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This German film was an excellent watch.
Suspend your disbelief (pretend DNA and CCT does not exist in 2004) esp with plot holes, unlikely events, and random coincidences and roll with it.
The leftwing revolution theme and throwback to 1968 and 1970s activism is VERY German, as is the alpine snowy scenery. In Britain we lack snowy mountain ranges and back in the 1970s we were all Wombles and Wurzels rather than Baader Meinhof and Karl Marx...
Very well acted by all the leads, Daniel Bruhl has done loads since, DAS BOOT series and more.
Decent music too. My only criticism is it is a tad too long, sags in the middle and too many romance scenes which are flab - could be reduced by 20 minutes probably if the unnecessary love-gushing is dispensed with.
The ending twist (no spoilers) is fun, however unlikely.
4 stars overall
What to say about this film? Well it's a mess and the French actor who directed it never directed again, though the writer Buck Henry wrote TO DIE FOR, though this is from a novel, which is no doubt also of its time.
I've never seen this on TV listing - it may be seen too outdated re sex comedy, complete with former MISS TEEN SWEDEN Ewa Aulin who retired a couple of years later. I suppose it is like THERE'S A GIRL IN MY SOUP and THE YEAR OF THE SEX OLYMPICS and NO SEX PLEASE WE'RE BRITISH and a bit of THE PRODUCERS. The American madcap humour is a bit like that in the movie and TV series MASH and films like AIRPLANE!.
This really does not work, however. BUT where else will you see Ringo Starr playing a Mexican gardener complete with very dodgy accent and Marlon Brando playing an Indian guru - all would be banned not for WAYCISM of course... Maybe why it has never been shown.
A curio. 2 stars
I avoided the whole media circus around this film so come to it fresh with no baggage.
As a movie it works, though not sure how closely it is based on a true story or whether the rather hysterical stats given at the end are true. At the end we see the real life 'Tim' and children.
I suppose it falls into the same category south American drugs cartel movies such as TV drama NARCOS and NARCOS MEXICO and the movie ESCOBAR. Maybe even BREAKING BAD. Maybe THE COUNSELLOR by Ridley Scott.
It works fine for what it is. Really why is it so significant who funds a movie? Most movies are coproductions and get passed for funding for ticking diversity boxes these days, I think, so I do not care if a church funded this. The number of private donor 'angels' listed at the end is the longest I have ever seen - thousands of names there.
I think this film worked, as fiction. 3.5 stars rounded up
I really enjoyed this. The music is great and the performances.
When it was released it got mixed reviews, a lot from female reviewers who objected that Amy's life was seen via her relationship with various men. They clearly wanted a feminist role model heroine. But, as Amy says in this, she likes men. Some of those reviewers clearly don't.
Recently various biopics of famous tragic dead women have been made which manblame - all their troubles are the fault of men. A recent Marilyn Monroe TV drama series was just that - but it all seems fake to me. These women have issues no matter what. Blaming men for their demise is, in a word, sexist. Misandrist actually. A real agenda.
What I disliked about this film was the timeline which was unclear - as to when Amy got famous. It was a bit blurred.
But anyway, all in all a decent biopic so 4 stars.
This is an excellent film set in 1953 shortly after the new Queen Elizabeth was crowned. Talk of fresh bombsites and the rationing in the caf also place this firmly in its time.
The last role of US-born UK actor Robert Adair as ebullient and cynical jury foreman.
Good to watch with SERIOUS CHARGE (1959) another film about a falsely-accused man - even in those days when kids ran free and played out.
Rather quaint mention of taking sweets from strangers, and these days the Richard Attenborough character would probably be branded a pervert just to talking to kids in a friendly way, such is our hysteria and paranoia (esp as most child abuse and killing is done by parents and family members NOT be strangers).
A contrived plot esp at the end but I liked it. Not great but good. 3.s stars rounded up to 4 stars.
OK so this states it is a DRAMA on the DVD sleeve but is really a horror cum ghost story. And it is low-budget stuff.
The director/writer/producer has not made anything else.
It is not THAT bad - very derivative, and I have seen many similar dramas before. Haunted House trope and more (NO SPOILERS). Nice and short.
THE OTHERS, TRIANGLE, LOOPER, and especially GHOSTS OF WAR (2020) which arguably does it better.
But watchable if not brilliant. It had scares and jumps and horror/ghost story stuff in spades. Though some horror tropes seems tacked on, runes etc. Some of it is extraneous and drags the story out, cinematic flab really BUT the whole movie is less than 90 minutes so not overlong.
So 3 stars
This is an excellent Israeli film from 2004. It starts brilliantly,. No spoilers but it shows how HAMAS was a problem back then, organising suicide bomber attacks in Israel. HAMAS is nothing new.
It progresses well, with the actor playing the Mossad agent utterly believable.
Rather contrived and convenient events perhaps challenge believability, re his wife and the ease of taking a gun on a plane etc.
The Nazi element is perhaps a tad unbelievable BUT sort of works. Maybe.
Then right at the end, this goes turbo, with UTTERLY unbelievable plot developments. A great shame. That was a jump-the-shark plot point too far for me.
The German characters are hardly believable as they seem to be aristocracy really, so unlikely the son will work for peanuts as a woke liberal teacher of immigrant kids and the daughter in a leftist kibbutz YEAH RIGHT.
The director seems to focus entirely on gay life in Israel - I have watched his YOSSI AND JAGGER film previously. That can be limiting, I think. But other directors are limited in what they make too as are writers so... not just him.
Anyway, I loved this film until the very end. Then I cringed. SO unbelievable. ALL spoilt then, i just did not believe the Mossad agent hardcase character would behave like that and...well. NO SPOILERS!!!
So 4 stars
Overlong but interesting 2004 mockumentary about dragons and their evolution.
This starts well - I watched the 30 minute MAKING OF doc on the DVD first and I would advise that. It;s a very clever ANIMAL PLANET doc, made by Brits.
The museum featuring is not a real one, but shot at Museum of Natural SCiences in Oxford.
The evolution aspect is explained with reference to real evolution in crocodiles and bombardier beetles, so made plausible to a degree. NO mention of Wales or Britain with our dragons for many centuries, 1500 years at least in various banners and standards, legends back to old British/Welsh language poems from 7th to 9th C, Merlin involved too in the,, Arthur legend.. Too much emphasis on China, no doubt for those international ANIMAL PLANET sales. Shame.
Gets a tad absurd in the end BUT great animation AND it does success in imbuing the dragons with empathy - we feel for them!
Sadly this is a US TV doc and the Americans are SUCH puritans that these dragons lack holes in their bottom ends. Maybe why they explode inside and breathe fire eh?
ABSURD but I have seen this in US animation and memes online, some Americans even X out cat's bottoms on videos on Twitter. SUCH PURITANS. Animals have bumholes and poo. DEAL WITH IT!
Almost 4 stars but not quite, so 3.
OK so this Swedish drama series set in Norway is 8 episodes of 40 minutes - that is too long. It drags. Could and should have been maybe 6 episodes.
It is all totally unbelievable, lots of plot holes (would police just leave as they do?).
A mix of ghost story, horror story, and murder mystery thriller (with Nazi eugenics backstory) - almost as if it cannot decide which it is.
I did watch this on TV years ago, remembered the first few parts which are most memorable, not the rest which it becomes increasingly far-fetched and metaphysical.
Odin Waage was great in EYEWITNESS (2014) hence my renting this.
3 stars
This is a good fun attempt from 2000 to create a Dracula backstory. Vlad the Impaler was real - this mixes myth and history to good effect.
I enjoyed it. Good atmosphere and not overlong.
Actors do well with a sometimes leaden script; Roget Daltrey as a Hungarian king is a novelty!
4 stars - 3.5 stars rounded up
This starts well, a bit like DUEL, Spielberg's great debut. Really tense. Then the tension goes as the monster man introduces himself and kidnaps here, as the blub says.
It then becomes a cat and mouse chase as the young woman escapes into the forest. I found it quite gruesome and some of a feminist bent may object to gratuitous violence to a woman, and the usual playbook of a female victim pursued by a man. Quite violent at times.
Not really credible, the psycho man is a tad cartoon character. THE FROZEN GROUND (2013) is much classier.
This is a low budget remake of a film called FORSVUNNEN which is Swedish I think.
So-so - s0 3 stars
This is a short film and slight, but I laughed out loud several times. The satire is savage and spot on. It is DELICIOUS!
It is FUNNY BECAUSE IT IS TRUE. The multiverse scenes of an ALL female ALL BAME society with NO WHITE MALES are hilarious, and do actually look like MANY TV shows and movies now, though cinema attendance and boxoffice takings have PLUMMETED.
Most metoo movies and BLM BAME ones too lose money - a lot. See crashing ratings for woked up diverse TV shows which have a white man ban, like Dr Who. MAYBE if they realised that fiction, in books, films, TV drama should be obsessed with TELLING A GOOD STORY WELL and nothing else. No diversity quotas, not pc woke preachy lectures and sermons, not tickbox black faces galore esp in unrealistic historical settings.
Amazed in a way they can do this without getting sued by Disney. But then, woke Disney films, with ALL female ALL BAME main characters and NO WHITE MALE FACES is what SOuth PArk is lampooning here, esp as profits at Disney have plummeted since they went woke. Ditto other TV/film franchises and companies. Ditto the failure of EDI tickbox hires of police, corporate business like John Lewis, many MANy more examples. MERIT IS ALL - or should be.
Thank goodness we still have the archive, old films and TV shows where you can actually see white male characters, Yes,really! SHOW YOUR KIDS what the world used to be like before it was swallowed by woke.
4 stars not 5 as too short and the ending is a bit limp. Maybe needed some songs?
This is a wonderful film, a Polish-French co-production.
It is exciting, tense, well-told and acted, and addresses real issues in society too but as part of the story and the characters - nothing is tacked on here.
The actor playing the main actor is superb, utterly believable in a tough transitional role. He nails it, and we believe he has a talent for speaking and connecting with people.
The story confronts many moral questions, of justice and what punishment should be, especially in such a brutal environment. I must say I was a big surprised Poland trains up criminals to be priests but, hey, maybe they have a shortage. Poland is very Catholic of course.
Like many dramas, going back centuries, the dramatic tension comes from if or when the imposter will be exposed and how that will happen.
The ending (no spoilers) may not satisfy some but it works for me.
5 stars. The best Polish film I have seen for ages.
I enjoyed this, despite the groan-inducing punny title. I liked it was just 4 episodes long - some dramas like this add padding and flab to make it 6 or even 8 parts. 4 is enough.
This is a WHODUNNIT basically - all the suspects united by living in the same London Victorian house made into flats. A tad unrealistic in many ways, the entire plot actually, and I have never known flat-owners all give keys to someone in a flat, esp someone they all dislike,. But hey...
The biracial couple thing was just SO unrealistic - I cannot believe a middle class Asian would - unmarried - have a baby with a uneducated white Londoner who works in a shop flogging trainers. Just would not happen. So rare as to be non existent. Reminds me of so many unrealistic mixed race couples on TV adverts, just eyerollingly absurd. The archery plant as a tad absurd too.
I did like the lesbian couple, they dominated the screen when on. Some other characters less interesting BUT enough red herrings and the reveal not until the very end, with plenty of action. Just forget the lack of realism - like who paid the bills etc for the empty top flat, for 2 wholes years, council tax etc. And the way the retired cop keeps on with the case and finds out stuff is not plausible.
New star of BABY REINDEER appears here, Jessica Gunning.
I surprised myself by enjoying this so 4 stars.
I have never watched THE CROWN and do not want to either, as I know how it fabricates history (as in showing a young Prince Philip callous after being informed at school his sister was killed in a plane crash, just not true at all). I dislike soapy tosh.
I did, however, like this film. Written by STEVEN KNIGHT of Peaky Blinders fame; directed by the director of Jackie, another famous woman with issues; with a top notch cast esp Timothy Spall and the actor who plays the chef Darren, Sean Harris.
Some issues. This is set at Christmas 1991, pre the split with Charles, divorce and the Queen's Annus Horribilis. That means William should be 9 and Harry 7. They look more like 12 and 8 here, actors are too old, really.
I liked the freewheeling jazz score by Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead, and the fantasy scenes with Ann Boleyn too. Some may not. This COULD have been all Vivaldi and Purcell and Handel music, so the score was refreshing.
I note this is made by a German studio and I know from my experience teaching Germans years ago how they all think Diana was murdered by MI5 etc so that is hinted at here. Me, I think just a car accident caused by a drunk French speeding driver. BUT it solved a lot of problems for the royals and Diana did seemed doomed one way or another.
Probably Diana fans and loyalists hate this, because it shows a rather deranged and loopy spoilt upper class twit from a broken home who married into 'the firm' and would not conform which was her duty as a royal bride. Christmas 1991 I was unemployed in a slum bedsit just down the road from Kensington Palace - maybe Diana should have tried living like that for a while...
It shows her eating disorder, self-harm, mercurial erratic nature, rather 'spoilt little madam' at times, and understandably infuriating for all around her. She was hard work. Her own blood mother had mental issues too - spent her last years alone as a hermit on a Scottish island, praying.
I was surprised I liked this, but the freewheeling jazz score and fine acting, and fantasy bits won me over.
Annoyingly it does not say where it was filmed. I found out ALL locations were in Germany, German castles, though the beach is pure flat sandy Norfolk.
Locations include Schlosshotel Kronberg, Germany, Schloss Marquardt in Marquardt, north of the city of Potsdam, and Nordkirchen Castle.
Sometimes it is hard to understand what Diana is saying - she mumbles and eats her words as she did in real life. All breathy girly speech.
Beautiful but not very bright, like a pheasant, as this Diana says of herself.
4 stars