Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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(Edit) 12/07/2022

Interesting but not sure its true as Authorities have denied the events although I am sure it has happened in some reform institutions.Good cast with Bacon playing

another sadistic role.

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Navajo Joe

Spaghetti Flop

(Edit) 29/06/2022

This tries to imitate >Eastwoods Films with even Morriconis music but it doesnt come off.Worth seeing to compare with Leones films.Made before Burt became a Star with his

road movies.

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Night Falls on Manhattan

Corrupt Cops

(Edit) 01/07/2022

All the action is in the first two minutes,after that it evolves into a rather dull film .Holm acts well but nothing much happens & the end is predictable.Not one of Lumets best.

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Affair in Trinidad

Spy Noir

(Edit) 16/06/2022

The plot reminded me of a "B" movie,nothing spectacular but watchable.Pity it is not in colour to show off Rita,s red hair.Not asa good as "Gilda" but OK.

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The Men

Marlons Debut

(Edit) 02/06/2022

Well acted but storyline obvious-does not make it interesting for a film.Worth seeing for Marlons first performance.

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The Iron Curtain

Cold war

(Edit) 02/06/2022

Although true it is rather dull for a film.Over dramatic & more of a documentary than a story.Lighting very dramatic & the Russians look too villianous.

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Zulu Dawn

British Defeat

(Edit) 17/05/2022

Not quite in the same category as ZULU but entertaining.The battle scenes were very realistic with hundreds of extras portraying the Zulu warriors really well.Terrific cast but somehow it didnt make an epic.

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Rider on the Rain

French Hitchcokian Film.

(Edit) 12/05/2022

Surely it should be IN the Rain?Good start-intriguing but too many subplots at the end.Bronson infuriating with his smile-I prefer him more serious but quite enjoyable.

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Ride with the Devil

Quantrill Bushwackers

(Edit) 10/05/2022

Quite enjoyable but rather slow in parts.Battle scenes were impressive,although the earlier actions were dark & confused.I was not ready for the ending which petered out

rather than a climax.

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Tell No One

French Noir

(Edit) 04/05/2022

Excellent story,well acted & I throughly enjoyed it even though the ending was a bit far fetched.Most French Films are superior to

Hollywood & this certainly was good.

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Black Book

Dutch Resistance

(Edit) 24/04/2022

Excellent Film even though it kept stopping but I managed to see it all.Good story,very realistic & nice performances from unknown

actors.Brief nudity but in context & action scenes well done.I will have to see Verhoeven,s other films.

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The Lives of Others

Life under Communism

(Edit) 15/04/2022

Excellent one of the best Foreign films I have seen.Good story although rather dough & grey to start it shows what it is really like in State controlled countries.Unknowm actors

but wel l played.All Left wingers should be made to see this Film!

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Viva Zapata!

Mexican Revolution

(Edit) 05/03/2022

Brando gives a moody glum portrayal of the Mexican Hero,well shot in black & white.Quinn as his brother is as usual excellent.An actors film with Brando sulkily never

Smiling.There should be more films of Mexican history as its like the War of the Roses.

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Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Family crime

(Edit) 05/03/2022

Crime story with family melodrama woven in.Excellent acting from Hoffman & Finney-not sure about the time sequence.I might have preferred it in real time .Ironic that

Hoffman plays a drug addict in view of his death from drugs.Good tale-I enjoyed it although the ending doesnt show what happened to Hank(Hawke).

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White Power

(Edit) 20/02/2022

Predictable but quite enjoyable.Winger & Berringer are excellent & make the film.Other characters play minor roles -hardly noticeable.

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