Film Reviews by PV

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The Hunt

Brilliant, powerful, Danish film about a man falsely charged with child abuse

(Edit) 23/04/2013

This film is brilliant - and should have won the Oscar for best foreign film 2012, and every other award going.

This really is a must-see. For all MPs, teachers, paranoid parents, children's groups etc.

The script makes the dialogue, and the characters who speak it, so very believable, as a tragedy unfolds, (perfectly paced), all spurred on by parental paranoia, false rumours, a 'no smoke without fire' reasoning, and the sort of vile mob mentality we often see in Britain today.

Indeed, some of the lines reminded me of some of the silly things my female colleagues used to say when I was a college teachers - the nursery school scenes here show how very stupid such people can be, and how their wooly reasoning destroys an innocent man's life. This movie shows all men are extremely vulnerable to being a victim of such false accusations - which is perhaps why the school system today is being so feminised and female-dominated as to be a man-free zone: why should men expose themselves to a hellish experience like this?

This film should be remade in English and shown to all those thinking of assuming anyon accused of any crime (esp child abuse) is automatically guilty, or that children always tell the truth: the way adults project what they want onto children in this film is brilliantly done, and disturbingly believable and realistic. This makes it moving and sometimes disturbing really - one almost has to watch through one's fingers as the mob of gullible parents turn on their former friend (who is a great teacher!).

Particulatly chilling is the vile head of the nursery who idiotically seems to believe that children never tell lies, and seems to think all men who are ever alone with children are therefore guilty of child abuse.

The way the false accusations grow like a virus and never go away is handled brilliantly right up until the last scenes.

The only part that didn't really work for me was the deer/hunting analogy (though I am not Danish and have never been hunting, so maybe that's why!) - though it works way better than that silly scene in The Queen with the stag called Diana (yawn!).

But that is a small gripe.

This film deserves a much wider audience - and perhaps a remake for those too lazy or illterate to read subtitles.

It fully deserves 5 stars as the best foreign film I have seen in the last year, or maybe the last 5 years.

A brilliant, moving and sometimes disturbing movie.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Overlong, too many CGI battles, but passable pixie and wizard fantasy fare

(Edit) 17/04/2013

This film at its worst is like the tedious 2nd part of Lord of the Rings - with boring battle after boring battle.

However, there is enough story to keep it going - and some really excellent dialogue (from the book or the film), especially by Ian McKellen playing Gandalf. Sylvester McCoy does a good turn as a scatty St-Francis of Assisi-style wizard, with some lovely animals, although the plot points are a bit confusing sometimes.

The dwarfs are good - (yep, it should be dwarfs and NOT dwarves as they use here in the subtitles) - and there is some great British acting talent on display: Christopher Lee (AKA Dracula) is almost 90 and still does a great turn. Plus, I am delighted they use the word 'chips' to mean, well, chips! And not 'fries'. The New Zealand scenery if lovely too.

I would advise use of subtitles to appreciate the dialogue, as with lots of noisy movies these days - unless you are a child who just wants the pictures and noises and bright colours.

All in all, not a bad effort. 3 stars - and would have been 4 if they had shown self-discipline and cut out the flab to make this 2 hours. Really, it is too long - and the orc CGI battles are boring, frankly.

How much you like this movie depends on how much you are in love with elves, wizards, orcs, dwarfs and the whole LOTR schtick.

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Everybody's Fine

Funny and heart-warming movie ruined by its last half hour.

(Edit) 10/04/2013

This film starts off so well: the central premise is a strong and believable one, and it's good to see an older character on screen too. Though I did struggle at times to believe a bluecollar worker would push his kis to go into artistic careers (notoriously badly - if at all - paid), rather than go into IT, law, medicine, business.

But not matter. There are some genuinely touching and funny scenes and dialogue. And the set-up, and the increased jeopardy of the plot, are believable.

Then, about two thirds of the way through, it all goes splatt - no doubt to some Hollywood script doctor wantingt more drama and sentimentality (and, as per usual, the cheesiness of the sachharine sentiment has the opposite one to that intended, at least on me).

I won't give a spoiler here. Suffice to say there is no need for the increased melodrama in the final half hour of this movie (and the son's character arc is not really believable either). It's a shame this movie could not have ended much sooner, and saved itself from the unnecessary sentimentality towards the end.

If it were not for events towards the end, I would give this 4 stars. But this movie spoilt itself, so I give it 3.

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Well-written, Efficient, Funny French Comedy

(Edit) 27/03/2013

OK, so this film is shamelessly calculated to tug at the heart strings; and OK - quite a lot of it is funny set pieces (dancing, haircuts, funny 'fish out of water' scenes); and OK, it's rags to riches, fish out of water trope is well-worn and familiar (and this fim obviously draws on many a Hollywoord comedy, from Traditing Places and before).

But - the fact remains that this is a really well-made and enjoyable movie. And, unusually for a French film, it is actually funny and keeps up the pace.

The writers and director have obviously borrowed a lot from Hollywood, from the initial car chase, to the quick-cut editing, to the soundtrack, to having a black African in the lead role (rather than the Muslim Moroccan on whom the character is based - we see him and the real life paraplegic right at the end of the movie too).

But despite the sentimentality and the shameless maniulation of the audience, I will give this 4.5 stars because it made me laugh out loud on several occasions - which, considering most Hollywood comedies hardly raise a mild smile in me, is some achievement.

It's not a great film or a classic - though it is the buggest ever grossing movie in France, I think. But it is a must-see, just because it's a really funny comedy with interesting characters you care about (however stereoyped).

4.5 stars

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Tales from the Golden Age

Hilarious, Absurdist Portmanteau Movie set in 1980s Romania

(Edit) 23/03/2013

This is a hilarious collection of 5 short stories connected by a single theme: life in communist Romania in the 1980s. It made me laugh more than most Hollywood comedies, that's for sure!

They used to call these Portmaneau films, and companies like Hammer used to do them a lot, in films like Dead of Night, or with passengers on a train telling heir tales, or with characters connected by objects bought by people from an old antiques shop (which led to horror tales), and another one where people stared inot shears and had dreams.

Anyway, I loved this movie - and would happily watch it again. There are 5 tales for me - the strongest for me being the first (the Merrygoround (a great metaphor for communism), the second (about the photographer) and the hilariou penultimate tale about the pig.

Acting and direction are spot-on, and the scripts made me and those with me laugh: there are some real absurdities and paradoxes, which are all too often based on the almost surreally absurd realities to communism: things like this really happened back then.

Five stars.

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Anna Karenina

Disappointing, stagey, irritatingly pretentious film that butchers a classic novel

(Edit) 01/03/2013

I had high hopes for this film - which is perhaps why I am so disappointed.

Yes, it's adapted by a great writer - Tom Stoppard. But, as those finanical adverts put it, 'past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future success'. He messes with the novel something rotten.

The director too seems to think he's making a film for his luvvies down the local state-subsidised theatre, or perhaps for the Edinburgh fringe. This movie is strictly for theatre fans and luvvies - though I watched it with a theatre lover and she hated it! It's neither Arthur nor Martha - but half a film and half a stage play. In other words, a right royal mess!

This film is largely set in a theatre - for some incomprehensibe reason. Budget maybe? But hey - they budget on this movie was rather large: they could afford top actors and one of Britain's most famous writers!

How much better this would have been if it had been made as a traditional historical story - like Dr Zhivago (a superb movie) or a movie like the Danish 'A Royal Affair': now THAT Is good storytelling.

Not sure about Aaron Johnson or Macfadyon in their roles either - I kept thinking of John Lennon and Spooks! Keira Wotsit does her usual coy ting.

1.5 stars rounded down because I'm so disappointed!

This will pass 2 hours relatively harmlessly (though a little confusingly, seeing as there are so many characters and many look alike).

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Forbidden Games

Classic, bitter-sweet tragi-comedy - one of the best films ever made

(Edit) 27/02/2013

This film is a classic and fully deserved its Oscar in 1952.

The script is superb, with family feud subplots mirroring the conflict all around, as is the acting. The multi-faceted story is driven by character - and how characters psychologies cope - against the awful backdrop of the war. But perhaps this film is mostly about class - and how a middle class little girl from Paris fares in a French peasant family.

The music too is excellent ('La Source', I think).

This film is far better than most French films today, for sure! The same child actor (the boy) starred in Les Diaboliques, another Gallic classic.

One thing that stands out these days: the treatment of children by their parents in this movie would probably count as child abuse today, though - which shows how silly our culture has become rather than how brutal they were 60 or 70 years ago!

And the ending (which I won't spoil) wouldn't be done today, especially in Hollywood, which follows the boring template of structure for every single movie.

But this is a real classic, and if you haven't yet seen it, you're in for a real treat. 5 stars.

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

A long wet wallow in Deep South sentimentality

(Edit) 21/02/2013

There are two great things about this movie: 1) the title; 2) the poster promoting it (a classic).

As for the film itself. Well, it's based on a stage play - and an American one. That means it's overly sentimental, and well as engaging in flights of fancy and fantasy, and also marinated in the sort of racial politics that seemingly hems in all US drama.

I found the story too plotless for my liking, and the characters way too rooted in pity party sentimentality.

No doubt this was made specifically to appeal to the Africa-American demographic too. But I kept asking myself: if the film were like this but about Norwegians or Finns, then would I like the film more? And the answer is: NO - it would be just as dull. Being set in the Deep South with black children does not make it better...

I was actually really disappointed in this, though I wouldn't say it's a bad film, per se. I would say it's a watchable, average, unreamarkable film - with a great title and film poster.


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How I Ended This Summer

Solaris in the snow!

(Edit) 24/01/2013

I enjoyed this film. Yes, it's slow - so those who like shoot-em-ups and CGI-fests shouldn't bother. But anyone who likes the tension of Tarkovsky's Solaris (the original) or other tense, slow, spychological thrillers should watch it.

It's essentially a two-hander, about the mind-games between an older man and a younger one stationed in some awful artic monitoring station. Bleak landscapes, a sense of doom, and tense, unspoken drama really make this an interesting film for those will to stop fidgeting and fast-forwarding!

I found this thriller tenser then many in-yer-face Hollywood ones anyway. But you have to NOT expect a fast-paced thriller and let the tension blow like slow over the surface of the celluloid: then you'll enjoy it. I really was guessing what would happen right to the end - a good sign.

And it helps to understand Russian culture, history (of Siberia and the arctic), Nuclear issues there etc to fully enjoy this movie.

It could have been cut in places though, so 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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Wind Chill

Effective, snowbound, character-led horror with fun twists and turns

(Edit) 23/01/2013

I started to watch this film with low expectations, expecting the usual 2-star horror 90 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised.

This is a really good fun horror movie, with lots of effective twists and turns, and nice two-hander acting, writing, character and plot development. Also, it does not serve everything up on a plate - and it kept me guessing! The plot could have gone one of several ways at several points, which is always fun!

It's not one blood n guts CGI fans will find gruesome enough probably - but I really enjoyed its twists and turns, because ultimately this story and script is character-based. The writing works.

The ending works too, and was not what I expected.

And the snowy landscape looks great too!

Four and a quarter stars!

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Rubbish and crude US nonsense

(Edit) 18/01/2013

Very disappointing. I hoped this movie would make me laugh. No such luck. This film is a crude, unfunny mess. I turned it off aftger 50 minutes because I couldn.t stand any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Little White Lies

Tedious, boring, unfunny, overlong, poretentious French drivel

(Edit) 09/01/2013

I rarely fail to finish a DVD - I watch even the most dreadful movies until the end. But in this case, I had to make an exception: 1 hour in and I could stand it no more - especially as I know there was another hour and a half to go.

This film is typical state-subsidised French rubbish. Very 'Thirtysomething' in its feel, with the usual pretenious French philosophy-spouting and the endless smoking and meaningful looks.

The film seems very quaint and old-fashioned in its attitudes to homosexuality too - with some really unbelievable polt twists and character arcs.

Nul points.

Watch this only to see how awful and boring the French film industry has become.

For an entertaining foreign film, watch The Wave, A Royal Affair, The Bothersome Man, or Les Diaboliques (either version).

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A Royal Affair

Brilliant, intelligent, enjoyable historical Danish royal drama. Best foreign movie of 2012

(Edit) 06/01/2013

This film is brilliant! It may be 2 hours long but I was never bored and never looked at my watch once! It knocks the spots of pretentious royal dramas like Young Victoria or Mrs Brown. It is the best foreign film of 2012, IMHO.

It is in Danish and occasionally German with subtitles (my ONLY criticism is of these - which are white, so which don't show up well whe a snowy landscape is on screen!) But it's only a minor quibble. In general, the subtitles do their job adequately enough.

This film is very well structured and written - unlike so many dull historical and royal dramas (which wallow in the sparkle of historical monarchs) - and the tension is kept up throughout.

The acting is first class - though the Danish actors are all unknowns.

The scenery is delightful too, and the direction captures the era well.

And the story itself is fascinating - and one I did not know (not being well-read in Danish history).

I would award this the prize for best foreign film 2012. I might award some of the actors Oscars too.

In a word: BRILLIANT!

Anyone who has missed this movie is in for a delightful surprise!

Five stars out of five.

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Pretentious, boring, wordy, stagey, insignificant tripe

(Edit) 06/01/2013

This film is just dreadful: clealry filmed in studios mostly in close-up (justifiable for new directors who can't get funding for location shooting, but maybe not for experienced ones showered with state funding from Canadian taxpayers).

The novel is by a good writer who writes intelligent novels. It is such a shame that what is probaby a decent book has been ruined so much by an up-himself director who really is not as clever and talented as his thinks he is.

A turkey. Not even interesting in an arty way. Just pretentiouc and dull. You might as well turn the pictures off and juts listen to the repetitive tedious badly-written dialogue, because that is all the movie is: words words words, signifying nothing.

Watch MARGIN CALL if you want to see a really decent film about the financial crisis.

Nul points.

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The Amazing Spider-Man

Overlong B-movie with CGI-cluttered second half which 'jumps the shark'

(Edit) 05/01/2013

I really disliked this film. It starts OK - some nice scenes of Peter Parker discovering his powers - but after that? Oh dear. Just another CGI computer game for hyperactive teenage boys - and when the lizard man appeared and started talking, I really saw a 'jump the shark' moment.

It's a shame really, because there are some good lines in the script.

But I think the actor who plays spiderman is not a patch on Tobey Macguire.

The second half of this movie really is boring - I can almost hear the scriptwriters saying 'let's up the jeopardy again...and again...and again...' I was looking at my watch over and over again.

Watch through the credits to see a little snippet shamelessly setting up a sequeal - which I truly hope is never made.

And - typically - a Brit actor and accent signifies a villain. Racism, really, and lazy cliche.

This first half of this movie gets 3 stars' the second half less than 1. So 2 stars average.

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