Film Reviews by Bullitt 68

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The Theory of Everything

Overview of a man with motor neurone disease not a biopic of Stephen Hawking.

(Edit) 01/07/2019

Knowing very little of Professor Hawking's life this was interesting and easy to watch. It was nice to see such a loving, happy man before his diagnosis and that he remained the same mischievous character throughout his life. However I find it difficult to believe that an intelligent young man with such lust for life was always so calm and accepting of his disability. What made him so positive when many other men would have given up 'living' long ago?

The film hardly demonstrated his achievements or his work ethic and determination despite such a debilitating handicap. Instead it focused on the family man but, seemed afraid to peel back too much of his personalty so we felt that we knew much more of the man.

I fear if the world did not know who Stephen Hawking was, and this production was about someone else, then it would not be received so warmly; it relies on us to fill in the gaps in his life or to simply ignore them whilst we wear our rose tinted spectacles.

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Blade Runner 2049

Slow, dull, slow, grey, slow and uninvolving.

(Edit) 18/09/2018

This film is so slow, it is ridiculous; it could easily be reduced to less than an hour, the plot is so simple.

I never expected it to match the original, but was led to believe the visuals were excellent. They are not; grey, misty, rainy and generally dull. Neither did I get my head around replicants that bleed and drink.

Overall a great disappointment from Ridley Scott and Denis Villeneuve simply cashing in on the original's reputation.

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I cannot believe you will feel closer to a war without serving for your country.

(Edit) 14/08/2018

Simply the most realistic film I have ever watched about the horror and realism of recent middle eastern conflict.

It is relatively simple and focussed. It is not American. It is not jingoistic. It is not overly sensational. It is well filmed. It has excellent acting. But most importantly does not feature a single actor I have seen before; because of this I believe I am watching the real soldiers going through this ordeal.

Stick with it as the film takes a little while to get going; the characters seem very raw as they go through their daily duties just as you would expect real soldiers to. In some ways this anti-climax adds to the drama when all hell breaks loose.

By the end of this film I was drained and I cared about every single soldier [character]. There are very few films where I can say that.

I recommend this to everyone. I cannot guarantee you will "enjoy" it, but you will never forget it.

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Winter's Bone

Jennifer Lawrence at her best.

(Edit) 14/08/2018

No overacting, no stunts and nothing unbelievable. An interesting story told with excellent acting set in the "harsh environs of the Ozark mountains".

It will not cheer you up or inspire you. It is grim but, that is why it draws you in, because it is believable and you care for Ree Dolly and her family.

Excellent films do come out of America, refreshingly this is one of them.

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Robot and Frank

Good fun but, be prepared for heartstrings to be tugged.

(Edit) 14/08/2018

A fun and different as well as interesting take on A.I.

I cannot wait to watch it again and recommend it.

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Second disc about making of the film and 'junk' in space was far more interesting than the film.

(Edit) 14/08/2018

Simple story in stunning setting.

Your large UHD TV and surround sound system will have the time of their lives. You however will be quite bored by the plot.

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Quite simple but, intriguing story with excellent effects and gorgeous setting.

(Edit) 14/08/2018

Enjoyable and beautiful film made with three excellent actors and a relatively small budget.

Another twist on the A.I. theme. I own this Blu-ray and look forward to watching it again soon.

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