Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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A Man Escaped

Prison break

(Edit) 02/12/2023

Rather slow to start but tension builds up when they escape.Shows the tedium of daily prison life.Ingenious the lengths he goes to in making his implements.well acted.

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No Stars-Absolute Rubbish

(Edit) 02/12/2023

Worst film I have ever seen.Neither funny nor serious.Silly story but if you go along with Angels,it gets even sillier.

How Rickman got involved in this-he must have been desperate for money.

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The Post

Pentagon Papers

(Edit) 20/11/2023

Not one of Spielbergs best-too wordy & long.Streep & Hanks act well as usual but inevitable ending .Good story as it is true but not very entertaining.

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L.A. Takedown

Bad Bank heist.

(Edit) 13/11/2023

I got this because of Michael Mann but was disappointed. Routine cops & robbers romp ,no real plot & predicable ending

with unknown actors.Nightclub scenes too noisy.

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Giffiths Masterpiece

(Edit) 09/11/2023

Everyone Raves about this and it may have been sesational in its day but is now rather dated.The battle scenes at

Babylon were excellent but I thought the end re the hanging contrived.Quality not good but to be expected for its age.

He led the way but has now been superseded.

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Infernal Affairs 1

Triad Treachery

(Edit) 01/11/2023

Confusing start as all the Chinese look similar.Could not make out who was the mole.Got better with unusual finish.

Hollywood remade it as THE DEPARTED.I have ordered Part 2.

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His Kind of Woman

Delightful oddity posing as film noir.

(Edit) 24/10/2023

Mitch is always watchable & Jane looks good.Silly story with Price overacting & hamming it up-Would the Police & hotel guests obey & follow him?Burr is the only one acting seriously looking solemn all th e time.Most of the action takes place in a hotel apart from the final battle.The dramatic needle shots have been done several times but overall the film is


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The Old Way

Revenge Western.

(Edit) 18/10/2023

Routine Western straight forward storyline-all done before.Daughter acted well.Predictable ending.Enjoyable.

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London lit by Gas.

(Edit) 17/10/2023

Rather dated as it has been copied many times,but for its day-very atmospheric with Bergman acting superbly.

Well worth seeing.

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Born to Be Blue

Cool Chet

(Edit) 08/10/2023

Ethan Hawke is excellent as Chet although he does not look anything like him.I liked the jazz as it is not often played

nowadays.Being hard of hearing,I missed most of Ethan words-too softly spoken.It did not really show Chets

womanising & his many relationships but a reasonable film.

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Jane Got a Gun

Routine Western

(Edit) 01/10/2023

Seen similar stories before-nothing original.The final inevitable shootout takes place at night & is difficult to see what is

going on.New Mexico scenery great but not much of it as all the action is indoors on the ranch.The happy ending is

rather contrived but nearly gave it 3 stars as it passed away an Evening.

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Paris Thief

(Edit) 19/09/2023

Very austere film,unemotional character,poor dialogue.No real story just his ideas & thoughts.Confusing start-was not sure who the police were & how he met the other thieves.

Strange how some viewers gave it 4 stars & some two.

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Controversial Sex Film

(Edit) 12/09/2023

Rather weird-People having sado masochistic feelings re car crashes-ends up with everyone having sex with all

genders on car back seats.No real story line but the actors play their parts very well.Not my cup of tea!Warning-do not watch with your mother in law!

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Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

American Treachery

(Edit) 30/08/2023

Good story especially as it is basically true although Eastman & Ward are not mentioned in the book which I have read.

The Sitting Bull tale is only one small part of the book which deals with the tragedy of the Apache,Cheyenne etc & all the

other tribes.In the final massacre Big Foot was the main chief but does not feature in the film.As a film it deserves 4 stars

but as a portrayal of the book it fails.Rather melancholy with too much dialogue but definitely worth seeing.

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Broken Trail

Horse Opera

(Edit) 20/08/2023

I nearly gave it 4 stars but thought the final shootout was too typical-good guy killing 4 baddies without a scratch.

V ery realistic Western with Duvall giving his usual excellence performance despite his age.Lovely scenery photographed well.Well worth watching.

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