Film Reviews by NO

Welcome to NO's film reviews page. NO has written 152 reviews and rated 161 films.

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Foreign Correspondent

Typical Hitch

(Edit) 19/05/2021

Slow to start but gathers pace. Many scenes were later copied & became cliches .I liked the plane crash-well done & although it was propaganda at the end,it was

throughly enjoyable.

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The Irishman

Hoffa Hit

(Edit) 06/05/2021

Quite good story but rather too long.I had never heard the phrase-Paint houses before only whacks & hits.Both Al & Robert are re ally getting past it to play younger versions

of their characte rs.Didnt explain what happened to the body-it has never been found.Interesting how it showed that in real life what became of the gangsters they nearly all

were murdered.W ellworth watching b ut it should have been cut shorter.

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The Hills Run Red

Spaghetti Imitation

(Edit) 24/04/2021

Tries to be a Leone Western complete with rousing music & chorus but fails miserably.Poor fist fights & over the top acting.Duryrea is hardly in it & Silva overplays.

Disappointing,I expected better.

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Black Mass

Whitey Bulger

(Edit) 14/04/2021

Powerful picture but confusing start.Did not explain how he was head of the gang & who was killing who.I did not recognise Johnny Depp at first.True story which got better

later but not the best gangster film.Look on Wickapedia for his assasination.

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The Two Jakes

Chinatown S equel

(Edit) 23/03/2021

Confusing start-earthquakes,shooting,hysterical woman, confusing names but it gets better although noway as good as Chinatown.Didnt recognise Madeline Stowe as a floosy although she looks herself in the Courtroom scene.Jack & Harvey Keitel are both good as usual Not much

action & I didnt follow the Police attacking him-the previous history of Jack-does it relate to the earlier film because I cannot remember.

Disappointing in a way but worth seeing.

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Brute Force

Painful Prison

(Edit) 10/03/2021

Violent but excellent prison drama.Hume Cronyn as the sadistic warden is at his best and Lancaster is his usual brilliant self as is Bickford.Good idea to show the women who put them there and the photography works well in B&W.

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The Big Clock

Taut film noir

(Edit) 01/03/2021

Slow start with confusing slick dialogue but gets better when the mistress comes on the scene.Very effective high contrast photography as the pace increases with the megalomaniac tyrant Laughton at his best.Enjoyable.

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Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Langs Film Noir

(Edit) 19/02/2021

A contrived story with good twists which I rather enjoyed.Rate it as 3i/2.Dana Andrews acts well as does Joan Fontaine.Good direction.

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The American Friend

Highsmith Thriller

(Edit) 04/02/2021

I did not know it was from the novel Ripleys Game & was confused at start but gradually got intrigued.Hopper was excellent & the photography

was very film noir.Ending was strange but I enjoyed watching.

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The Big Steal

Road Chase

(Edit) 25/01/2021

Why did they colour it?As a film noir it should have stayed B&W.No scenery so colour does doesnt add anything.THis is basically a road film,no real plot,simple story but that said I enjoyed it mainly due to the interplay banter between Mitchum & Greer.Mitchum had just come out of Jail but the Mexicans kept offering him marijuana! Noway as good as their previous liason (Out of the past) but worth watching.

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Seven Days in May

Tense Drama.

(Edit) 25/01/2021

No action but a good story which seems appropriate today.Held together by good performances by the 3 main actors.Lancaster & Douglas are always worth watching as is March.Ava still beautiful but only a small part.

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(Edit) 19/01/2021

Strange film .Semi documentary historical.Rather disjointed to start-dialogue patchy.No women or love interest whatsoever.Unknown actors

apart from Brando who rated it one of his best pe rformancies.Changed my mind -will give it only 2 stars.Music by Morricone unmemorable.

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The Cranes Are Flying

Russian Romance

(Edit) 15/12/2020

Tragic Love story beautifully photographed in realistic black & white.Russian cinema at its best.Every scene taken by a dramatic camera man.

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Venice Travelogue

(Edit) 09/12/2020

Delightful Film-no surprises but Venice is beautifully filmed .Simple story for swooning teenagers.Hepburn is excellent & Rossano charming.

I am not surprised that David Lean made Venice his second home after this.

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The Last Wagon

Wonderful Widmark

(Edit) 27/11/2020

Splendid Western,well photographed in good scenery & an excellent story line.Widmark is his usual brilliant self & I enjoyed the film even

though I realised that I had seen it before,

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