Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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(Edit) 05/07/2016

Convinced of her husbands infidelity Fanny Ardant engages a hooker, in the shape of Beart, to seduce her husband and tell her all the sordid details. It is brilliantly acted, and thus not easy viewing, as you witness Ardant, a sophisticated woman visiting the red light haunts and conversing with the beautiful escort Beart, who is equally as brilliant as the, seen it done it all, escort. You feel uncomfortable for Ardant's character, like why are you doing this to yourself, but conversely, absolutely compelling viewing. Uniquely French cinema. High quality stuff the interactions of these two very different, and very sexual women. Highly recommend.

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The Cincinnati Kid


(Edit) 19/03/2016

McQueen plays Eric Stoner, perhaps the greatest five card stud player of them all. To be the man though he must beat "the man" Lancey Howard the ageing king of the game.

McQueen is superb as the confident kid, convinced he's the best and ready to take Lancey apart. Edward G is brilliant as the old master, still awesome but showing signs of weariness. Add the machinations of interested parties in this showdown, and the superb femme fatale in the shape of the amazing Ann Margaret and you got yourself a great Hollywood production.

The final hand is shot and acted so well, you live the tension with them. Great.

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Hard Times

Classic Bronson

(Edit) 13/03/2016

If you like Charles Bronson you'll dig this, as simple as. Bronson plays the quiet drifter Chaney, who is a street fighter who fights for money in underground bouts. Chaney beats all who he goes up against. But then they bring in a guy hewn from granite by train, supposedly unbeatable. Can Bronson beat this superman?

Reminiscent of his character in the magnificent seven where Bronson showed his soft side with the children of the village, Hard Times witnesses his compassion in the shape of caring for a stray cat. To reiterate, if you like Bronson its a no brained, rent it.

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Cool Hand Luke


(Edit) 01/03/2016

Luke gets 2 years on a chain gang for cutting the heads off parking metres. He just gets on with doing his time until his mother passes away. Concerned that Luke might want to pay his respect at the funeral, the sadistic captain, brilliantly played by Strother Martin, takes him off the road and puts him in the box "for his own good". This action changes the mindset of Luke, who then runs at every opportunity. Newman is brilliant as Luke, as is George Kennedy as Dragline, the bully boy daddy of the prison, who after a fight with Luke becomes his friend. Right from the brilliant start, as the music starts as Luke laughs, the film is brilliant all the way through. Brilliant dialogue, score, and acting from all the protagonists. " What we got here is a failure to communicate". One of the classic lines, but there is no failure to communicate with us as viewers. If you have not seen it, PLEASE do. Outstanding.

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The Revenant


(Edit) 27/01/2016

From the opening you can tell the cinematography is phenomenal, beautiful landscapes and nature framed beautifully. I salute this talented director for the artistic shots of the film, that he has obviously managed to choreograph from his head to what we see.

Based on a true story about Hugh Glass (DiCaprio), who having been savaged by a bear is left for dead in the freezing wilderness by the villain Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy). Driven primarily by the desire for revenge he tries to haul his savaged body home. These two leads are extraordinarily good, the close ups of Glasse's suffering and Fitzgerald's manic and untrustworthy eyes come to the forefront of my mind. Decaprio and Hardy are nominated for best actor and best supporting actor respectively, which are thoroughly deserved.

The bear attack has to have a standing ovation for that piece alone. It is the most realistic CGI I have ever seen. There's so much I want to say about this attack, but don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll just say its so real you seem like you can smell the mighty grizzley's breath.

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The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

Milla Jovovich's Joan of Ark is a triumph

(Edit) 27/01/2016

This film is a moving account of the French heroine. Mills Jovovich is utterly convincing as the brave, fearless , patriotic Joan of Arc. I learnt a lot from a historical perspective, as well as appreciating a wonderful film, that lingers in the memory a long time after seeing it. In fact after writing this review, I want to see it again.

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Raging Bull

A Masterpiece

(Edit) 25/01/2016

De Niro's finest performance I feel. La Motta ( De Niro) is a brilliant fighter but his people skills are appalling. He loves Vicky (an exceptional feature film debut by Cathy Moriarty) his wife with all his heart in his own way, but that way is terrible for her, and anyone who even looks in her direction. His total paranoia of her imagined infidelity and fancying other men culminates with brutal consequences for his brother ( Joe Pesci also outstanding).

Great boxing sequences, especially the fight with Sugar Ray, when La Motta takes a barbaric hammering, blood drenching the front row spectators in the carnage. What, and the way he says it to Sugar Ray Robinson after this savagery sums the man up. La Motta is hewn from granite, as is his personality. His caring, loving side is there, but the paranoia and total mistrust of his personality take precedence. What a film.

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The Passion of the Christ


(Edit) 26/01/2016

A must see film that will move you profoundly. Everyone knows the story but Mel Gibson brings it to life like never before. At the time of Christ the language spoken was Aramaic, thus for authenticity this is the subtitled language of the film. Beware that there is no holding back with the hell that Christ suffered, and watching it we feel the suffering with him. The heart breaking shots of the cross carrying and flashbacks to his childhood will stay with me forever. I salute you Mr Gibson.

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Two Days, One Night

Marion Cotillard is a class act

(Edit) 22/01/2016

A ballot to except a payrise or sack Sandra (Cotillard) has voted for her to be sacked. Sandra and a work colleague see the boss, who agrees that they can hold another secret ballot. Sandra has the weekend to try and convince her fellow workers to vote for her to keep her job, thus sacrificing their payrise.

Her initial reaction is , I'm invisible, I don't exist, just let them decide Monday, I'm going to bed. Sandra has a history of depression, and she pops pills throughout like hippies smoking blow in Woodstock. With her husbands encouragement though she goes to see her fellow workers to try and get the mandate in her favour.

Cottilards unconfident depressive is superbly acted, understated but so prominent simultaneously. Also brilliantly acted is the slow and subtle changes, culminating in a healthier Sandra for her efforts. Marion Cottiard is one fine actor.

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Stallone's best acting to date

(Edit) 22/01/2016

Rocky returns as the trainer of Apollo Creed's illegitimate son. Reluctant at first to Adonis's (yea of course Apollo's boy has got to have cool name too) pleas, Rocky comes on board. Same trusted format, training, then get shot as an underdog, it works again here though. Nice performance from Tessa Thompson as the love interest to Adonis, who is also well played by Michael B Jordan.

But the film belongs to Sly. When watching his performance, especially with the emotional scenes, I thought to myself this is the best I've seen him act (and I'm a huge fan of his work). This was confirmed to me, which I didn't know at the time, when I seen he had received the nod from the academy. Go Rocky, get that Oscar.

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Soars like a bird

(Edit) 28/11/2015

A groundbreaking film. All done in one long take, which is quite exceptional. It's like we see the play then the camera follows the actors backstage through corridors, into different rooms, onto the street etc. Then soundtrack is drums which work and are perfect for the non stop feel of the film.

Keaton has never been better as the neurotic, schizophrenic actor who yearns recognition for his art, financing, directing and starring in an adaptation of a highbriw book. He constantly battles birdman, his other personality, from the days when he played the super hero, who wants him to return to films and leave this arty junk. Edward Norton is great as a ridicolously egotistical actor.

Emma Stone shines like a beacon as Keaton's estranged daughter, fresh out of rehab, who is disrespectful, rude and as self obsessed as her father in her own way.

This film is a mammoth vision pulled of by a gifted director. A gotta see film.

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The Wolf of Wall Street

Top Dog

(Edit) 28/10/2015

Brilliant film. Nearly 3 hours of Scorcese genius. Beautifully crafted shots, superb montages, voice over, and the odd freeze frame, all familiar to Scorcese aficionados.

The acting is top drawer by Dicaprio and Hill. The scene when they drop lemons was astounding. Also a superb cameo by mcconaughey.

Great story at neck break speed. I didn't want it to end, and know I will watch it all again several times. And guys, let's be honest here, there's so many beautiful women, can't be bad. Fantastic.

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Dancer in the Dark

So Realistic

(Edit) 27/10/2015

Apart from the musical sequences, an integral part of Selma's mind set, the hand held camera work and superb acting give this film a realism like that of a documentary.

Bjork plays Selma, a factory worker who is going blind and unfortunately her son has the same genetic disorder. Selma breaks her back saving for an operation for him, to save his sight. She loves musicals and these provide her escape from the sweat , toil , and impoverished existence. Bjork is outstanding as the loveable Selma, so sweet, innocent and committed to her goal.

Catherine Deneuve plays her best friend, an older , almost mother type figure, who watches over her with love. Deneuve is phenomenal, in a rare supporting role ( apparently she wrote to the director Lars Von Tier asking for a small part in one of his movies, as she is obviously a fan. Von Tier replied no, but you can have a relatively big part).

A disaster then hits Selma's plans. What follows is some of the most moving and gut wrenching acting that lead Selma to her picked conclusion.

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There Will Be Blood

A Bona Fide Masterpiece

(Edit) 27/10/2015

Immense. The greatest acting performance I have ever seen. That is how much I think of the performance of Daniel Day Lewis in this epic film. D D Lewis plays an oil prospector, and the film charts his journey from a penniless individual with a few hand tools to a multi corporation tycoon.

Daniel Plaintive makes JR Ewing look as malicious as Sooty.

Lewis is absolutely mesmerising. A superb unforgettable film by the auteur director Paul Thomas Anderson.

The bowling alley scene at end completely blew me away. 100% something else.

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Very gripping

(Edit) 22/09/2015

A little back story, then it is a full on tense and gripping film. A squaddie gets left behind on a mission into IRA territory. He tries to make his way back through one long night. Throw in the intricacies of a simultaneous covert operation in progress, all add to the tension.

The director hasn't taken sides here, favouring either the British army or the IRA, showing the horrors and compassion of war from both sides. A fine film.

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