Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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Christmas Holiday

Drama with malaise

(Edit) 06/09/2021

Unusual film with both Kelly & Durbin playing it straight.Slow to start,I wondered when Kelly

would appear,but an inevitable ending.

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No Title

(Edit) 01/09/2021

Typical "B" film.Quite good but not the film noir I was expecting.Ve ry uneventful & a little confusing as it ended abruptly & several points were not explained.For once Mason was

not the villian but the hero.OK but glad I did not pay at the cinema to see it.

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Cause for Alarm!

Slow Film Noir

(Edit) 24/08/2021

Rather slow to start & difficult to distinguish between the two male parts especially as your synopsis is wrong!BarrySullivan is the husband NOT Bruce Cowling It got better

as the suspense rose. Loretta Young displays her eyes sucessfully & is the lead actor.A good "B" picture.

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Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

Peckinpah Western

(Edit) 16/08/2021

Not what I expected.Supposed to be a cult western but although Coburn plays it cool & Kris makes his debut all the other old cowboy faces just have walk on parts.

Too many unexplained gunfights-violence just for the sake of it.Was the brothel scene necessary?All that naked flesh!I did not feel that this was a true history of Garrett

& Billy-just a chase film.Scenery etc was authentic but overall disappointing.

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Don't Bother To Knock

Mar ilyns first real acting role.

(Edit) 05/08/2021

Good performances from Widmark & Marilyn but not a ver y interesting story.Liked Bancrofts songs but all action confined to one room & the hotel.

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The Iron Horse

John Ford Classic

(Edit) 05/08/2021

Obviously dated but shows realistic Western settings.Quite funny in parts but disappointed that the film broke down in a final scene where Brandon is fighting

Bauman & skipped to the meeting of the Railroads.The outcome was apparent but I would have liked to have seen the missing bits.

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McCabe and Mrs. Miller

Dourful Western

(Edit) 23/07/2021

Slow to start & poor dialogue makes it confusioning with dark uncolourful scenes.Realistic showing what the West was really like but doesnt make good entertainment.

Predictable ending with very little action.Unusual Western.

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Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

Peckinpah film

(Edit) 20/07/2021

Slow to start but a Road Movie with typical Pekinpah violence at the end which is predictable.Could not see the point of the attempted rape scene but Warren Oates is good

& the actress is rather sexy.Must be Kristofferson ,s first appearance.I note it was a flop when released but has now become a cult classic.

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Sukiyaki Western Django

Spahgetti Homage

(Edit) 06/07/2021

Strange film-seems like a spoof but very violent with over the top bloody scenes.Copies ideas from the Spahgetti westerns but you cannot take it serious as the final shoot out is silly-everyone getting killed except the stranger.Mixes comic bits with drama.Disappointing.

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Family Plot

Twisty comedy thriller

(Edit) 28/06/2021

Excellent good send off for Hitcocks last film.Dern & Harris make a great comedy duo.Black is he r usual dark self.This film should be more widely known.

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The Last Sunset

Unusual Western

(Edit) 22/06/2021

Unusual because it has underlying themes although fairly predictable with a twist.Strong cast but too many cattle.Worth seeing for the 3 main actors.

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China Moon

Neo Film Noir

(Edit) 11/06/2021

Excellent story similar line as Double Indemnity but a clever end twist.Strong performance from Harris & Stowe is beautiful as ever.Good entertainment.

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To Be or Not to Be

Polish Caper

(Edit) 05/06/2021

I could not make my mind as to whether this was a comedy or a serious war film.There were moments of humour mixed up with seriousness,then sheer silliness.I also never knew that Jack Benny acted in films,I had only heard him on radio.Tragically this was Lombards last film.Robert S tack looked so young,I did not regognise him at first.Rather

dated but worth seeing.

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Last Stand at Saber River

Sellick Shootout

(Edit) 30/05/2021

E njoyable Western but Predictable.Little girl was good & Sellick usual self.Little romance & gunfight rather one sided.Passes an Evening away.

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Realistic Western

(Edit) 25/05/2021

Not a Classic but most enjoyable.This made for TV film shows the hardship of living on the frontier and portrays the rough life of cowboys.No Hollywood shootouts but

people getting badly hurt in gunfights.Predictable but pleasurable.Typical Shepherd in his usual role with his real life wife playing the love inte rest .

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