Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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Force of Evil

Two Brothers

(Edit) 29/07/2020

Well photographed in B&W & good performance from Garfield & Gomez.Pity Garfield died so young.Rather dated with no action compared to

modern Gangster films although I would not call this a Gangster film more a study in a brotherly relationship.Fortunately no real violence apart

from the newspaper shot of poor Bauer which reminded me of Battleship Potemkin.A classic film noir but no real Femme Fatale.

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The Joker is wild

(Edit) 17/07/2020

Good performance from Phoenix but a weird film.Who was this aimed at?Too bleak & gloomy for children, & what was the point of it for adults.We all know the seemy side of life, so do we need to see it?It certainly is not enjoyable entertainment.Rather violent-no wonder USA

has gun crazy maniacs.Did he kill his lover?He seems to have ended in a mental asylum, so if this is meant to be the origin of THE JOKER,how does he get out .No real connection with the Batman Comics apart from the Wayne family .Disappointing.

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Never Grow Old

Irish Gloom

(Edit) 08/07/2020

You need good eyesight to watch this dark & gloomy film.It may be realistic with its muddy squalor but it does not make an enjoyable

experience.Cusack is good as always but seems to have put on a lot of weight-fat face! Ending predictable, not much of a plot.Colours

Autumnal -no Hollywood technicolour here.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


(Edit) 02/07/2020

I was looking forward to this film but was very disappointed.No story until they got back from Rome.Plot non-existent.

Scenes of Sharon Stone & Bruce Lee had no meaning.Ending too violent.Why it got such acclaim,I do not know.Two good

actors who got 10 million dollars each were wasted.Did not like the music either.Glad I did not pay money to see it at the


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First Man

Neil Armstrong

(Edit) 25/06/2020

Interesting but thought they dwelt on his late daughter too much.Lift off impressive & I couldnt believe the instruments & technology involved.

He was lucky to get there & back.Mainly factual except for the bracelet into the crater!Worth seeing .

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The Battleship Island

Jap Coal Mine

(Edit) 20/05/2020

Quite violent film.Difficult at star t to distinguish who was who but got easy later on.Based on real facts it portrays the Japanese in

a poor light but they have never admitted they had comfort women or any of their other war crimes.Look on wikapeadia to see

the Island is stillthere but closed to the public.The Koreans probably made this film to publicise the atrocities inflicted on them.

Should be seen by young sters everywhere.Recommended.

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Greta Garbo Collection: Mata Hari

German Spy

(Edit) 04/05/2020

Rather dated but an interesting love affair as in real life,Garbo was bisexual & Novarro was homosexual!And why did she always wear a

ridiculous hat?Anyway glad I saw it as cannot recall seeing any other Garbo film.

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Journey Into Fear

Spy Thriller

(Edit) 28/04/2020

Rather dated but interesting old film.Photography was good but action poor.No surprises except to see

Orson Welles in a good character role.Worth seeing as a "B" film.

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Atlantic City

USA City

(Edit) 28/04/2020

Excellent tale of small town losers.Burt Lancaster is superb as usual.I wish Hollywood would make more

like this rather than the Robocop super hero films.

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Horror Western

(Edit) 15/04/2020

Unusual film-more of a horror story than a Western.I didnt realise that it wasnt a cowboy but I found it fascinating nevertheless.Confusing as

the third part is shown first& itwasnt until I read on Wikapedia that its in 4 parts that I could follow the sequence.It just shows how important

Religion was in those times.The Taliban /Isis are not the only extreme fanatics.

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The Gunfighter

Moustached Peck

(Edit) 15/04/2020

Although the outcome & story were predictable ,I enjoyed the film.Gregory Peck is always worth watching & interesting to see an early

performance from Karl Malden.

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Black semi Doc

(Edit) 01/04/2020

This seemed to be more of a documentary,so I looked it up-its mainly true although the girl in Black Power is fictional.The account of the lynching by Harry Belefonte is accurate.Interesting film.

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Baby Driver

Driver Baby

(Edit) 24/03/2020

Childish Film-Car chases unrealistic,as was the ending.I did not like the Music,jazz themes would have been more appropiate.

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War time Drama

(Edit) 10/03/2020

Excellent performances from Brynner & Brando but rather strange ending-I kept waiting for more to happen.Pity about the girl who acted well

as she died early in real life from Ovarian Cancer.

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The Jack Bull

Unusual Western

(Edit) 30/12/2019

The Disc kept braking up & stopping but I eventually saw most of it.Good performance from John Cusack in this film of injustice.Do not know why

it was called The Jack Bull but I enjoyed it.

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