Film Reviews by PV

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Christmas with the Coopers

Guinely funny and entertaining Yuletide movie

(Edit) 08/01/2017

I usually very much dislike American movies that wallow in psychobabble and focus on people's feelings and problems. This does that - sort of. But what it also does is show us portraits of believable people in interesting situations with snappy and intelligent dialogue - and so as this feel-good film progressed I warmed to it more and more.

It's not perfect but it's WAY better than most Christmas movies and I really enjoyed it.

The dog is great too BUT didn't really believe a certain aspect of that.

The old people here steal the show rather than the kids too.

I can imagine that if this had been done by the BBC on UK TV it'd all be full of noisy northern women and domestics - but here THANK GOODNESS they focus on character and telling a good story.

So 4 stars

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Year of the Dog

Non-comedy about a deranged and disturbed woman

(Edit) 28/12/2016

I was expecting a kooky little indy comedy with dogs when I rented this out. What I got was a character study of a lonely, deranged and rather disturbed woman who oversteps the mark regarding her animal welfare concern SO far that if she had been a man she'd have been spending several Christmases in prison!

It all starts rather well. Then descends into what the writer and director no doubt thought would be a sympathetic portrait of a woman who was something of a heroine. Well, my impression was the opposite and I had no sympathy for her character - and lots for the poor people who have to suffer her.

Some neat character studies are fun though, but this women is JUST as bad as her neurotic sister in her puritanical zeal to help animals no matter how much it hurts everyone else.

So 2 stars JUST - and it was almost 1.

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Nine Lives

Hilarious comedy about cats and much MUCH more

(Edit) 28/12/2016

This knock-about comedy was just what I was looking for at Christmas - when you don't want to think TOO much and want a comedy to just wash over you.

The great Kevin Spacey plays a heartless billionaire who after an accident which leaves him in a coma finds himself in the body of a cat.

Christopher Walken (himself a big cat lover in real life) plays a mysterious pet shop owner SO this film is basically a new version of all those old spooky Hammer films where someone buys something from a mysterious magic toyshop and then THINGS HAPPEN. Gremlins and Karate Kid also use this trope.

Much fun ensues though much is also CGI - some really silly scenes of cats falling onto their backs and drinking alcohol - neither of which any cat would ever do.

But, despite these niggles, and despite an ambiguous ending (we need to know more about what happens to ALL characters!) this is still great fun. I could watch it again now! It's only the inaccuracies about cats that make this a 4 and not a 5 star review.

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Finding Dory

Entertaining movie BUT not as good or profound as it thinks it is

(Edit) 16/12/2016

Some points: 1) FINDING NEMO was a classic bit of animation which, for once, would match (in the script more than anything and the characters) classic Disney; 2) this is no FINDING NEMO.

The animation is great THOUGH they achieved the same effect in the 1940s by actually filming sets with 3 or 4 layers rather than on a computer.

The story is good too with some really funny parts.

But the awful political correctness spoils it - like most Hollywood movies it's all about ' a girl being herself and not needing men - girlpower yeah!'

I HATE that stuff - Frozen etc - no need for such trite promotion of so-called 'gender equality'.

But I am being too harsh maybe - this is better than most animations and most movies. 4 stars then, but FINDING NEMO gets 5!

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The Legend of Tarzan

Politically correct remake which looks like a computer game (too much CGI!)

(Edit) 09/12/2016

First of all, I'd like to say that this movie is not awful - it has a stellar cast including Jim Broadbent and Simon Russell Beale. It has some great lines - and the usual goodie/baddie character arc progression.

It is achingly politically correct though and is historically a mess.

The fact is that 1) the USA banned slavery decades later than Great Britain and it was the British and the pressure from ordinary British people who exposed the scandal in the Congo; 2) native Africans are not all lovely cuddly people - they had and have a thriving slave trade, kill local wildlife and are massively corrupt (it is native Africans who have destroyed Congo, NOT nasty whities from Europe).

Some very silly animal fights with Tarzan made me laugh actually. And the CGI is so annoying - it's basically a computer game and with those awful delayed action shots that are popular in far eastern cinema (which is where the film-makers aim to market this - maybe that's why there is no reference to the way China is raping Africa with its greed and corruption? It is the Chinese making elephants extinct because of their greed and hunger for ivory - white Europeans actually managed farming and wildlife well in Africa and the British were not corrupt, unlike all African leaders).

A far better film is GREYSTOKE from 1983 and the best of all are the old black and white Tarzan films from the 1930s and 40s starring Johnny Weissmuller who will always be Tarzan to me.

3 stars. Just.

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Wonderfully original and intelligent Christmas movie - best I've seen for years!

(Edit) 09/12/2016

When I rented this title I thought KRAMPUS would be just another horror movie, with clichés, shocks, gore etc for the teenagers.

But oh no, this film has various dimensions thanks to the grandma character who is German, and a wonderful animated section in the middle of the film lifts this into intelligent territory.

Now, I know most teenagers won't have heard of KRAMPUS before but it's a Germanic tradition - and that ties in with the film throughout. If you want gore, rent out SAW or something - this movie is grown-up fun with some superb one liners that made me laugh out loud.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The best Christmas film I have seen for years. Probably better for grown-ups though as hyperactive kids will want more trashy horror nonsense rather than intelligent films like this.

5 stars.

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The Secret Life of Pets

Not nearly as funny, clever or charming as it thinks it is

(Edit) 03/12/2016

This is a so-so film which is also very irritating.

Things I didn't like about this movie include: it was VERY derivative (scenes nicked from many films - like big jump into water; vehicle about to fall; car chases galore); the way the animals are all basically people - they refer to places and the names of other animals (like butterflies) - where it'd be far more clever to see things from the animal point of view more; I disliked the silly car chases especially; I disliked the rap culture references; the ending was so weak I cannot even remember it. Yet again, cats are shown as the villain and yet another movie focuses on dogs - this is getting very boring!

Things I did like: certain scenes and jokes (the sea monkeys); certain characters - esp the Eagle. so it's all better as a series of vignettes and sketches rather than a coherent movie. One thing: the film makers VERY wisely use already-famous songs in this instead of getting some 4th rate song and slotting it in - that was a great relief! So we have Queen and a few other classic songs (esp the one over the sausage dream sequence).

So all in all 3 stars and no doubt little kids with love the loudness of it all and the cartoon chases. But the person I was with said after it ended: thank goodness I didn't pay money to go to the cinema to see that.

Bizarrely, this is mostly made in France to take advantage of tax breaks. Bizarre. But nothing French about this film - it's 100% loud American. 3 stars. Watchable but just that and just once!

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Florence Foster Jenkins

Hugely enjoyable biopic directed by Stephen Frears

(Edit) 01/12/2016

OK, so this movie is not groundbeaking - well, biopics tend not to be. They are easy meat for the studios as are adaptations of video games and cartoons, and remakes of old films or sequels, or filmed books. But then most movies from the risk-averse studios fit into one of these categories.

As a simple biopic of a woman who was probably off her rocker, this is great fun. I loved the pianist character - so true to life, when I compare with several camp classical pianists I have known. I'd award him the best supporting actor Oscar right now.

Hugh Grant redeems himself and has a career comeback with this too. I often find La Streep irritating, but she ticks all the boxes here - and it is VERY hard indeed to deliberately sing or play a musical instrument flat. Les Dawson was the master. But for singing, Streep is spot on.

I loved the images of New York in 1944 - to be honest, I wish I'd been able to go there then and not now.

Great fun and a fascinating story of a one-off woman - I suppose she was maybe the Jade Goody of her age time ten. Never forget however that Florence was super rich and people like that can do ANYTHING they want in the arts - I could name several writers, actors, film makers and performers who owe their entire careers to the fact they're from a rich background. Money trumps talent every time.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5. The notes at the end of what happened to these people are fascinating and they play an actual recording of Florence Foster Jenkins at the end too so we can all hear how bad she truly was! Btw the same thing happens these days with Russian Oligarchs investing millions into trying to make their talentless young wives pop stars. Plus ca change...

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Kill Kane

Taut budget Britflick thriller with a top soundtrack

(Edit) 28/11/2016

This film was apparently shot in just 9 days on a shoestring budget - which just shows what can be done with talent, despite lack of funds.

Vinnie Jones - ex-footballer with Welsh roots (who played for Wales back in the day) - really makes this thriller. It is HIS movie and he dominates every scene he is in.

It's a simple revenge drama, basically, and is a lean 86 minutes though no bad thing considering how flabby, long and drawn-out so many Hollywood thrillers are.

An excellent theme tune ends the movie - which I give 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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Elvis and Nixon

Hilarious take on a famous photo

(Edit) 24/11/2016

This movie is basically based on a photo - the most requested one in the US archives, namely the one of Elvis and Nixon when he visited the White House in 1972.

It's all a really funny romp, with some laugh-out loud lines, and some hilarious riffs on the early 70s (eg King Fu culture etc). Clever writing and - unusually for Hollywood - a movie that is less than 90 minutes long! Hoorah! I am sick or 120-180 minute yawn-fests!

I am SO pleased they didn't just choose someone who looked just like Elvis to star - the actor playing Elvis inhabits the role wonderfully; he doesn't just give a cheap impression.

The masterful Kevin Spacey gets Nixon off to a tee too. And the supporting cast are great as well.

This is a clever and very well-written film, though based on a slight premise with little plot (and the subplot of E's assistant and his girlfriend is never cloying or schmaltzy). Great music too.

Hugely fun and enjoyable comedy. 4 stars.

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Green Room

Hyperviolent, Grand guignol, claustrophobic film about a punk band

(Edit) 10/11/2016

This is a hyper-violent and bloody movie, full of Grand Guignol (a la Sam Pekinpah) so the squeamish should avoid. Ditto with the sequel Blue Ruin - also very violent and most people end up dead.

Surprising to see Patrick Stewart in this small indie movie, but the script is original and good, so maybe that's why/ Star Trek fans will be baffled though - no aliens or space ships here!

Some interesting music choices - worth watching to the credits to see who wrote the tracks and did them originally (Dead Kennedys etc). Awful music generally, but... Good acting and script.

The only thing I didn't really believe is that a neo-Nazi white power base cab exist like that in the USA with no-one being interested.

But a good fil of its type. 4 stars.

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The Brand New Testament

A really funny, surreal, blasphemous Belgian comedy about God etc

(Edit) 03/11/2016

The first thing to say about this film is that it is Belgian. And Belgium is famous for its surrealism (eg Matisse) and its bureaucracy (The European Union is based there. Nuff said).

But it is MORE than just Belgian - it is from Wallonia, the southern half of Belgium, with a third of the population, formerly heavily industrialised area, and vehemently anti-Flemish (the very Catholic Belgian northerners who speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch). Walloons are well-known for being a bit, how you say, 'individual' and 'quirky'. Well, that shows in this film.

Basic plot as on the DVD blurb - God is real and lives as a bureaucrat in Brussels, European HQ of cold faceless bureaucracy. However, he is not the main character - his daughter Ea is. And it's a change to see a movie narrated by a small girl really - and watch her adventures (though I do not agree a world ruled by women would be full of love and peace LOL!)

It all gets very silly, especially the 3rd act, but there are some genuine laugh-out-loud moments before then - and it's all warm-hearted in the style of AMELIE (but more imaginative and less schmaltzy).

Recommended viewing. 4 stars.

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The Running Man

Hugely enjoyable and funny film about TV

(Edit) 31/10/2016

The first thing to say is that this movie is very dated. Why? Because nothing ever dates as fast as a vision of the future - which this is (indeed, it's set in 2017!!!)

Arnie has his usual funny one liners - a couple make me laugh out loud.

It's nice NOT to see endless CGI too - but real special effects with stunt men etc.

This is basically all about a TV show which kills people - so like Rollerball and a blueprint for The Hunger Games which is the most unoriginal story series ever IMHO.

I am giving this 5 stars because it is HUGELY enjoyable and fun in a way most movies now do not seem to be. It's violent yes, but all in a cartoony way. And that goodness there was no love story subplot or any need to parachute various ethnicities into every role and make it all about racism or something (I get sick and tired of being lectured to by the pc gestapo).

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Eye in the Sky

A silly, sentimental, unbelievable and deeply stupid movie in thrall to 'political correctness'.

(Edit) 31/10/2016

To enjoy a drama one must engage in the "willing suspension of disbelief" as Samuel Taylor Coleridge correctly argued. This film shows how veering away from that truth leads to a story that is utterly unbelievable, with unbelievable characters behaving in unbelievable ways. The end result is not pleasure of fulfilment, but deep annoyance and irritation.

This is basically a vehicle for Helen Mirren who is totally unbelievable in a role as the chief of the army or some such nonsense. Well, if she's senior soldier material I'm an Olympic champion! Too silly for words BUT in these pc days the pressure is on for more female leads so this is the mess we get.

Then there are the soldiers - tough US soldiers with years of training and killing experience - and yet, because of one wickle girl selling bread, they turn into blubbering wrecks crying on the job and unable to do it either! Soldiers kill - they do and will, and will kill civilians too if that means it prevents greater catastrophe and killing, So the whole pretext of the plot if absurd.

No doubt the director though it best just to be on the side of the poor people in Africa so we get our noses rubbed in how awful their lives are.

A truly awful film on every dramatic level.

It has good special effects and watching the drones is fun (though not sure I believe the science). Maybe if I am forced to watch this film in my lifetime, I certainly hope I'll be stone deaf by then so I won't hear any of its nonsense.

What a sad finale to Alan Rickman's career. A clunky subplot about buying his daughter a toy doll scrapes the bottom of the barrel then goes right through the wood, as does all this film.

1.5 stars rounded down.

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Borrowed Time

Cartoon-ish drama better suited to TV - but worth watching

(Edit) 21/10/2016

The first thing to say about this film is 1) it's a state-subsidised British film (BBC/lottery/BFI funding) so I doubt anyone went to see it or that anyone much cares because it got subsidy; 2) it's a simple drama with cartoon 2-dimensional characters so is MUCH better suited to TV than film.

Having said that, I found it enjoyable and it was mercifully short.

The old man played by great actor Phil Davies is a classic character (though in fairness Phil Davies doesn't really look old enough to be so decrepit. And how does he afford a house that must be worth a million on a teacher's salary eh?)

The small boy was great and added humour. Some good gags and dialogue in this.

Less convincing is the kung-fu scouser thug and his sidekick - in real life they'd just stab enemies or beat em up, not be scared off by a girl! And I saw that plot twist coming an hour before it did.

Some lines lifted from Dirty Harry and a plot lifted from Oliver Twist too.

The teenage black gang and the white hooligans acting black is all to true to life - and one reason I no longer live in London, mugging capital of Europe.

So, all in all a fair effort BUT why not make things like this for TV. There is NO NEED for public subsidy to put them on film - they're essentially domestic dramas, and perfect for BBC 2.

3 stars.

But as a character study of an old man, it's great.

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