Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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Gangster movie magic

(Edit) 26/09/2016

Scorsese's Goodfellas is the movie that most film buffs rate as his classic gangster film (which is phenomenal, no argument), but for me casino is his best in this genre.

The three leads are right at their best here. De Niro plays Ace, a level headed ,calculating, business first type gangster. Pesci is the polar opposite as Nicky, an ultra violent psychopathic, hedonistic, live life with his foot full to the pedal gangster. Stone has never been better as the hustler Ginger, whose deception in the hustling pervades into her whole persona (who can forget the freeze frame when Ace "feel in love there and then" with her). Simply great.

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Mulholland Drive


(Edit) 24/09/2016

What is this film about, dunno. What is the message, dunno. So with the storyline dealt with, my review.

Irrespective of the above, this is one of the best films I have ever seen. It is brilliantly acted, hypnotic, surreal and a work of art. Harring, Watts and Theroux are phenomenal. The scenes are just so good I could watch them as single pieces, like the movie mogul with his coffee, Theroux visiting the mysterious cowboy, the amazing dream like sequence when a teary Harring and Watts watch a singer in a theatre. I can imagine a lot of people hating it and thinking I'm off my trolley, but I know there's others who will get me and love it too. Absolutely fantastic.

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Rings all the right bells

(Edit) 24/09/2016

Everybody knows the story so I'm not going to bore you all to death with, once upon a time ....

Certain films just look stunning in black and white, this being one. The cinematography really catches the France imagined in the story.

Maureen O'Hara was born for this part, she is stupendous, a superstar of the old school of film stars. Laughton is also great as Quasimodo, the social outcast who falls in love with the kindly enchantress. That makes two of us Quasi.

I first seen this film when I was very young, and the images stayed with me, until I seen it several more times as an adult. Totally enchanting.

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The Incredible Journey

A wonderful cinematic experience

(Edit) 24/09/2016

I am going to rent this film after I review it. No, I haven't gone insane, reviewing films I haven't seen. It was one of the first films, maybe the first, that my parents took me to see as a kid in the cinema. And as such, I want to review it through my kids eyes.

It was in the 60s and I still remember how much I loved it. The camaraderie of the three friends through their enduring journey, beautiful panaromic landscapes, tense dangerous moments, courage and determination of the trio all come to mind.

This was one of the films that gave me a life long love of films. Thanks so much mam and dad.

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The Marx Brothers: A Day at the Races

Back this winner

(Edit) 24/09/2016

The best Marx Brother film in my opinion.

Margaret Dumont is a hypochondriac hotel owner. Wanting a second opinion on an ailment prompts the entrance of Dr Hackenbush (Groucho) , who unbeknown to her is a vet.

The Bros get together to stop the baddies wrestling the hotel from Margaret Dumont. Some classic set pieces, like Chico selling form books for the horses to the lunatic Hackenbush from an ice cream cart, getta your ice cream. Plus the boys washing up for a medical exam and riding out on a horse, among many more.

Marx GOLD.

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Jane Got a Gun

Natalle Portman got talent

(Edit) 22/09/2016

After reading some Luke warm reviews I really enjoyed this western . Nothing new there, its all down to the individual, what do they know about my taste, or indeed what do I know about yours, but here's my take anyway.

Jane needs help because the bad guys are coming for her and her husband, imminently. She goes to see her old flame (Joel Edgerton) to beg for help, he's reluctant to say the least , as she's already ripped his heart out and stamped all over it by deserting him for an outlaw.

I thought Portman was great as Jane, a real believable gutsy woman, haunted by past events, but still willing to fight for love.

"Everybody has a story" to paraphrase Jane, and thus we are given the back stories of the characters in flashbacks, of course then things become clearer.

I also thought that Ewan McGregor gave the film an interesting and well acted villain.

Only just over an hour and a half, that flew by, as it is a fast paced western. Did it for me.

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Black Swan

This definitely ain't no turkey

(Edit) 22/09/2016

A superb film from Darren Aronofsky.

Natalle Portman's performance as Nina is outstanding, deservedly scooping her the Oscar for best actress that year.

Nina is an innocent, sweet girl, still at home with her over protective, domineering, deranged mother (brilliantly played by Barbara Hershey).

The director of the ballet ( Cassel) believes that Nina has what it takes to dance the white swan part of swan lake (this part fits with Nina's personality) but not the malevolent black swan.

Trying to get the character of the black swan sends Nina over the top, and the split personalities of the two dance parts begin to transcend into Nina's personal life.

The hand held camera work of Aronofsky lend credence to this mental breakdown.

The ending really blew me away, and I had to really think about it. Superb.

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Angels with Dirty Faces

Stupendous Cagney

(Edit) 18/09/2016

Cagney and O'Brien are childhood friends on the wrong side of the law, rumbled on a crime the youngsters flee, only for the slower of the wrongdoers (Cagney) to be caught and sent to juvenile detention.

Fast forward to the pair as adults and their chosen paths. Rocky is a major criminal and Jerry is a priest, namely father Connely. The father has a bunch of wanna be kid gangsters under his wing, who he is trying to guide onto life's right road. The trouble is they hero worship his old friend Rocky for all the wrong reasons.

Rocky tries to help the father a with his good causes by throwing money around like confetti, which of course the father rejects on moral grounds. But, is there a way that a reluctant Rocky could help in a bigger way? An absolute classic.

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Begin Again

Music Heals.

(Edit) 16/09/2016

A chance meeting between a hard up and heartbroken producer Dan ,(,Ruffalo) , and an equally heartbroken singer songwriter Greta (Knightley), sets in motion a partnership. The two collaborate to make an album on a shoestring, foregoing studio recording for recording on the streets of New York in different settings. Along the way their perspective fractured relationships are dealt with.

A very enjoyable film that is thoroughly well acted by the two main actors who have terrific chemistry. Thoroughly recommend this feel good film.

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Crimes of Passion

Gritty Ken Russell vehicle

(Edit) 16/09/2016

Kathleen Turner leads a double life, by day she's a respectable business woman, by night she plys her trade as the hooker China Blue, for the sexual kick, not out of any monetary issues.

Bruce Davison plays the love interest who becomes besotted with the escort. Turner gives her usual Stella performance, but for me the film belongs to Perkins , the insane street preacher intent on saving China Blue's soul. I remember reading in a book by Turner that Anthony Perkins was heavily into drugs on this film set. It shows, as he looks off his rocker, especially when he starts playing the piano. A film I think more for genuine film fans, as opposed to a movie that will appeal to the masses. I thought it was terrific.

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The Wrestler

Rourke at his best

(Edit) 17/09/2016

Randy the ram is a wrestler who should have retired about a decade ago. Wrestling in local halls and small time venues, the once famous Randy still ploughs on as its his life, his calling, his love. Rourke is brilliant as the wrestler who doesn't know when to pull the plug.

Marisa Tomei is also outstanding as the pole dancer Randy has the hots for, will she won't she, some outstanding close ups of her expressions stick with me.

His attempts to reconcile with his estranged daughter are moving and tragic. Top notch indie film.

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Powerful cinema

(Edit) 23/07/2016

Very bleak, disturbing and powerful portrayal of the maize prison and the prisoners struggle for recognition as political prisoners. Fassbender is outstanding as Bobby Sands, his acting through the ravages of starvation on the hunger strike are remarkable, hard viewing but McQueen captures the hell of starvation as close as possible to which I would imagine the actual agony to be like.

Similarly, the cells smeared in excrement and the living conditions in these conditions is equally captured, as is the barbaric treatment of prisoners and their keepers.

The scene when the prison guard visits his mother is I guarantee you, unforgettable, extraordinary direction showing the horrors of the ongoing conflict.

A very artistic film, in the sense that it portrays the reality of the situation (which unfortunately is true for all involved) in a realistic unpretentious way. The final fade out shot being a typical example, unpretentious but simultaneously hits you with a sledge hammer straight in the face.

A remarkable film debut for this director.

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Great tension

(Edit) 18/07/2016

Knowing no great details of the true story this film is based on, I can only review the film, not the accuracy.

I admit to not being a big fan of Affleck prior to this. Firstly his acting was terrific as a CIA man on the fringes brought in for the escape plan. He plays the role of trying to get the hostages to trust him in a very believable understated way. The acting by the hostages is phenomenal, trying to look calm as they try to pass through many check points, but their tension (including Affleck) is almost palpable.

Great performances, adding plenty of humour, by Armin and Goodman, the Hollywood insiders who add credibility to the shooting of a film cover. Well worth a viewing, thoroughly good.

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Twelve Monkeys


(Edit) 10/07/2016

In my opinion Gilliam's finest film. Superb cinematography give this film an almost dream like quality.

Willis is transported in time to solve the meaning of "the twelve monkeys" . Forced to do this, Willis is exceptional as the hacked off time traveller James Cole. On his action packed missions he meets a doctor who helps him in his quest, Stowe in a wonderful role as a converted believer. Another associate meeting comes in the form of Brad Pitt, whom he meets in a mental institution. Pitt brilliantly capturing the deranged Jeffrey.

Great script, acting and cinematography, gives the ingredients to one real tasty film.

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Coming Home


(Edit) 05/07/2016

A fantastic film dealing with post Vietnam vets and the women in their lives. A thoughtful insight into how war affects the psyche of men and women. Terrific performances from the three leads, especially Fonda picking up the Oscar for best actress for her endeavours.

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