Welcome to DT's film reviews page. DT has written 12 reviews and rated 56 films.
What a pity, such an incredible story about a wonderfully inspiring woman which has been dumbed down to the nth degree, awful casting(Pike should have run for the hills), terrible terrible script and stuttering screen play makes for a totally boring piece of cinema - Hollywood at it's worst
Was expecting something historically accurate wrt types of people, social "norms" - regrettably this has been made with maximum current day PC treatment that it's a farce. Not at all entertaining.
Tried this because it featured Celia Imrie. She was her wonderfully unremarkable self, as was Bill P but, in our view, they were both very wrong to chose this to supplement their pensions. The script is stumblingly boring and lacking in any imagination and so so predictably uneventful. The other actors were wooden and the whole thing was more like a Channel 5 soap. So, there you are - awful.
Can't imagine how bad the original draft script was which when combined with terrible screen play and poor casting is, well, simply crap
Poor screen directing, awfully predictable story line - WH and AB must have been on their uppers to have made this. WH comes out best - only juts and not a film I would recommend.
My expectation was raised by a great historical story line and a very carefully crafted trailer. But in acting terms, what do you get when you combine 2 very average performers ? Answer, a less than average result with, on both parts, is best described as "wooden: and which, when combined with a very poor script and some awfully amateurish direction makes for a dire result - shame. A good opportunity lost.
A cast to die for but a script and direction more akin to say Channel 5 afternoon tv. such a shame. Such an experience is now, regrettably, not uncommon with are "mature" actors being seduced by the financial motives and autumnal career fluttering.
Cannot find the words but a few which occur: mindless, talentless, thoughtless, clueless etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The beginning is a clumsy attempt at the now hackneyed them of a bullying husband and a wife trapped in the role as a full time carer. In her earlier years, Hancock would have made a decent attempt at this but this was emotionless, empty and engineered no empathy. Poor casting throughout combined with and an incredible storyline made for really dull watching. Sheila Hancock please retire gracefully.
Have seen a few French films which have turned out to be "odd" - this takes the top slot for just being absolutely terrible in all respects - 'nuf said.
Why JB decided that this was a good idea I shall never understand, Simply wooden acting by male actors and terrible script and narrative. By far the worst JB movie I have ever seen.
Yes, by choice of subject this is anti-fracking but to my mind (and experience) this is more anti-major corporate bullying and shenanigans .
Some, but not all of the tricks and games played out in real life are "exposed" e.g. dressing down to fit in with locals, getting drunk in local bars, buying second hand beat-up car to defeat the perception of big time company with big time money to give away, sponsoring local events to buy friends and last but not least the part played by environmental groups.
If you are a Damon or a Frances McDormand fan this is plain good fun.