost £9 million to make, apparently, a great deal more than the 1975 film Operation Daybreak which is, frankly, better and which offers more emotional connection.

I lived for a year in Prague so know the places featured in this movie well - I have visited the church where the story ends, and saw the bullet holes and memorial.

Maybe that's why certain things annoyed me in this movie: 1) the use of Americanisms such as 'lay low' (which should be 'lie low'); 2) the lack of acknowledgement that this happened in 1942 a matter of weeks and months after the USA came into the war (in 1938/39/40/most of 1941 many US politicians and people supported Hitler) Britain stood alone from September 1939 untl December 1941 when the USA joined in WWII and 1941 when the Soviet Union's pact with Nazi Germany ended when Hitler invaded the USSR; 3) criticism of Britain entering the Munich agreement in 1938 when Britain was practically unarmed and standing alone so could not have done anything else.4) Germany did NOT invade all of Czechoslovakia in 1938 - just the north part the Sudetenland where most people were German speakers (many of whom were consequently killed by Czechs at the war's end) - it was not until 1939 that the Germans moved into the whole country and created the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. 5) no mention is made in this movie that Heydrich DID die a week after the attack from blood poisoning shock or, some say, because of chemicals in the grenade (botulism).

Now, of course, most people won't care about these facts all that much, but it's a shame the film gets them wrong or misleads.

Having said that, the story is well-acted and there is such attention to detail in the sets, the CGI shots of Prague in 1942 and the uniforms. However, it's all a bit cold - which can be an issue with CGI-created history.

So, 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

One wonders what the movie version of the novel HHhH out later this year will be like as it portrays the exact same event.

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What Happened, Miss Simone?

Fascinating documentary on a troubled musician

(Edit) 30/01/2017

The first thing to note about this is that Nina Simone's daughter and estate was involved in making it - so there is no mention of her arrest a couple of years before her death (for shooting a pistol at local kids who were scrumping apples from a tea in her garden in the south of France).

No mention either of her view, shaped by racist black power activicts, that there should be a black-only state in the USA where whites were banned.

It's fair to say really that the glory days of Nina Simone (born Eunice Waymon) were in the 50s and early 60s. By the late 60s she was taken advantage of by black power activists who filled her head with racist and violent nonsense, and bucketfuls of Mao-ist Marxist dogma. So instead of playing great music, she ranted at audiences with parroted slogans.

Like many a great musician, she then fell on hard times - and the redemption of her later comeback years are eye-opening, if sad.

So, not perfect. But Nina Simone is the piano player's piano player - the favourite musician of so many other musicians.

Her story is one of racial segregation in the USA from both racist blacks and racist whites - so, in that, the division seems just as much, if not more, today.

A must-see for musicians.

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Hell or High Water

Intelligent and entertaining tragic modern Western.

(Edit) 26/01/2017

This movie stands out as one of the very best modern Westerns - set in the rust bowl of West Texas (a huge state the size of France) we see at first hand the sort of struggling people who voted for Trump, who often live in poverty without prospects and who are often well and truly shafted by the banks who repossess their homes and farms as part of a deliberate police, it seems.

These people feel betrayed by everyone - all politicians incl Democrats (Hilary take note!), banks, schools, their whole nation, actually. All they have left is their bruised pride backed up with guns.

As one old Indian character makes clear at one point: the white man stole the land from the Indians, and no the banks are stealing it from the white man! The little man is a nothing when the banks think only of their own profits.

This story and the characters are all utterly believable too as the inevitable, almost-Greek tragedy plays out for a bitter-sweet ending in the 'flyover' state of (west) Texas.

I don't think I have watched a film where I sided with the criminals and bank robbers more since Bonnie and Clyde - and you'll be rooting for them too: the film is so clever in achieving that. It's a rare things to achieve.

A truly intelligent film that makes you think and raises some huge issues about what it means to be American today - or to be anything, under the thumb of heartless banks.

It should win Oscars maybe but as it has no black characters probably won't in this diversity-worshipping 'affirmative action' age - but note how many white people are poor in this rustbelt America, and realise how oppressed they are. This movie should be compulsory viewing for anyone who thinks there is any such thing as 'white privilege' (and 'male privilege; too).

4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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Witness for the Prosecution

Superb adaptation of an Agatha Christie short story with the great Charles Laughton

(Edit) 25/01/2017

This is a superb film - a courtroom thriller - starring some real legends: the great British actor Charles Laughton who won an Oscar for his portrayal of Henry VIII in the 1930s, and even Marlene Dietrich too!

The lead Tyrone Power is a bit odd - with an American accent yet he served in the RAF in WWII which is never explained, but the demands of box office audiences meant producers then (and now) pandered to what they (and esp the female audience) wanted and Tyrone Power was a heart-throb of his day.

The plot is pure Agatha Christie - based on a short story original called 'Traitor Hands' - it has typical twists, mistaken identity, and the last minute reveal JUST like a magician's trick. This is Christie's hallmark. It makes for unrealistic drama (NO British court would allow last-minute reveals like this) but riveting drama.

Apparently, Ben Affleck is in talks to a direct a new movie version with Matt Damon - one wonders how much these over-rated Hollywood types with mess it up (and the great big lie that was 'Argo').

But anyway, a fine drama. The BBC made a drama with Toby Jones broadcast on 26 and 27th December 2016 which totally changed the ending and added unnecessary female characters (which writers are ordered to do now to placate the diversity departments and attract the easy meat female viewers). No need for all that though as this is the better version, and the one to watch.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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For the Boys

Hugely entertaining fabricated biopic of singer in WWII, Korea and Vietnam

(Edit) 21/01/2017

This is a hugely entertaining film - maybe a tad long at 2 hours 15 minutes but great fun, nonetheless. It's got great music and Bette Midler performances and James Caan is great too - it's a real showbiz movie, for anyone who's at all theatrical.

The changing face of the USA shown from the early 40s to Viet Nam is also done well, and there's a beautiful version of John Lennon's IN MY LIFE too.

I somehow didn't want this till now even though it's a 1991 film. A bit like THE ROSE in being a fictional biopic - the female singer character is a sort of amalgam of various singers of the period. Loved the quick fire Jewish banter too.

Just HUGE fun and massively entertaining - a good old-fashioned movie and none the worse for that.

4.5 stars rounded up.

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Disappointing sem-animated film based on a book with great first half (and awful second half).

(Edit) 15/01/2017

First of all, let me say that the massive flaws in this film - the second half - are due to flaws in the original Roald Dahl book. Fact is, by the 80s his writing and ideas had gone downhill a lot and books like the BFG are not a patch on early works such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or James and the Giant Peach. Roald Dahl is really 'jumping the shark' by this point.

Spielberg does a great job, as expected, and the special effects are amazing and seamless.

And the first half of the story is really enjoyable - though the odd northern accent of the little girl made me wince (the character of Sophie is based on Dahl's grand-daughter and future model Sophie Dahl, now married to Jamie Cullum and living in Roald's old house too). A lovely idea about dreams works well and is well realised.

However, after about the half-way point things go OTT and then some - which is a real shame though is the fault of the book not the film director. It's all heading for a typically huge Hollywood ending with everything thrown in (no spoilers). A decent John Williams soundtrack though not as memorable as previous ones. And Mark Rylance is always very annoying for me, for some reason.

The first half is worth 4 stars but the last half 1 star, so 2.5 stars overall rounded down to 2.

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Miracle on 34th Street

Excellent and warm-hearted Christmas Movie, if a bit dated.

(Edit) 14/01/2017

Little known fact? Edmund Gwenn became the first Welsh actor to win an Oscar for his role as Kris Kringle here.

OK, so this has dated quite a bit since 1947 (there is a newer version from the 80s with Richard Attenborough in the Santa role). I can imagine feminists spitting feathers at the portrayal of women and their aspirations - one wife wishes at one point she'd married a baker or a butcher and not an overcomplicated publisher.

And it's amusing (and sad) to see how much better society used to be in terms of manners, courtesy and people trusting their neighbours. These days the little girl here would be wrapped in cotton wool, never allowed to talk to strangers or go out, and would be sat for hours in her room staring at her screen (and probably obese too).

The legal scenes are funny and intelligent - well-paced too.

Anyway, this is still a fine Christmas film - the ending is weak and unrealistic. But apart from that I enjoyed it all. Not as good as It's a Wonderful Life or Alistair Sim in A Christmas Carol. But a top 10 Christmas movie.

4.5 stars rounded down.

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Christmas with the Coopers

Guinely funny and entertaining Yuletide movie

(Edit) 08/01/2017

I usually very much dislike American movies that wallow in psychobabble and focus on people's feelings and problems. This does that - sort of. But what it also does is show us portraits of believable people in interesting situations with snappy and intelligent dialogue - and so as this feel-good film progressed I warmed to it more and more.

It's not perfect but it's WAY better than most Christmas movies and I really enjoyed it.

The dog is great too BUT didn't really believe a certain aspect of that.

The old people here steal the show rather than the kids too.

I can imagine that if this had been done by the BBC on UK TV it'd all be full of noisy northern women and domestics - but here THANK GOODNESS they focus on character and telling a good story.

So 4 stars

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Year of the Dog

Non-comedy about a deranged and disturbed woman

(Edit) 28/12/2016

I was expecting a kooky little indy comedy with dogs when I rented this out. What I got was a character study of a lonely, deranged and rather disturbed woman who oversteps the mark regarding her animal welfare concern SO far that if she had been a man she'd have been spending several Christmases in prison!

It all starts rather well. Then descends into what the writer and director no doubt thought would be a sympathetic portrait of a woman who was something of a heroine. Well, my impression was the opposite and I had no sympathy for her character - and lots for the poor people who have to suffer her.

Some neat character studies are fun though, but this women is JUST as bad as her neurotic sister in her puritanical zeal to help animals no matter how much it hurts everyone else.

So 2 stars JUST - and it was almost 1.

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Nine Lives

Hilarious comedy about cats and much MUCH more

(Edit) 28/12/2016

This knock-about comedy was just what I was looking for at Christmas - when you don't want to think TOO much and want a comedy to just wash over you.

The great Kevin Spacey plays a heartless billionaire who after an accident which leaves him in a coma finds himself in the body of a cat.

Christopher Walken (himself a big cat lover in real life) plays a mysterious pet shop owner SO this film is basically a new version of all those old spooky Hammer films where someone buys something from a mysterious magic toyshop and then THINGS HAPPEN. Gremlins and Karate Kid also use this trope.

Much fun ensues though much is also CGI - some really silly scenes of cats falling onto their backs and drinking alcohol - neither of which any cat would ever do.

But, despite these niggles, and despite an ambiguous ending (we need to know more about what happens to ALL characters!) this is still great fun. I could watch it again now! It's only the inaccuracies about cats that make this a 4 and not a 5 star review.

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Finding Dory

Entertaining movie BUT not as good or profound as it thinks it is

(Edit) 16/12/2016

Some points: 1) FINDING NEMO was a classic bit of animation which, for once, would match (in the script more than anything and the characters) classic Disney; 2) this is no FINDING NEMO.

The animation is great THOUGH they achieved the same effect in the 1940s by actually filming sets with 3 or 4 layers rather than on a computer.

The story is good too with some really funny parts.

But the awful political correctness spoils it - like most Hollywood movies it's all about ' a girl being herself and not needing men - girlpower yeah!'

I HATE that stuff - Frozen etc - no need for such trite promotion of so-called 'gender equality'.

But I am being too harsh maybe - this is better than most animations and most movies. 4 stars then, but FINDING NEMO gets 5!

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The Legend of Tarzan

Politically correct remake which looks like a computer game (too much CGI!)

(Edit) 09/12/2016

First of all, I'd like to say that this movie is not awful - it has a stellar cast including Jim Broadbent and Simon Russell Beale. It has some great lines - and the usual goodie/baddie character arc progression.

It is achingly politically correct though and is historically a mess.

The fact is that 1) the USA banned slavery decades later than Great Britain and it was the British and the pressure from ordinary British people who exposed the scandal in the Congo; 2) native Africans are not all lovely cuddly people - they had and have a thriving slave trade, kill local wildlife and are massively corrupt (it is native Africans who have destroyed Congo, NOT nasty whities from Europe).

Some very silly animal fights with Tarzan made me laugh actually. And the CGI is so annoying - it's basically a computer game and with those awful delayed action shots that are popular in far eastern cinema (which is where the film-makers aim to market this - maybe that's why there is no reference to the way China is raping Africa with its greed and corruption? It is the Chinese making elephants extinct because of their greed and hunger for ivory - white Europeans actually managed farming and wildlife well in Africa and the British were not corrupt, unlike all African leaders).

A far better film is GREYSTOKE from 1983 and the best of all are the old black and white Tarzan films from the 1930s and 40s starring Johnny Weissmuller who will always be Tarzan to me.

3 stars. Just.

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