Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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Essex Boys

Slick Thriller

(Edit) 12/11/2022

Based on real Essex murders this races along with good performances from the main actors.Too much swearing but probably true to type.Enjoyable gangster film.

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Gunga Din / The Toast of New York

Kipling Adventure

(Edit) 07/11/2022

Rousing adventure story with comic scenes.Cary Grant as his usual best with Fairbanks doing his swashbuckling.Action with humour.Very enjoyable.

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Fear is the Key

Action Thriller

(Edit) 07/11/2022

Exciting car chase but overlong .Far fetched plot with several gaps but overall a satisfying boys own picture.

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Son of Saul

GRIM hell

(Edit) 23/10/2022

A depressing film ,very realistic but worth watching ,Rather slow with an obvious ending .Everyone should see this as although it has very little plot & a unbelievable story people should be made aware of the attrocities & horrors of everyday life in a German Concentration Camp like Auschwitz.Well photographed in dull colours.

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The Nile Hilton Incident

Egyptian Corruption

(Edit) 09/10/2022

Excellent film showing Cairo as it really is.Different ending to most films but probably more realistic.

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Operation Mincemeat

Fooling the Germans

(Edit) 27/09/2022

The first 10 mins of scenes with his wife could be cut.They could have started with the 20 committee thus shortening the film which was overlong.Dull at first but got better.

The Mcintyre book is is excellent but this brings a love triangle into it which is not needed.Well acted .

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The Lost Weekend

Whiskey Galore

(Edit) 17/09/2022

Powerful drama with Ray Milland acting his best although you lose any sympathy for him as the character keeps repeating his addiction.Good black & white photography.

We have seen similar films since with the theme of drunken writers but for its time this was original & one of the best.

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Man of the West

Western Man

(Edit) 17/09/2022

A little bit different but gradually becomes predictable.Cooper looks old for a romantic hero & Cobb acts over the top.Julie London a jazz singer doesnt sing & what happened to the song shown in the title-it isnt on the DVD nor is the rape scene.Jack Lor d plays against type but nevertheless this is a fine Western.

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Wild Bill

Flawed history

(Edit) 04/09/2022

Very violent at the beginning but slows down towards the end.I do not know how many men Bill actually killed but Hollywood seems to have gone over the top.Too many

flashbacks & dream sequences.Cannot believe the hired killers would walk away in the final scenes or John Hurt make such a speech.It should have mentioned at the end

that Jack was eventuall y hung for the murder.Disappointing.

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Tokyo Drifter

Jap Gangster

(Edit) 14/08/2022

Strange film.Parts are silly like the fight in the nightclub,some surreal like the final shootout others are serious & violent.Interesting though.

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Purple Noon

Hitchcockian Highsmith

(Edit) 04/08/2022

Excellent film-have not read the book but enjoyed this.Good story,well acted with stunning locations.

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Branded to Kill

No good-unable to play disc!!!!

(Edit) 05/08/2022

Unable to play disc!!!!!!!!I may have been a BLUE RAY not a DVD.Recorder could not read disc.Can you send a replacement Disc?

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Belfast in B&W

(Edit) 07/08/2022

Excellent Acting from the little boy & C.Hinds but spoilt for me by the Irish accents from the rest of the cast-I couldnt understand what was going on.Film jumped about a bit but got better later on.The B&W photography suited the mood & the period was very realistic.DO NOT MISS THE EXTRA BITS with Branagh visiting his home town.

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The Killing of a Chinese Bookie

Sleazy Nightlife

(Edit) 18/07/2022

This is billed as a powerful gritty film but I found it very curious & gloomy.Disjointed at first & photographed amateurish-scenes very dark.Difficult to understand what is going on Gazzara visiting clubs drinking & smoking.It was not until I read the synopsis on Wikapedia it made sense as there were several cuts in the DVD.You never saw him gambling

& losing all that money & Mr Wu did not confess &say he was sorry.Strange ending -did he die,if so why is there a Part2 which is not listed.

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Halls of Montezuma

Hope is the mercy

(Edit) 12/07/2022

Enjoyable with an excellent cast.No women or romance & not a lot of action but any Widmark film is worth watching.

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