Film Reviews by PM

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Everything Is Illuminated

One of my favourites.

(Edit) 26/03/2021

I adore this film, I cried laughing in the early stages, but you almost feel the temperature and brightness darken as you get further into the story and begin to feel where it might be going. It's a film that goes deep, hence the reference to 'feeling.' The later chapters are like a punch in the sternum. Reading a lot of history I knew what was coming, but is was wonderfully crafted. I'd recommend most highly.

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Big Night

A Classic

(Edit) 04/04/2020

This is one of my very favourite films, utterly beautiful from the very first kitchen scene to the last. It's about deep and abiding loves, for food and perfection, the love between two brothers with very different views. All of these are set against a prevailing tolerance for cheap and reasonable, things of no real content or value. I will continue to watch it for the rest of my days, especially when I need a big dose of beauty.

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Norton Motorcycles


(Edit) 05/07/2016

To say this was made in 2006 forgives it nothing. 1960's documentary twang along background music and a dead commentary was compounded by the whole affair losing interest after the Commando's demise. One part in particular annoyed me, detailing Norton's competition from Japan, showing still photographs of 1960's Norton's in comparison to much more modern Japanese models. I'd read a good book on Norton if I were you..I wish I had.

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