Welcome to PV's film reviews page. PV has written 1487 reviews and rated 2394 films.
This film is not only confusing. It is also deeply unfunny. Really.
I saw the first film in this trilogy and that was pretty good.
This, however, looks like something to emerge from some pretentious drama school workshop.
Not one single laugh in the whole thing.
And yes, I do appreciate oddball and dead pan and off-beat humour. But this is not humour, It's just dull. An utter yawn-fest.
To say the British don't do humour 'as well as this' is utterly absurd. Even the most unfunny 'diverse, female' tedious BBC comedienne can create more laughs than this pretentious load of drivel.
No stars. Stick to making meatballs, Sweden, if this is the best you can do for comedy.
This film is billed as a 'comedy'. Well, you couldn't fooled me. I didn't laugh once - except when I suspect I shouldn't have been laughing! - though I yawned a good deal. I started looking at my watch 20 minutes in, but stayed with it.
Gosh this is a wordy movie. Sounds like something from the theatre of perhaps something that grew out of one of those awful gender workshops they used to have in polytechnic women's studies departments circa 1973.
It's also a very snowy movie - in fact, I don't think I have ever seen a film with as much snow - and it's all set in a ski-ing resort. To be honest, the best parts involve nice cinematographer shots of snowy mountains with (I think) Beethoven (or maybe Wagner) on the soundtrack.
A clunky second act starts with the arrival of friends, and we then move on to endless pontificating about what it means to be a man.
To be honest, I thought the female wife character to self-pitying and unreasonable, I was shouting at her husband to divorce her and get some joy back into his life instead of staying with that over-earnest diva.
I wouldn't wish to have lunch with these people, let alone go ski-ing with them. In the end I was hoping for a huge avalanche to shut these self-pitying people up. But no such luck.
A very unrealistic ending rounds off this clunky psychoanalytic movie which will no doubt appeal to some more than others. A VERY irritating and odd film.
This film is a classic. I believe the guy who wrote it was nominated and won an Oscar for his script too - and in my opinion, everyone should have won an award for being part of this wonderful film.
Perfect writing. perfect acting, perfect timing - a neat efficient plot with real laughs. One of the very best movies of all time - and possibly the best film Peter Sellers ever made. Alec Guinness superb, and the wonderful old lady who we are side with as the audience (the actress who plays her won a BAFTA for this).
If you have sat through the Tom Hanks black southern USA version of this, then you have my full sympathies.
If you haven't, don't bother and just rent this and watch it again and again. A masterclass in comedy.
5 stars with bells on. One of the best films ever made. Watch and learn.
This is basically a writing-by-numbers soppy Mills-and-Boon style girlie fantasy romance, similar to the millions written that millions of women read to escape their dull lives.
It has all the bits: handsome male hero, tick; unhappy pretty young woman who falls in love with her knight in shining armour, tick; disapproval (as in all soapy melodramas) from the family - or, more specifically, a seemingly wicked mother-in-law - tick.
If you want to watch a real quality WWII film series from a German soldier's point of view, then watch 'Generation War - Our Mothers, Our Fathers.'
This is just soapy silly girl romance.
BUT the story of how the book was written - or actually part-written (because the woman who wrote it was dragged off to a concentration camp and killed before she completed it) is fascinating. Dare I say it but without that story - and the discovery and then publication of this 60 years after the war - then this film would never have been made.
Anyway, it's all watchable if you like that sort of thing.
And I had no objections whatsoever to the director's decision to have the Germans speaking German and accented English, but the French speaking fluent English. This is standard practice in drama and theatre. If the French had been speaking French with accents and the Germans too, it could have been more Allo Allo than Mills and Boon, after all...
This is basically a movie about growing up, as two sons cope with the impending death of their father.
Do not be put off by the sweary start - the film's weakest point is the first 10 minutes or so.
There are some laugh our loud moments in this movie, and some quirky and funny characters and scenes. Even the fantasy sequences work well - not always the case in films like this.
There are enough subplots - rabbis, a creepy work colleague etc - to keep the interest. Those without knowledge of Jewish culture may be baffled at times, however.
Ultimately I found this a very funny and moving movie. Not perfect, and clearly on a budget - and the same Jewish guy stars, directs, produces, makes the sandwiches etc.
But much more enjoyable than usual Hollywood fare.
4 stars
This film is a classic. Dates, yes - though it was made in 1958/9, though still relevant re the clash between union demands and the general public's common sense views (see the tube strike, where drivers who start on almost £50k a year are moaning and striking, delaying hardworking Londoners who earn less than half that).
A great cast Terry-Thomas, Peter Sellers, Irene Handl and many more. One of Peter Sellers' very best roles, which he plays to perfection (though he was only 34 at the time but looks 57!)
Some classic lines, with the Soviet Union worshipping union shop steward played by Peter Sellers dreaming of 'all them cornfields, and ballet in the evenings.'
A terrible 'feem toon' - but hey, it was pre-Beatles 1959 and you can't have everything!
Worth a watch to see the way union/management relations really were in the 50s, 60s, 70s. That is why Thatcher was elected.
Lots of non-pc references to race in this film - which I suspect they cut before allowing it on TV< which is a shame. Let it stand as it is! To show how racist the left wing unions could be.
All Jeremy Corbyn fans should watch this too. This film has relevance to modern Britain alright.
In my top 50 movies of all time. Watch side by side with Dr Strangelove.
This is a very dated and silly satire, based on a post war novel. However, it is a neat conceit, however absurd, and the plot (which seems to get thinner as the film progresses to a rizla thickness) allows for some wonderful hammy acting from always-watchable Peter Sellers.
The multi-character playing is not up there with Alec Guinness standards (in Kind Hearts and Coronets). But really, Peter Sellers in an average and dated movie is 10 times more watchable than most actors in most movies!
It's a short film and funny - if one allows oneself to enter the absurd world of the story.
It's also a period piece and now looks quaint - people rehearsing going to shelters in preparation for a nuclear war etc. The post-war jokes are there - about how the USA showers the losing side in wars with cash (i.e. Germany and Japan) whereas the victors have to be poor and pay for themselves (the UK didn't pay its final payment to the US for money we borrowed to save the world until 2006. Yep, 2006!)
Oddly, it brought to mind 28 Days Later when the Fenwick 'army' land in New York to find it deserted. That movie beats this on the special effects but not the humour!
I read reviews of this film in newspapers - most were 3 stars out of 5. I wonder were the watching the same film as have just suffered?
It's all an almost-plotless tale of actresses putting on a play. Then seems to morph into a movie which wants to examine the nature of fame and celebrity. Well, I have seen better and more entertaining analyses of that in 30 second TV adverts.
Some dire subplot about an affair and things happening to people we know nothing about are care even less about confuses matters.
Oh and it's all trying to be arthouse with pretty pictures of Swiss mountains and clouds.
Really REALLY bad. And not in French - as I had expected - and no subtitles. And the great Juliette Binoche is utterly wasted - what on earth is she doing in such a shambles of a movie?
If a film student submitted a screenplay this tedious it would be torn in half and the student told to leave film school.
Perhaps worth watching as an example of how NOT to make a good film.
Otherwise, don't bother.
This film was nominated for several Oscars. Why? Well, because it's all about actors and acting, so appeals to the members of the Academy! But really, this movie thinks it's far FAR cleverer than it in fact is.
Without the confused 6th form surrealist wish fulfilment, this film would be an interesting character study of a has-been actor. As it is, I got very annoyed with the silly and undeveloped alter ego Birdman with superpowers shtick, and especially by some nonsense flying scenes.
I would have awarded this movie 2 stars were it not for the well-written character studies and some crackling dialogue. A shame it didn't stick to that really.
But it all made sense when the credits rolled: it's written and directed by Spaniards, and they ADORE surrealist stuff like this.
Anyway, it is what it is - which is a very average and at time pretentious movie.
This is a fascinating film, based on true events and a real bloke (watch the credits all through at the end to see original footage of this individual from 1984).
It's basically about some drunken fishermen going to sea in a knackered old boat, which ends up sinking.
In artic temperatures, most men would die within minutes, yet one man swims 6 hours to land and becomes a minor celebrity as a result.
It's really a film about fame, I suppose, and how the spotlight of fame can land on someone totally unsuited to it and for random reasons.
Only the 2nd Icelandic film I have seen (the other being Of Horse and Men which also involved a lot of drunkenness - maybe it's an Iceland thing? Well, it is cold there...)
The Deep is an unassuming little film, but I enjoyed it greatly. 4 stars.
I was intensely irritated by this film - which, I note, is made by BBC Films and based on a documentary by the director.
Was it because every social issues box was ticked (autism, tick; self-harm, tick; ethnic diversity, tick; mixed relationships, tick; bereavement, tick; MS, tick etc)? Or was it because of the brazen and shameless attempt to aim this film at the lucrative Chinese market? Or was it the dreadfully fey and whimsical soundtrack? Or was it the cop-out unbelievable ending? Or was it the wishy-washy wimp of a mother character? Or the completely unnecessary inclusion of girls in a maths contest (which really does not happen) and a silly love triangle subplot with one blonde English teen girl and another Chinese one lusting after the boy teen? Or the utter absurdity of the main character learning Mandarin Chinese fluently by reading a phrase book on the flight to Taiwan (yeah right!)Gosh, whom knows? Maybe I'll work it out in an equation and claim to be on the autistic spectrum too eh?
Good actors in this movie especially the always -wonderful Eddie Marsdan. Also Rafe Spall, even though this posh boy just doesn't get the character's London accent quite right (it's a stage school version...) Those performances get an extra star - otherwise I would have given this one star.
But I really didn't believe the main character, even though Asa (what a name!) Butterfield is possibly the next Spiderman. And the mother character and the teen girls characters were just shoe-horned into the plot because, frankly, high level maths is a male-only world, and that would never do (esp at the BBC...) Still, it has disability, autism, and is multi-ethnic, so no doubt the BBC think that alone makes it a wonderful film.
But it isn't. It is over-rated, calculated, schmaltzy and annoying. And it sure ain't a comedy either - I didn't laugh once.
And, by the way, at the vast majority of UK Chinese takeaways (all except the new ones opened to cater for Chinese students), they speak CANTONESE and NOT Mandarin, because the owners and staff are from Hong Kong families.
At first, this movie does not seem like a comedy at all, even a dark done. But as the film progresses, this becomes rather like an old-fashioned farce. Like a Nordic version of Kind Hearts and Coronets, with lots of snow and Norwegian wood and minimalist décor.
It's basically a quest for a man whose son has been killed to get revenge on the gangsters who are responsible. Enter a Serbian drug gang, as well as a Japanese-Chinese hit-man, bizarrely - and lots of mafia-flavoured fun ensues with many a misunderstanding causing confusion, and blood vendetta plots playing one drug gang off against another.
I particularly liked the way as each person dies, their name and an individual cross/star comes on the screen. And there are lots of bodies to get through.
Yes, it all gets a bit silly and unbelievable in the end. A non-believable gay subplot clunks into the story to drive it forward, for example.
But it's enjoyable ride none the less, especially the first half - and some well-drawn caricatures of drug-dealers and drug-smugglers are good fun.
4 stars
This low-budget movie is much better than many expensive Hollywood horror movies, most of which leave me cold.
There are jumps and scares, and a great soundtrack reminiscent of Halloween, like the suburban teen plot too.
Teens are stalked by a shape-shifting 'follower' - and can pass on the curse down the line to anyone they have sex one. A neat idea, but like all ideas, not original - it's just like Night of the Demon, that classic black and white film based on an MR James ghost story (as indeed are all Japanese horror films like The Ring).
OK, it's a bit silly in parts, and the first half of the movie is the best: films like this always struggle with an ending because where can they go? Death or Victory - or vague ambiguity, as in most modern films.
I enjoyed this film a lot - it's nail-biting and effective. And the scenes of run-down Detroit make a nice change from the usual LA-based Hollywood horror movies for teens.
Recommended horror film, just the right thing for teens to watch on a dark Friday night...
4 stars.
I read a really awful 1 star review of this film so had to rent it! It's an odd international co-production which seems have been filmed in Berlin with an Iranian director...
Basically, this movie is a study in insanity - with darkly comic + tragic tones. A man with mental problems stops taking his meds and so hears his cat and dog speaking to him, encouraging him to kill or not..
It's both funny and disturbing, in equal measure.
One point: I am getting rather sick and tired of cats being portrayed as evil in movies, and dogs as the good guys. Is this because the scripts are written by cat haters? Who knows? But I am sure some of these films lead to animal abuse.
And the way this cat has a Scottish accent is just bizarre - seeing as the main character who is making up the voice was brought up in Berlin until about 10. Maybe an evil character should have sounded like Hitler or Freud or another German speaker?
Some will no doubt be offended by yet another portrait of someone who's mentally ill and gets violent and kills people - when a really tiny number of anyone with mental illness (from depression and anxiety to real psychosis) does so. But then, there isn't much drama in watching someone staring at a wall, is there?
Yes, offensive. Yes, dark. Yes, occasionally funny.
3 stars.
TV is a monster, and reality TV is its deformed psychotic twin: this is the conclusion to reach after watching the poisonous effect of reality TV, (in this case, Big Brother), on a poor fish seller in Italy's poorest city (Naples).
The film starts slowly and so you need to stick with it. There's also an incomprehensive subplot about robots (which counts as one of the scams the key character has on the side).
But when the story gets into its stride, we see the poison of hope of being on some dumb reality TV show starts gnawing away at a man's soul. The effects on his family and means of making a living are also explored.
I suppose this movie falls into an old trope: that of 'be careful what you wish for.' So it could be compared to many an old folk tale, fairy tale, morality tale etc.
Ultimately, this film is also a study of delusion, paranoia and mental illness. And how human greed can destroy a man.
But really, it's one of the best and most interesting satires about reality TV ever made. In the top 5. (Truman Show is #1).
Four stars.