Film Reviews by PV

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Tamara Drewe

Occasionally funny film - worth a look

(Edit) 03/04/2011

I'd give this three and a half stars. Not quite four. Why? Because it's simply not that funny. There are SOME great scenes and gags, but not enough - and some of it is just plain farce - and unfunny farce at that. The characters are cariacatures and steroetypes too. However, I did LOVE the American author who struggles to write a word on the author's retreat! But I simply didn't believe that the main character could go from ugly duckling to admired beauty so easily - that kind of thing works on the page, in Hardy's original novel (Far From The Madding Crowd on which this is based), but not on the screen. Also, I had a problem with the wronged wife character - the writer and director clearly thinks the audience would sympathise with her or feel pity; all I felt was irritation and annoyance at how the woman was so pathetic and weepy and hysterical! Perhaps because the cartoon script in the Guardian that this is based on was written by a feminist? Maybe that's why. Anyway, this is worth a watch - and is funny in parts. One of the better comedies of the last year.

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Four Lions

Best British film of 2010

(Edit) 03/09/2010

If you watch one film this year, watch this one.

Unlike the vast majority of trashy and crude, unfunny 'comedies' that spew out of the Hollywood teen-machine, (or the dull unfunny stuff that the subsidised British film industry usually produces), this film is FUNNY! it's really REALLY funny in its intelligent satire.

But probably, it'll only appeal to intelligent audience of course, so it's not a big hit really. Also, dumb Americans will be baffled by it (well, there are no explosions or crude visual gags involving bodily fluids...)

But, it is not simply cariacature - it has a dark, serious and timely theme. It also has guts: it has the courage to address the problem of Islamic extremism in the UK, a subject the BBC for example is too scaredy cat cowardly, weak, politically correct and desperate never to offend anyone religious/ethnic to ever address.


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Shrek Forever After

Great entertainment for children of all ages

(Edit) 10/02/2011

I loved this movie so much I watched it twice in two days - and I rarely do that. I didn't like the last two Shrek films, and thought the first was only moderately funny, but I absolutely LOVED this one. Why? Mainly, the script. It is so tight it almost squeaks, and the action moves on in such a way that it is never ever boring. The animation is brilliant too - and I loved the witches! There are great lines aplenty and lots of injokes and adult jokes too - plus lots of colourful nonsens for the kiddies. This is probably the best family film I have seen since Toy Story.

The only thing I did not like was the music - al that awful modern dance music/rap/r + B - I HATE that kind of music. But it's a small complaint. I would happily pass on most movies to watch this one again - SO funny, but also intelligent with just the right mix of sentimentality mixed in. Fantastic film!

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Excellent biopic

(Edit) 10/02/2011

This excellent biopic wilol not doubt confuse some people - it is not straightforward and uses various devices to give an impression of this man's sad life. I liked this. I did not fond it pretentious or boring at all. And the acting is top notch - the actor playing Bronson gets it just right. I would recommend this film - and perhaps would even say it should be shown in schools so kids know that crime or prison is not glamorous at all! Recommended.

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The Fountain

Boring fantasy and over-rated director

(Edit) 10/02/2011

A truly baffling and boring fantasy movie by a massively over-rated director. Boring.

Epic? Well, I suppose three intertwined stories means 'epic' here. However, it was not really epic at all - just endless fantasy sequences and a lot of old guff about a magic tree.

Now, if you are the time of new age fan who goes WOW! when you see a cryctal skull (made in China) or a dream catcher, and believe all this spiritual mumbojumbo, you may well find this movie deep and meaningful.

I found it pretentious nonsense. as I did the other films by this oh-so-fashionable director. But then, I'm a grown up.

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Over-rated tricksy blockbuster

(Edit) 10/02/2011

I know some people love this movie and that the critics loved it too and that the script is favourite to win the best screenplay oscar but - I just didn't like it. I found it boring, predicatble and nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is.

I do so hate these Hollywood mocies that think they're intellectual and profound; OH NO THEY ARE NOT! They are just tricksy and gimmicky and adolescent.

Not original either - the Stephen King TV movie the Dead Zone was about living in dreams too - as were many ancient texts. I suppose the difference here is that this is big budget with loads of CGI and Leonardo di Capuccino doing this thing. But it did nothing for me, I'm afraid.

I found myself looking at my watch wondering how long before it finished - BUT if you like adolescent stuff like the Matrix, you'll love this.

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The Disappearance of Alice Creed

Excellent low budget thriller

(Edit) 10/02/2011

Apart from an ending that feels tacked on - (the film should have ended 2 minutes before it did) - this film was excellent. Only three actors, no fancy locations - and no dialogue at all for the first 9 minutes. It's clearly emulating Pinter; it's also full of twists, and how much you like this will depend on whether you can suspend your disbelief here! But a highly enjoyable thriller nontheless. Recommended.

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The Vanishing

Brilliant movie

(Edit) 08/02/2008

One of the best foreign language films ever - and truly creepy. Five stars.

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Team America: World Police

sheer joy - brilliant movie!

(Edit) 02/01/2008

This movie should give all intelligent people hope that the people of America are not all fundamental christian brain dead amoebas who think jeus was suckled by a T-rex.

Great writing, great everything. Proof that, although some - maybe most - americans are idiots bible-bashers, there are some serious brains on that continent!

A breath of fresh air - and sheer joy! I could watch this movie over and over again! Congratulations Mr Stone et al...

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The Innocents

Classic film - essential viewing

(Edit) 30/12/2007

If you've seen 'The Others', then you see this film, you'll see where 'The Others' got all its ideas from. Brilliant writing - mostly by Truman Capote - and well-adapted from Henry James' classic Turning of the Screw, this film still has the ability to shock and scare.

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Red Road

over-rated pretentious rubbish

(Edit) 30/12/2007

Massively over-rated dross, made by a pretentious feminist film-maker on British taxpayers money. And theyt all speak in thick scottish accents - so most people won't understand anything. If you want to see a great British thriller, rent 'London to Brighton', made on a shoestring but with real talent all round. Avoid.

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Funny PC historical piffle

(Edit) 22/08/2010

This is watchable, but certainly not in the same league as the excellent Gladiator.

Why? Well, for a start, the film seems to have been written and casted by a committe or perhaps an HR diversity manager:

Black actor Noel from Dr Who, tick; Asian (Muslim) Roman soldier, tick; women in macho aggressive feminist roles, tick. This is utterly predictable and tiresome in so many British films, and is especially true for films made with the backing of the PC Film Council and lottery funding.

Too much like a Dr Who episode really. And the way the women all have make-up and nicely done hair as they rush into battle with their swords and spears killing dozens of Romans twice their size is (unintentionally) hilarious! Girlpower? Comedy, more like!

History it ain't! But at least it is mercifully short! Worth watching, but no better than a time-passer.

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Hotel Rwanda

Excellent but depressing

(Edit) 08/07/2008

This is an excellent film- slightly spoilt by hollywood demands for romantic subplots etc. Superb acting. perhaps i should watch this movie again when i feel more open to scenes of endless horror and barbarism...

really well made though so i would recommend it

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superb horror corn

(Edit) 02/01/2008

Realy good fun and well-written movie. Shame that the ego-maniac director had to push the )new) writer out of the way to claim equal writing credits. Scripts get re-written all the time - but usually the re-writers take NO CREDIT. Perhaps the director - who, like most directors seems very uncreative - will stop trying to put his name on others' work? As i was saying to my flying pig...

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The Bothersome Man

Superb and intelligent film

(Edit) 24/05/2010

This is one of the best foreign films I have ever seen: I simply could not take my eyes off the screen. The soundtrack of Grieg is great too. A masterclass in how to make an intelligent and entertaining, thoughtful movie.

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