Welcome to PV's film reviews page. PV has written 1502 reviews and rated 2419 films.
This movie is fun to watch, but it is utterly spoilt by the Hollywood desire (as personified by Spielburg and JJ Abrams) to make everything mawkishly sentimental. So here we have a motherless kid, a girl he fancies whose dad hates him, conflict with his own father - and, laughingly, a scene where a 13 year old boy persuades an alien moster who feasts on human flesh not to eat him but instead 'go home' (like the super-intelligent alien hasn't already thought of that!). Worst of all is the typical Hollywood need to send the main character on 'a journey' where, at the end, he and we will have learnt something - usually that 'lurve' is kinda cool, and we should all hug eachother and cry, and that we have to 'let go and move on' (that is done literally here)'. Didactic lecturing is irritating - but maybe the Yanks love it - they're used to it in church, one supposes. Ho hum...................................... The CGI scenes are boringly effective. This is set in 1979 but not the 1979 I knew - no-one had a super 8 camera or made films then because it was all just so expensive (maybe in the US though). Add to that some songs on the soundtrach which were not hits in the UK and there is no real tug of nostalgia for Brits here either.............. But all in all, I enjoyed this - not to bad, but the second half descends into Oprah territory. The movie would have been better without the teen love interest really. ET is the template here. This is Cloverfield (also JJ Abrams) remade for little kids - and also their nostalgia-seeking 'moms and dads'.
This film is a great find: not only does it have Sean Connery and Trevor Howard - (and bizarrely Peter Bowles in pre-To The Manor Born days), it also has a fine if a little theatrical and Pinter-esque script, and an interesting director in Sidney Lumet, and a piercing score by Harrison Birtwhistle....................
The first 10-15 minutes or more is almost completely free of dialogue, as the story seeps into the screen and it becomes obvious that a child killer is on the loose, after some baffling sequences that make sense later........... I loved the silence in this film, and the piercing sound design, aimed at making aural the troubled mind of the protagonist - but perhaps what most impressed me was the way a police thriller turned into a deep psychological thriller about the mental breakdown of the Connery character. This movies is SO much more interesting than most Hollywood police thrillers today. I'd compare it to Get Carter - but better, for me, anyway..........
Now the negatives:
My first criticism is that perhaps it is is sometimes a bit dated, 1972 still being infected with that tiresome sixties vibe - so we get too many odd sound and vision episodes (though some are OK)........ My second is that, especially when characters are shouting, they are hard to hear - not because of background music, as in films nowadays, but because of the less good microphones used back then: if I watched this again I would certainly use subtitles from the off (though the DVD menu design is rubbish so you'll have to search for the hard of hearing thing)......
But all in all: this film is great. A must-see. In my top 10 or even top 5 British thrillers. It's a film that I have never seen on TV and it's been sadly neglected, I think, for some unknown reason (maybe the child killer theme?)
This is the kind of pseudo-intellectual mad as cats bonkers film only the French could make. But for all its failing and pretensions, I found it interesting to watch - (more interesting that most Hollywood drivel)- though a bit unpleasant and pointless at times. Just why the French so love the middle aged male intellecctuals so much? Old drunk men who are academics or psychoanalysts really are not at all interesting or to be admired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And one question: where were the police in this movie? Does France not have any Gendarmes any more??????????????? BUT the biggest issue by far in this movie is this: the two guys are supposed to be redheads persecuted by society; in fact, one has light brown hair and the other's is auburn/titian! In the UK they would not be called ginger at all!!!!!That is a big visual error in this movie!!!! Oh, and also, Ireland is NOT 100% full of ginger people either: the UK is about 5%, I think, with Ireland and Scotland between 5 and 10%.................. With this film on the DVD extras you get MIAs 'Our Day Will Come ' videa set in the US by the same director - much better than this movie, really.
This comedy series is superb - I challenge anyone to watch it without laughing out loud - even the pompous pompous finger-wagging police of political correctness. The fact is that the BBC has secretly banned this show - because, no doubt, it features comic Indian characters and the main one (Raji) is a superb white actor called Michael Bates whose skin is slightly darkened for the role. The BBC sees that as 'offensive' blacking up. But this is not racism - it's make-up! There is no racist intent and the Raji character is not a racist figure to mock, demean and belittle - just a comic one. The actor Michale Bates grew up in India and spoke fluent Urdu and Hindi - which is no doubt his character and caricature is so spot-on. It seems at the BBC, cariacature is only OK if it portrays white people - now that's racism , folks!!!...................... This was the favourite series of the writer Jimmy Perry - more so than Dad's Army. It is a national disgrace that this great, funny, non-racist comedy should be labelled as such and kept off our screens for over 30 years by the self-righteous commandants who rule the BBC (on our money). To be replaced by what? The terminally unfunny Lenny Henry and the vomit-inducing 'Outnumbered'. Yuk.....................All I can say is: Thank Krishna and all the gods for the Internet and DVDs so we can circumvent any ban by the nanny BBC and watch great funny comedy series like this again........................ And by the way, the big joke here is on the useless white British soldiers and the Empire-loving sergeant major - the native Indians are always shown as more clever and getting one over on them! Racist? No. Hilarious? Yep. Watch it and mourn the current state of BBC 'comedy'.
This film is good in parts - it's genuinely interesting, and when it allows the plot to break through the theatrical overacting and alleged 'comedy' (maybe you gotta be Russian to get it?) the film sparks to life. Set in the early 30s, it tells the story - true, and so true for so many others - of what happens when people live in a dictatorship: the betrayal (personal and political), the shifting sangs of allegiance, the hypocrisy, the paranoia, the misery and bleak existence that so many lived through. Way too long, and the subtitles are ropey - and a few dates on screen would have helped - but still well worth a watch for any who perhaps believe that communism was ever glorious or good for 'the people' against 'imperialism' (I saw parallels with Islamic paranoia today actually). The last scenes are almost of classic status.
Here's an oddity: a film made in Lapland (and in the Lap language, I think) about Santa Claus - or Father Christmas as he's called by many in Britain. It is the best Christmas drama I have seen over Christmas for sure - and it couldn't be more different to the sacchirine-stained, soapy, girly, pity party, badly-written, derivative, forgettable dramas the BBC spew up at this special time of year. This film is memorable and orginal....................
Without wanting to give a spoiler - suffice to say that the 'real santa claus is coming to town'. This movie is perhaps more gory and violent that some would expect - and the Scandinavian openness about nudity is in stark contrast to American puritanism (where babies do not have gentitals, apparently, as in the sickly Mars Needs Moms). There are also a couple of funny jokes. But really, sit back and watch this small, short movie (oh how nice not to have to suffer 2 and half hours of Hollywood backstory boredom) and enjoy the ride. You won't see anything else like it!
I loved this film. I watched it on TV in the 80s or 90s, but saw so much when watching it again. True, I do love the music of Tchaivovsky, which helps, but I think most people would love this movie. It's fun, exhuberant, theatrical, interesting and risky - all the things most if not all movies by Brit directors are not these days. The screenplay is from a book by a relative of the composer's sponsor, so it's all pretty true and a cracking good tragic story too. The only inaccuracy is that Peter Tchaivoksky's death came about because he made a pass at the Tsar's nephew - buy anyhow, the film rises and falls like a great symphony....................................... Just as tragic really to think that Ken Russell could not get funding from the BBC or Channel 4 (which is funded by our BBC cash) to make any films whatsoever in the last 25 years of his life - so self-funded and financed small digital video movies. And yet our money financed dross like Sex Lives of the Potato Men and loads of gritty, realistic, utterly tedious films by young Scottish female directors...
This movie is perfect. It has a perfect script, first and foremost, and it's perfectly acted - all actors act well, from Marilyn, Lemmon and Curtis to all playing small roles. The film never ever drags, is well-directed and has good pace.
And, most of all, it is genuinely funny - really laugh-out-loud funny: the men-dressed-as-women shtick is older than Shakespeare, but works well when well done - and this was very controversial on the film's release when test audiences didn't like it!
But this film is more than a drag act: it is highlight of the careers of all involved. I watch this film every year or two and I still think it's funny - and way funnier than any film I have seen in the last decade (Except Four Lions perhaps). This is the best comedy ever to come out of Hollywood in my opinion, and so massivley superior to the crude, lewd, unfunny gross 'comedies' Hollywood makes now. A perfect movie.
I thought this film was excellent: for 90 minutes I was never bored and could not take my eyes off the screen. Powerhouse performances by some great British actors and some clever writing make this a gem.
For those raised on crap like Avatar and CGI dross, however, this must be baffling: characters actually talking rather than shooting each other and blowing stuff up. So don't rent this if you're the kind of retard who only likes video-game movies. This film is for more mature and intelligent audience - not one that just wants CGI explosions and American 'godammit' dialogue.
My criticisms: a bit too stagey at times - clearly Pinter-esque - and the ending sort of fizzled out (though this is not necessarily a criticism - in Hollywood, they would have demanded explosions at the end and the FBI storming in shooting people).
The language is full of the C word and essentially mannerist - but it expresses perfectly the characters and makes a change from all the American twaddle dialogue on most gangland movies.
I could watch this film several times and still enjoy it.
This film is watchable - and I enjoyed watching it, whilst laughing at how absurd it all was and also how very politically correct (no doubt the setting and the ethnic diversity helped get the funding too). Good acting, all in all, too, especially from the character 'Pest' (Alex Esmail?)........... All in all, the silly story moves along in its cliched way - the USP of this film simply being the fact it's set on an awful 'sarf lundun' estate and most of the characters are black - and muggers or drug dealers: and there lies the central problem of this movie, whose ridiculous story can survive the cheapo special effects and the fluffy teddy bears - supposedly aliens - who want to kill them. The fact is that, having lived near an estate like this and put up with the kind of mugger scum who live there, I was very much on the side of the aliens and wanted all the kids who are the 'heroes' of this story to be ripped to shreds by the alien lifeforms. I cheered every time the aliens got someone!!!!............... Now, I notice that this movie is written and directed by Joe Cornish - the ex-public school boy from a stinking rich family - who, no doubt, finds all the multicoloured durg dealing people on hellhole estates like this terribly cool - so long as he can play at being 'street' and always return to his country pad. I've known a lot of white guys like this in London - such fun to play at being gangsta when one can go back to real life somewhere else eh?.................... Those of us from ordinary families who have had to put up with the crap from feral kids from estates like this would never, ever be able to sympathise withy any of them - because we've been mugged and attacked by them, as they ruin inner city areas and make people's lives a misery. Maybe a remake then? Shot from the side of the aliens - who all seem much more attractive than the drug dealing mugging scum from the estate? For real...and ting, blud. As Master Cornish would not doubt way in his Westminster School accent...
I see that lottery funding and the Film Council partly funded this film. Well, on this basis, I'm glad the Film Council is gone! This really is such a lame comedy - with trite predictable jokes and a ropey script wasted on the good actors. There is also a crude misandrist feminist message throughout: that girls are great and men are vile and/or useless. I look forward to the lottery funded a film that promotes the equal and opposite! According to this movie, all men are such useless cooks that they can only make beans on toast and can't even use a microwave! Yeah, right... According to this, all businessmen are vile abusive perverts. According to this, it's quite OK for a woman to physically assault a man by hitting him in the testicles with a ski pole. Well, would it be so funny if the man hit the girl between the legs with one? If not, why not?Discuss........
Anyway, I suppose this is aimed at young teenage girls with brains full of fluff and hormones - so aims for a wish fulfillment fantasy for every girl was wants BOTH to be like a boy AND to be a girly girl who marries a rich prince... Yuck.... The problem is, the sports footage is not good enough to appeal to the snowboarders - the vast majority of whom are boys anyway, so will be turned off by a girl actor pretending to do it!.............And the script is not good enough to make a good believable comedy - I didn't laugh once, but groaned throughout looking at my watch.............................................In short: this film is a good example of how not to make a comedy, and should be watched by all who mourn the loss of the Film Council, though 13 year old girls might like it. All others, avoid. Unless you want to watch Bill Nighy phoning it in with his usual posh defuddled character...
This is another one of those Britflick comedies that is not very funny but which passes the time. Most jokes fall flat - or they did for me anyway - though the acting is good from all present. Some lines should have been cut, as should some very theatrical (almost pantomime) moments, and some attempts at crude humour really do not work. It thinks it is way funnier than it is though!!! And it tries SO hard for laughs. BUT It's worth watching to pass 90 minutes - but don't expect to laugh much. Yet again, a British film is ruined by its being way too theatrical. This film is so forgettable that I can't remember how it ends - and I watched it last night!
I think this series is well-filmed and acted, but, to be honest, I preferred The Pacific, made years later by the same team. Why? Well, perhaps because the Pacific war was largely Americans fighting; whereas, the fighting in Europe was not - though Band or Brothers and all other American films try to make out that WWII as Germany V the USA! I understand that the whole focus has to be on a few men, but, nevertheless, I think it's wrong and somewhat offensive to do that - especially since the USA didn't even enter the war until over 2 years after Britain had been fighting! There are a couple of moments in this where things that go wrong are blamed on 'limeys' - despite the massive sacrifice of the British and Canadians at Arnhem and elsewhere. As always, the Brits are ONLY ever portrayed as upper class twit officers, except for one mockney private! I think that those who are not very educated about WWII will be misinformed by this TV mini-series really, and that's a shame and wrong. I did however like the well-filmed scenes and also the muddy morals of it all: US soldiers looting, and casually killing Germans who surrendered, for example, and drunken yanks crashing cars after the war's end. But I still preferred The Pacific as a drama. I thought the ending was great though - not the usual American saccharine sentimentalism.
This is the kind of TV drama series that TV critics rave over: it's oh so post modern and ironic, and says so much about our bumb zombie culture. Even more ironic that it's made by the makers of Big Brother - shamelessly cashing in on their TV reality show, now that everyone's lost interest (a common reason for postmodern trickery). This is also TV made especially for the FaceSpace generation - all those teens and infantile 20-somethings who usually have an online, bitesize, goldfish-like attention span. For anyone who left school before the 90s, this drama will be rather dull and predicatble - attemtping to ape the gore-fest of teen movies with the (yawn) zombie attack plot. There are massive plot holes and nonsensical sequences. However, this is saved by a decent script by Charlie Brooker and by a superb performance by Andy Newman as the monstrous Big Brother director/producer: he clearly played this as ridiculous comedy and it works on that level. It is slightly spoilt by what is becoming a cliche on TV adverts and drama: all men are portrayed as useless idiots or perverts or monsters, while all women are portrayed as sorted, confident and much better than the men in every way! Imagine if it were the other way round! Would it be sexist? Yes, and so is this new TV tradition. (Of course, the only males allowed to be worthy and noble are always black or Asian, as they are here, which is blatant racism too). But then, people who work in TV really are as awful as portrayed here - even worse actually - with their 12 year old mentalities and hunger for ratings! That's why TV is so dumbed down and awful these days. But TV execs are SO desperate and hungry to get a share of the online generation, so love stuff like this which is fast,young and diverse and gets the FaceSpace generation watching episodes online. That means they can get advertising revenues! That means TV Producerette - she happy baby!
Three stars for the comedy and Andy Newman's performance; take those out and it gets 1 star.
This film gets 3 and a half stars (rounded up to four).
It would have been higher but there are three things that really annoyed me about this film: 1) the sound was awful - and I would advise anyone to use subtitles with it! All that naturalistic acting and mumbling and fast talking meant many good lines wre missed by all those who watched it at my house! 2) It is just too theatrical and stagy - like so much British drama, it started in the theatre, I think, and it SMELLS of the stage really, like mostradio drama too; 30 the plot twist was no surprise to me - perhaps because I have seen the same character reversal in the theatre a thousand times! I had guessed the ending well in the first act, so the twist in the third that was meant to shock and delight had me yawning instead!
ON THE PLUS SIDE: it's a great little low budget Brit flick which maintains the audience's interest throughout. The characters, though stagy, so bounce off each other with some nice verbal sparring and character arcs. The scenery is lovely (meant to be Suffolk but is in fact in Kent - possibly Sheppey) and I certainly have never seen a film set in a birdwatching hut before! And the flocks of birds look lovely too!
This is an intelligent film well worth watching. Just a shame that it didn't lose some of the stage dialogue before going into production.