Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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Miss Sloane

A truly remarkable performance by Jessica Chastain

(Edit) 21/09/2017

Jessica Chastain plays Elizabeth Madeline Sloane, a lobbyist who will go to any lengths to win. Miss Sloane jumps ship to lobby for a rival company who are anti existing gun laws, leaving a bitter taste with her old firm who wanted her for the pro gun campaign. Thus, they are determined to win and break Miss Sloane in the process.

Miss Sloane is an utterly ruthless professional, putting everything in second place to her succeeding in her career.

Miss Sloane has no empathy for people who think they are her friends and there is no moral line she will not cross if the goal is on the other side. She drops illegal uppers like smarties to stay awake for her work. Incapable of love and openness, she meets her womanly needs with male escorts. There is a hint to her difficult childhood where she briefly refers to her escort of having to lie through necessity as she grew up, that being the only clue to her ruthlessness.

Jessica Chastain is outstanding as the cold, aloof, unloving, highly intellectual, domineering lobbyist. Highly recommend.

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The Dark Knight Rises

The best Batman movie

(Edit) 09/09/2017

This is the best batman movie I have seen. Great story about Bane and the prison hell hole he was in, which is key to everything.

Bale is at his best here, as a washed up crippled recluse who makes the comeback as the Batman.

Hardy is exceptional as Bane, a lunatic dictator of a villain, who talks to the people about being their liberator like some Marxist revolutionary.

Loved Anne Hathaway's Catwoman, ruthless but with a heart under the hard exterior.

Last but not least, the superb Marion Cottiard in a smaller role as the humanitarian Miranda, delivers her usual acting brilliance.

An A1 cast deliver an A1 film.

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The Five-Year Engagement

Fun and insightful

(Edit) 03/09/2017

Violet and Tom get engaged and start to plan their perfect marriage. Then Violet gets her dream university placement to become a psychology professor at Michigan university and the couple up sticks and move out there from San Francisco, putting their wedding on hold.

Tom at first hides his unhappiness with Michigan because he knows how much academia means to his fiance. Violet gets above her station, paying too much attention to her new intelligentsia colleagues and putting too much faith in the hypothesis of her psychology experiments. These problems then snowball.

Jason Segal and Emily Blunt are great as the engaged couple, well supported by Chris Pratt and Alison Brie.

A fantastic script, penned jointly by Jason segal, offers an insightful look into relationships, whilst simultaneously being very funny.

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The War of the Roses

Bitter divorce , real bitter, no insanely bitter

(Edit) 03/09/2017

This film is described as a drama and dark comedy. That is so apt as there are some humorous moments in an intense love hate relationship. I say love hate relationship because Michael Douglas never loses his love for Kathleen Turner even during their turbulent divorce demands. Conversely, Turner has gone too far, she wants out and is superb as the estranged wife, believe me hell have no fury like Barbara Rose, and the film shows Turner at her wonderful best.

Douglas and Devito put in their usual good performances but the film belongs to Kathleen Turner as the woman you DO NOT want to fall out of love with you.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Most action I think I have seen in a movie

(Edit) 01/09/2017

Max (Hardy) looks out on a panaromic view of the desert while eating a lizard. After that it goes from zero to one hundred miles an hour for virtually the whole movie.

Hardy is a prisoner of a post apocalyptic dictatorship. He gets a chance to escape when Furiosa ( Theron) steals a petrol transporter and heads for the hills in her own bid for freedom.

There is so much action my brain couldn't process it all in parts and I found myself rewinding on numerous occasions. Whether its Max fighting the baddies, Furiosa fighting the baddies, heck they even fight each other , or the numerous car explosions and serious insurance right offs that the vehicles in the chase go through.

I thought Hardy and Theron were great as desperate and brave rebels, willing to die for freedom.

If you want to overload your brain and eyes with non stop action for nigh on two hours rent it. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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A Dog's Purpose

A film about dogs directed by Lassie

(Edit) 27/08/2017

Forgive my title joke, this film is directed by Lasse Hallstrom. The film definitely belongs to the dog stars though, after time it will be the canines that stick in your mind and not the homo sapiens.

I feel this film will get some bad reviews but I make my case for a good one.

I'm a sucker for dogs so it worked for me. On a deeper level, I really believe that dogs can sense when your down and when you're happy etc so that aspect of the film also has credibility.

The film charts the lives and deaths of the same dog that reincarnates into different canine species, with a new family in each life.

I thought the first and last dog stories were great, which is obvious when you see the film, my point being that number 2 and 3 dog were not so interesting stories, although I still enjoyed them too I hasten to add.

I think dog lovers of all ages will dig this.

A nice and emotional film.

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Atomic Blonde

A Fantastic Action Romp

(Edit) 10/08/2017

There is a fight scene where Lorraine Broughton ( Charlize Theron) fights with assassins in a building that is worth the price of a movie seat alone. This incredible scene, lasting for the best part of 10 minutes, sees the heroine fighting off assassins on a stairwell, with the action continuing in a room of the building, before continuing in a car in the street. All the more remarkable, as it seems to be done in one take. I did read that Leitch used some clever cuts, although it is basically a one take. There is a great realism to this fight scene, in the palpable pain of all, plus their breathlessness.

The film begins with the murder of an MI6 agent in Berlin. The organisation brings in Lorraine Broughton, a mysterious, hard drinking, chain smoking agent to clean up, if killing loads of people can be called cleaning up. She is also given the task of retrieving a list, a list that has the names and information of spys, in particular a notorious double agent.

Landing in Berlin, Lorraine begins her investigation/carnage.

Good performance from McAvoy, as the sort of deranged British organisational contact in Berlin and good support from Goodman as the grizzled old CIA agent.

The film belongs to Charlie Theron though as the mysterious agent, mysterious as in we know nothing of her past, we just accept that she's a ruthless professional. Theron plays this part brilliantly and her hard work and training in the action scenes shows, as she's phenomenal. There is also a humorous and emotional side to Lorraine.

Want to see it again on the big screen even before it comes out on dvd.

Superb escapism.

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It works

(Edit) 03/08/2017

You would think a film about a man driving away from his work commitments of overseeing a multi million pound concrete pour because he has a deeper moral commitment, wouldn't work for a film. Furthermore, apart from about one minute when Ivan Locke walks to his car and removes his concrete covered rigger boots, the remaining 81 minutes of the film feature Ivan in his car driving down the motorway. It does work though.

We see the reason for a totally reliable and work conscious man to abandon the pour as the film progresses, through his telephone conversations. The conversations were really engrossing and keep you hooked for the journey.

Unusual and gutsy film making with Hardy giving his usual great performance.

I really enjoyed this courageous offering from Steven Knight.

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Elle is Enthralling

(Edit) 29/07/2017

Michele is assaulted and raped in her home. Due to a troubled childhood (to say the very least) she has a distrust of police and thus begins her own investigations as to who attacked her. What follows in insane behaviour from Michele.

Running alongside the main story above is her strained relationship with a dysfunctional family, that is rich with zany characters.

Huppert is outstanding as Elle, in this part thriller and part black comedy.

Beautifully shot, with the car crash caused by a stag being exceptional.

Another French language art house gem.

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Bleed for This

Blood Guts and an Iron Will

(Edit) 27/07/2017

Excuse the pun, but this film knocked me out. Miles Teller is brilliant as the hard as nails Vinny Pazienza. Who becomes even harder when faced with everybody telling him it's over after a serious car crash that breaks his neck, refusing to lay down.

This film shows the man in the fight and the fight in the man simultaneously. Aaron Eckhart also plays a tremendous role as the trainer Kevin Rooney and there is great camaraderie and banter between the duo.

The film brilliantly captured the cut throat world of pro boxing too.

A real great and inspirational film.

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Outstanding acting by Rebecca Hall

(Edit) 28/06/2017

I have given this film 5 stars because Rebecca Hall totally blew me away with her amazing performance as Christine.

Christine works at a small local news station. She is paranoid about everything, her work performance, her sexuality, her mother and her prospects. This paranoia, obviously due to manic depression, manifests itself in her workaholic mentality (as her tragic life is so empty), sexual frustration, regular angry outbursts and the inability to rationalise things. This is all magnified when she has a health problem.

The pressure building slowly, until the culmination of her rationalisation.

I felt so much for Christine and was in awe of Rebecca's acting. She really had me engrossed with the whole demeanour of the unstable Christine. Superb performance .

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Excellent film about hustlers

(Edit) 24/06/2017

Margot Robbie, a wanna be hustler learning the ropes begs Will Smith, the king of the hustlers, to train her in the art of the con.

Smith takes her under his wing and involves her in small stuff to start, but eventually ropes her in for big plays.

He starts to fall for her, so bails out of the relationship, as there is no place for feelings of love in the arsenal of the con man.

Three years later Smith is in Buenos Aires about to pull off an enormous hustle, and who should turn up but Robbie.

I'm not a member of the Will Smith fan club, although in fairness he plays this film well and I can't knock his performance, which I thought was very good. Conversely, I'm available for the presidency of the Margot Robbie fan club, as I believe she is an excellent young actor, who puts in a cracking performance.

Haven't enjoyed a movie about hustlers so much since the sting.

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Keeping Up with the Joneses

Madcap and corny

(Edit) 17/06/2017

john Hamm and Gal Gadot (the Joneses) fresh out of the glamour factory become the new neighbours of Zach Galianfiakis and Isla Fischer.

The Joneses seem to have it all, interesting jobs and pastimes, as opposed to the normality of their neighbours. Isla Fischer starts to become suspicious of them and begins to spy on them, even following Gadot. Persuading her husband of their suspiciousness they break into the Joneses house where they discover their secret.

This Joneses discover they've been compromised and must act upon it. Can't really say no more except that then the adventure really begins.

Okay this is not a great film and very corny , but a good pace and some funny moments kept me entertained for the duration. All in all, enjoyable.

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Frankie and Johnny

Strong performances from theses stars

(Edit) 16/06/2017

Fresh out of the joint Johnny gets a job as a cook in a small cafe. Frankie is a waitress there. They are both lonely and single and there is an obvious early attraction. Only one problem with the mutual attraction and that is Frankie. Frankie has had horrendous relationships in the past and this hurt and pain is deep, manifesting in her rejecting male companionship.

Johnny, the eternal optimist who having his own pain in the past, still believes in real love, keeps at her relentlessly. Pacino is great as the persistent admirer whilst Pfeiffer is great as the hurt woman with a shield of armour, impenetrable to all who come a courting.

Really enjoyed it.

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Great love story and Great suspense story

(Edit) 10/06/2017

Pitt and Cotillard are superb in this film, their acting and on screen chemistry is remarkable.

They play Max and Marianne, two war time agents brought together to terminate a high ranking German. They are complete professionals, paying meticulous detail to every part of their subterfuge, which I found really interesting. Of course, the pair begin to fall in love and after their above mission become man and wife.

Then comes the bomb shell of H bomb proportions. Max is summoned to intelligence offices and told that his wife could be a German spy, if this doesn't rip his heart out enough, they want him to set her up and pull the plug if she is.

Convinced that the woman he loves with all his heart is not a German spy, Max begins his own extracurricular investigations. There follows real edge of your seat suspense and greatly acted paranoia by man and wife.

In addition to the acting and tense story, I thought the action scenes were excellent and realistic.

Yea, this film did it for me.

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