Film Reviews by KW

Welcome to KW's film reviews page. KW has written 158 reviews and rated 159 films.

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Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg: Bayreuther Festspiele (Philippe Jordan)

Musically Sound

(Edit) 05/10/2018

Production wise another failure! Has Meistersinger fallen foul to Opera producers having a massive ego trip and seeming to want to mess up what for me is one of the most perfect operas in the cannon! I am glad I did not have to pay the inflated prices of the Festspiele House for this.

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Slightly Long Winded

(Edit) 03/10/2018

Interesting view into the life of two people over a period of time covering the ups, downs and in-between including helping to bring up the son of one them. Visually interesting to look at but for me the film need a serious piece of editing to make it a more cohesive piece.

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50 Years Legal

Enthralling 77 Minutes

(Edit) 29/09/2018

reminding me how things have changed so dramatically over the past 50 years of my life and some of the people who made the changes possible. An unmissable archive!

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Even A Half Star rating would be too much

(Edit) 29/09/2018

Another writer / director ego trip that unless you are on their own wave length is a complete load of dribble.

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The Bachelors

Good intentions but missed fired

(Edit) 26/09/2018

I felt sorry for the actors trying their hardest to get into their parts which for me lacked something for them to get hold off. At times I found my mind wandering thinking about other things.

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The Originals: Series 1

Somehow it kept me wanting to know how it would end

(Edit) 26/09/2018

Cheesy script, ketchup running like water, some of the most ham acting I have seen in ages and yet I stuck it out to see just how the scriptwriter could conjure up an ending. Not a series I can recommend, and I can't think the city of New Orleans would be happy with it as well!

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Nothing Like a Dame

Enthralling Insight

(Edit) 31/08/2018

into the thoughts, reminisces of 4 of the countries best loved leading actresses. If you have an interest into looking back in time this is a must see.

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Dark River

Ghosts from the Past

(Edit) 01/09/2018

Curious film, about a family dealing with ghosts from the past and trying to survive in the modern world. At times I felt the story line and flash backs were competing with each other, and by the time the film ended I felt this was one of those for a wet evening when there was nothing else on the television.

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Paper Boys

Run of the Mill

(Edit) 04/09/2018

Had promise in the 1st episode, but as the journey continued the story lines continued to evaporate that by the end I was going through the motions, watching to see if anything original might jump out and surprise me! A more fitting rating would have been 2.5!

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Cinematography Wins the Day

(Edit) 24/08/2018

Interesting western where the Cinematography's the best part for me. Slow and laboured there were parts for me which were so stretched out that they lost the impetus they could have had. Acting wise the actors did there best with a script that did not give them many opportunities. A film I could not really recommend!

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120 BPM (Beats Per Minute)

Different Aspect of the Initial Response to AIDS

(Edit) 25/08/2018

Fascinating film covering the initial responses to the AIDS epidemic in Paris and how the community got together to fight the system to get answers, expose issues, make people be aware of what was going on and at the same time explore the relationships, friendships that developed through it. Having lived through the period I found it very thought provoking, opened my eyes to issues that I was not fully aware off and how a community came together to fight the cause! If the period interests you a film not to be missed.

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Dull to the Point of Tedium

(Edit) 07/08/2018

A wasted rental. nice scenery to look at, but a sort of road trip movie to find the partner who has jilted you!

Enlist a travel companion for company with minimal dialogue so glad it was a short movie almost verging on a travel documentary. Wasted rental for me.

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Boy Undone

Uncovering the Truth

(Edit) 04/08/2018

Interesting tale of waking up in a strange bed not knowing who you are and whether you had sex with the person who is asking you who you are? From this premise evolves a film to find the real truth behind what has caused this bout of amnesia! For what appears to be a slow moving film, it passes by quite quickly to the denouement, which did take some understanding. Watchable, but not a film I could whole heartedly recommend. Good performances from the lead actors.

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The Greatest Showman

So Many Missed Opportunities

(Edit) 03/08/2018

A film I would not recommend to anyone, as for me there were so many missed opportunities that could have made the film great instead it was allowed to drag on for at least 20 minutes extra.

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God's Wonderful Railway

Average story written for Children, with wonderful trains to support the action!

(Edit) 02/08/2018

An average story line which kept the action following through 3 different time bands, but for me the real stars were the locomotives and the men who drove and maintained them.

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