Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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The Black Pirate


(Edit) 13/08/2023

As expected rather dated but glad I have now seen Fairbanks doing his stuff.The sailing down the mainsail was copied

by Lancaster in the Crimson Pirate.Music was not needed specially as it did not fit.

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Another Mission Impossible!

(Edit) 06/08/2023

Confusing start-too technical.Ends up with Redford doing a Mission Impossible stunt.No femmine leads-another

Boys Own film.

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Dead for a Dollar

Spoof Spahgetti

(Edit) 04/08/2023

Tries to be a Leone Western but does not make it.Ridiculous shootout-Waltz does not even get a scratch & kills everyone!

Dafoe good as ever.

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Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Spoof Film Noir

(Edit) 21/07/2023

Silly Story but humorous dialogue and amazing clips of my favourite films.Very clever.Apart from the "cleaning lady" scenes it flows quite nicely.

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Motherless Brooklyn

Housing Scandal.

(Edit) 09/07/2023

Quite Good but I thought the start confusing.If I had not had the subtitles on,I would not have followed the plot which made sense later on.I liked the Jazz scenes made a welcome change fro m the usual rock row.Ending a bit of an anti climax.

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Spaghetti Cliche

(Edit) 22/06/2023

This film is ridiculous-contains all the Spaghetti cliches all seen before but done much better.Lost count of the number of villians shot by Van Cleef without gettinf a scratch.

Why there has to be a mute acrobat like Nick Cravat in it????The rifle in the Banjo has also been done several times.Provided you just go along with it & dont worry about a plot

or the acting it moves quickly with plenty of action.Dont take it seriously-it pases the time.

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Mafia Overload.

(Edit) 17/06/2023

Excellent film that has everthing-Gangsters,Sex,Drugs Corruption,Murders etc.Confusing start but made sense as it got better.Fairly realistic although I thought the top men

would have had their soldiers do the killings not themselves.Violent but not gory as the rain covered up the gore.Typical that the Roman Church were involved.Probably

true to life re the Italian corruption.Unlike Hollywood-no happy ending.

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Lion of the Desert

War Adventure

(Edit) 11/06/2023

I didnt know much about this period of history & I found the film enlightening.Good documentary with plenty of action scenes.Quinn is excellent as always & Reed does well.

I read that Colonel Gadhaffi financed this film about Libiyas national hero.Italys colonisation has been overlooked so this story should be seen by more people.Very good.

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U Turn

Bad Luck

(Edit) 05/06/2023

Unbelievable the bad luck Penn has but an enjoyable story even if it is a bit farfetched.Interesting characters played by talented actors in a hot desert scenic background.

A good black comedy thriller.

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Kiss the Blood Off My Hands

Burt on the run

(Edit) 05/06/2023

Over melodramatic with London portrayed rather gloomily.Dissapointing for a Lancaster film.Newton relishing overacting as a villian & Fontaine rather meek.Unrealistic ending.

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It Happened One Night

Original ROM Com

(Edit) 25/05/2023

Original Romantic Comedy which has been copied many times. A very enjoyable film with no violence,swearing ,nudity or gore.Clark & Claudette are an excellent couple

& Capra again makes a good family film.

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The Spiral Staircase

Gothic Horror

(Edit) 16/05/2023

Very melodramatic with excellent B&W photography illustrating the film noir.Lots of cliches which were later copied.Brent playing against type & Mcguire using her eyes for a


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Terror on the Prairie

Montana Terror

(Edit) 08/05/2023

Plenty of action but very predictable.We have seen it all before.Blood & gore with too much violence-put in just for the sake of it.standard second feature.

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Last of the Apaches

(Edit) 02/05/2023

Good film well acted & stunning visual scenery.Wes Studi plays the part well(not quite as evil as Magua in Last of the Mohicans) but more thought provoking about the

treachery of the USA government.

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The Great Silence

Unusual Western

(Edit) 27/04/2023

This is a strange film with different background & an unusual ending.It imitates Leones spaghetti westerns but somehow does not pull it off.Snow scenery rather bland &

all the characters well covered up -a job to tell who is who.The blood looked too red with too many bodies everywhere.Morricones music gives it a dramatic operatic

feel.I thought it should have been better but still worth seeing.

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