Film Reviews by AC

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Orchestra Seats

A ridiculous narcissistic fantasy

(Edit) 28/10/2016

The characters seem to inhabit a dream world of their own making. None of the characters have any sort of reality, they seem at best, to be comic-book. Very little seems to happen. We abandoned it before the end so for all we knew, it ended in a fight, car chase, shoot-up on a Paris bridge and all sorts of other excitements. .. but I doubt it: it was clearly doomed.

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Let's Talk About the Rain

Let's not.

(Edit) 28/10/2016

Oh dear. We were supposed to laugh at the incompetence of the two film-makers in the plot. Instead we were aghast at the incompetence of the people who made this film.

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The Adjuster

A film of unremitting tedium

(Edit) 18/07/2016

I usually like slightly oddball films but this was so confusing and tedious that one ended up not caring what happened.

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Improbable and malign

(Edit) 16/11/2014

This is very poorly written. It is a great shame because some very fine actors did their best with a very adolescent script that went out of its way to create malign cardboard cut outs of real people. The priest seemed to know nothing of theology, for example, and merely gawped at the evil going on around him The other characters were likewise drawn directly from a deeply immature imagination that showed little empathy or creativity. Irish cinema is capable of much more, if only they can locate a competent scriptwriter. This was neither interesting, dramatic, nor funny.

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