Film Reviews by NO

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Arlington Road

Pschycological Thriller

(Edit) 05/02/2022

Gripping tale with Bridges excellent as a paranoid professor.Ending a surprise & a bit far fetched but otherwise a good film.

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The Courier


(Edit) 01/02/2022

eExcellent film-very authentic as you know its true.No action like 007 but gripping as the events are are not fiction.I have never been a fan of Cumberbatch but he plays

this part very well & I warmed to him.The Russian Colonel Penovsky is also portrayed well & I throughly enjoyed this film.

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Castle Keep

Weird War

(Edit) 26/01/2022

Strange fim-why does Lancaster have to have a black patch?No people in the village except the Brothel.Where did those American concious objectors come from ?It did not make sense .Dissapointing.

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The New World


(Edit) 06/01/2022

Disappointing-I thought with Wes Studi & Chris Bale it was going to be good.Studi only had a small part at the end.Photography & atmosphere excellent & the Indians were realistic (Unlike the usual Hollywood ones) as were the bedraggled English,but story confusing -one minute Indians were attacking ,next minute trading.Pocohontas drifted from in & out the fort & the Indian camp.It would have been better if there were subtitles as I found the sound poor-so not certain what was going on.Not certain it was historically accurate although I have seen her grave at Gravesend.Also it was too long ,not enough to keep me for over 3 hours as it was not the Epic i was hoping for.

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French Farce

(Edit) 31/12/2021

Not as good as Amelie but entertaining.Silly in parts & funny in others.Unbelievable characters but amazing stunts.

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Bend of the River

Where the river bends

(Edit) 23/12/2021

Standard Western but well worth wat,ching ,Stewart is excellent as ever & so is the under rated Kennedy.I thought the Shoshone Indians were poor but otherwise Scenery good.

Not one of Hudsons best .Enjoyable even though I had seen it before!

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Bad Company

Oddball Western

(Edit) 15/12/2021

Nothing like the heroic Hollywood western.This is more realistic - excellent camera work giving it an autumnal feel with misfits & sordid people drifting through life scratching

a living.There were probably more folks like these than the flashy cowboys etc seen on the screen.Well worth seeing with Bridges in one of his earlier roles even though it had

no conclusion except no hope.

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Cry of the City

Film Noir

(Edit) 07/12/2021

Excellent B&W drama.Good story ,well photographed in B&W.Good performances from Mature & the under-rated Conte.

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The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Dark Melodrama

(Edit) 30/11/2021

Excellent story,rather dated at start but improved later.Kirk played against type & the under rated Heflin was also good &Stanwyk her usual excellent self.HOLLYWOOD AT ITS

best rather than the all action super heroes films we get now with little or no plots.

I enjoyed it.


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Amores Perros

Dog loves

(Edit) 14/11/2021

A brutal but interesting film not for dog lovers.Harsh reality of life in Mexico (The director & crew

were robbed by street gangs while making it).Well acted & photographed.

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Casque D'Or

Crime Passionelle

(Edit) 09/11/2021

Slightly confused start with all the men having mustaches but progresses into a rewarding

story if somewhat dated.Excellent B&W film.

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Run of the Arrow

Rebels Hate

(Edit) 02/11/2021

Strange Western-tries to be an Epic like Dances with Wolves but does not make it.Seems as if

parts were missing on the DVD-we do not see the initiation rite ,Steiger learning Sioux,or his

argument about attacking the Fort & the quicksand incident is not mentioned.Whether these

& other "jumps" were in the original film I do not know.Was it necessa ry for him to have an

Irish Accent? Ended abruptly but worth seeing.

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Bizarre Western

(Edit) 23/10/2021

Unusual Cowboy with a complex mystery story.Richard Widmark is excellent as ever(why he

never got an Oscar for his fine acting is another mystery).Donna Reid -beautiful as ever(shame she died young).Plenty of action with good outdoor scenery.

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Femme Fatale

Unusual Story

(Edit) 20/10/2021

Confusing at start but intriguing ,eventuall y makes sense but I felt cheated at the final twist.

Good photography but I thought the strip tease & fight in the Club unnecessary.

Worth seeing.

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Clay Pigeons

Daylight Film Noir

(Edit) 11/09/2021

Quirky but fascinating drama with humour.Va ughn is excellent in his "cowboy" role.Good shock twists -enjoyable.

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