Film Reviews by MD

Welcome to MD's film reviews page. MD has written 77 reviews and rated 1428 films.

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Europa Report

Ok space movie

(Edit) 10/12/2024

Manned mission to Europa goes to discover stuff under the sea ice. Not bad movie but has no English subtitles and some of the on screen description is in German. The spoken English is good and mainly understandable.

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The End We Start From

Nothing much happens

(Edit) 23/11/2024

Uneventful and slow disaster movie. London is flooded. A young couple struggle to survive. The movie tries to be realistic, but it's just tiresome.

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The Girl with All the Gifts

Zombie movie

(Edit) 19/11/2024

Starts off quite interesting, but soon descends into a nauseating blood and guts orgy. It could have been a good movie even with the same plot, if only they hadn't gone so overboard with the flesh eating.

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The Moon

Not one of the better Korean efforts

(Edit) 16/11/2024

Unintentionally funny Korean astronaut movie. Documentary style. Koreans launch their own moon mission similar to the first NASA moon landing. There is much heroism and bad acting.

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(Edit) 30/10/2024

This is a porn movie. It's the second time I have unknowingly rented a porn movie. Porn movies should be clearly categorised as such. Each to his own.

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(Edit) 30/09/2024

Gruesome hospital drama. I don't know how realistic this is, but I am looking to be entertained not horrified. I watched 8 episodes in the hope that a plot line will emerge and characters develop more. However, the last episode on disc 2 was worse than any horror movie I have ever seen. I generally like hospital drama, but this was too horrible for me.

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Nauseating but interesting

(Edit) 26/06/2024

A woman gets involved with a gay man married to another man. He gets her pregnant and in his infinite selfishness flits between her and his husband. There is a lot of nauseating explicit gay sex. Very educational.

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I don't know how I sat through this. I guess it must be better than I thought.

(Edit) 23/05/2024

A burglar becomes trapped in a high tech arty penthouse. That's it. There is no more. The entire movie consist of the man trying to escape. There is no other cast to speak of or other setting. The movie is visually well made and well acted, but apart from that it's seriously awful. Usually these kinds of movies are all dark, but this one wasn't, which was its only saving grace.

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The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan

I had to guess what was going on

(Edit) 27/02/2024

I tried and tried to watch this but it was no good. The subtitles are too small and the plot is difficult to follow in places.

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I enjoyed it

(Edit) 24/02/2024

Romeo and Juliet type musical set on the Mexican border. She is a migrant, he is border patrol. The movie is interspersed with dance episodes, really very enjoyable. There is also the ugliest auntie of indeterminate gender on the planet.

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I wish I could unsee this movie

(Edit) 01/10/2023

Thoroughly unpleasant. A donkey finds himself wondering around having horrible experiences. Gave up half way through. I thought this was going to be a nice animal movie.

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Mary Magdalene


(Edit) 17/06/2023

Down in the mouth, dull and worthy version of the Jesus story. Jesus himself looks rather old and the others seem permanently depressed.

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The Commons

Not really a futuristic thriller

(Edit) 05/03/2023

This post climate change futuristic thriller unfortunately doesn't do what it says on the tin. Most of it revolves around a barren woman longing for a child. Moreover, the leading actress is wooden, capable only of looking stressed.

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Not for serious dog owners

(Edit) 06/10/2022

Patriotic American dog movie. An army veteran is tasked to deliver a service dog to a military funeral after which the dog is going to be handed back to the army. Being already traumatised by his previous combat experiences, the dog is heading for certain euthanasia. It's a fairly entertaining comedy with the dog being rather badly behaved. There is an alarming amount of times when the dog is left alone in the car while the man goes about his business. Other aspects of the dog handling are also dubious and shouldn't be taken seriously.

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Zeros and Ones

You don't need to eat the whole steak to know that it's tough

(Edit) 29/09/2022

I didn't understand any of it. The movie jumps from one scene to another and none of it follows or makes any sense. Maybe it's just me. I watched about 3/4 of it before I fell by the wayside. It wasn't a pleasant thing to see, whatever it was.

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