Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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Young winston

(Edit) 04/08/2015

This is the film that guaranteed Ray Winston the stardom he now has. Winston plays young offender Carling who wants to do his bird keeping his head down. The Daddy of the joint will not let Carling do his time hassle free though, which prompts Carling to take another path to survive the violent regime.

A harrowing portrayal of borstal life and a great performance from the young Winston. If you've been living on Mars, or you're too young to have seen it when it was first released, I would definitely recommend it.

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The Long Good Friday

The bees knees

(Edit) 04/08/2015

A classic Brit gangster. Harold Shand is on the verge of sealing a partnership with the Mafia. But trouble starting with the murder of one of his crew escalates into more and more trouble. Shand is oblivious to why this trouble has started against his firm, and he's determined that he must stamp it out quick so as not to put his new Mafia connections off .

"Somebody must know something". Shand is in a race against time to quell this mayhem. Will he get to the bottom of it, will he keep the Mafia deal?

Superb performance from Hoskins, supported brilliantly by his loyal wife Helen Mirren. The dialogue is top notch, with loads of quoteable gems.

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The Outsiders

Let this New Wave wash over you

(Edit) 03/08/2015

This is a classic French New Wave. Some beautiful set pieces, including the run through the Louvre, the cafe dance, and Anna Karina singing.

The story of a happless duo of wanna be gangsters who get Anna Karina on board.

For me the film belongs to Anna Karina, who is totally hypnotic every time she's on screen, whether it's a long take of her running to meet the duo behind the factory, or a close up study such as the aforementioned singing. Pure class.

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

As good as the 1st

(Edit) 03/08/2015

If you enjoyed the first film, rent it, simple as.

All the old characters are back, Mickey Rourke more violent and crazier than ever, Powers Boothe even more evil, Jeseca Alba in great vengeful mood, etc. Also a brilliant role from Eva Green, one enchanting, scarey femme fatale, a "dame to kill for" from the title.

Great stuff.

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French Connection II

The 2nd as good as the first

(Edit) 31/07/2015

Popeye is back, sent to France as he is the only man who can identify chanier (Fernando Ray). Right from the off Popeye doesn't fit in with the French policing methods, wanting to go NewYork style. But, when in Rome......

After being forced into a junkie, a half dead Popeye is thrown outside police headquarters. Not wanting any leaks or scandal, Popeye is locked in a cell to do cold turkey, against his wishes. Hackman's acting whilst doing cold turkey is incredible, I guarantee the images will stay with you.

For me the ending of this film is right up there with the best endings ever. Fighting flash backs, exhausted, but never giving up. Real cool movie.

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One of Newman's best

(Edit) 30/07/2015

Paul Newman really shines as the totally selfish, hard drinking womanising Hud. A man with no morals, no coscience, the total opposite of his father, who is honest, descent and always does the right thing. Melvyn Douglas is brilliant in the father role, well worthy of the Oscar he won for the effort. Brandon de Wilde, Hud's nephew , idolises Hud, thinking he's the man he wants to be. Patricia Neil also gives a great performance as the hired help at the ranch.

The film looks at right and wrong, through Hud's father and Hud respectively. Will Hud see the light, will his nephew follow in his footsteps? A fantastic western.

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Obsession and its consequences

(Edit) 30/07/2015

Eva Green gives a terrific performance as Miss G, a glamorous and unconventional teacher idolised by her pupils. A new girl arrives at the islands private school, in the shape of a Fiamma, a Spanish girl of aristocracy. This leads to trouble on two fronts, the other girls start to dislike her because she is getting all the attention from Miss G, and Miss G starts to become obsessed by her. These unhealthy feelings lead to tragic consequences.

A haunting film which I thoroughly enjoyed.

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White Bird in a Blizzard

Blizzard of brilliance

(Edit) 25/07/2015

Kat is your typical teenager trying to cope with the angst of her youth, but she also has to cope with the fact that her mother walked out on her and her dad. The story is told in flashbacks and present time throughout the film. She gives it the, yes whatever attitude, but how is Kat really? Shailene Woodley is superb as the daughter who hasn't had the easiest life with her estranged mother. Eva Green has never been better as the neurotic, sex starved, desperately unhappy mother Eve. freaking out about losing her beauty to age she resents and admires her beautiful daughter simultaneously.

This film is so different (but brilliantly different) from most films, a bold and unconventional dazzler. Absolutely loved it .

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The Disappearance of Alice Creed

Reservoir pups

(Edit) 24/07/2015

Most of the film taking place in one location reminded me of Resovouir Dogs. Ok it might not be as good as Dogs, but a cracking Brit film nonetheless. Strong performances from all the characters, and an excellent script. Keeps you hooked with its intensity, and there are a number of, wow , didn't see that coming twists. You don't have to have a budget of a 100 million to make a classy movie.

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Robot Love

(Edit) 24/07/2015

Not being a huge sci fi fan I surprisingly really enjoyed this movie. Great performances from the 3 main protagonists, clever script, and a wonderful directorial debut.

For me it was a question of, could you become emotionally involved with a robot? With AI this advanced, encased in the beautiful feminine body of Ava, I could totally believe that logic would be cancelled out by emotion and sexual attraction. So for me the answer was a resounding yes. Very good movie.

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The Duke of Burgundy

Aesthetic cinema

(Edit) 05/06/2015

This film is an ultra classy art house vehicle. Beautifully shot with an unexpected storyline, it is funny, erotic, intense, sad and above all, intriguing. The two protagonists are superb, particularly Sidse Babett Knudsen who genuinely moved me with her performance. If you appreciate art house please give this a viewing.

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Foxcatcher gets you in a hold and keeps you there until the credits.

(Edit) 02/06/2015

This film shows that Steve Carell is a superb actor and not just a comedy giant. John Du Pont (Carell) is a multi , multi millionaire monetary wise but the polar opposite in the richness of life. Hen pecked by his dominant mother, always striving for her love and admiration, he is so socially awkward. Longing to belong and be respected he starts to train the Olympic wrestling team, knowing as much about the art of this combat as Mr Burns, who he resembles in his attempts at the physical stuff. Tatum is brilliant as the not so clever Shultz brother, as is Ruffalo as the shrewder half of the wrestling siblings. The way that Due Pont treats the younger brother (Tatum) is bound to lead to conflict between the trio. This movie is tremendous, some of the best acting I have seen in a long while.

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Silver Linings Playbook

Forget silver, this is gold

(Edit) 07/08/2014

A very memorable movie, as it is excellent. Witty (great dialogue), moving and superbly acted. Bradley cooper is great as a young man with mental health problems. Jennifer Lawrence is phenomenal as Tiffany, a young girl with mental issues of her own. Tiffany is so honest with great intellect under the sometimes eratic behavior. A well handled film that makes a serious subject funny, and makes you question are the other, so called sane characters crazier?

Rolling Stone said Jennifer Lawrence was one of the best young actors in Hollywood. After seeing this I agree totally. All the more remarkable to win the best actress Oscar for Tiffany at just 22.

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The Master

Different and brilliant

(Edit) 04/08/2014

OK this is not going to be everybody's cup of tea I appreciate. Having said that I thought it was phenomenal, so glad I seen it. The acting by the 3 leads, namely, Joaquin Phoenix, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams is truly exceptional. Phoenix has never been better, he actually looks like an insane alcoholic, really embodying the part. Hoffman is outstanding as the charismatic master, amiable one minute then overly aggressive the next. Adams is superb as the dutiful wife, totally committed to the cause. Loved the soundtrack and cinematography. In short I salute Paul Thomas Anderson as I think he has made a masterpiece here.

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Head in the Clouds

This film soars sky high

(Edit) 02/08/2014

Charlie Theron gives a Stella performance as the hedonistic Gilda. Guy (Stuart Townsend first encounters her at Oxford university). Later they reunite in Paris, where they are joined by Mia (Penelope Cruz) in a love triangle. Guy and Mia feel passionate about the Spanish civil war and join the revolutionaries there. Gilda sees this as betrayal to her, their loyalties and passion should be for her and living a life of pleasure, thus disowning them. Years later when Guy returns again to Paris towards the end of the 2nd world war, he finds Gilda in a relationship with a German officer (the ultimate betrayal to the occupied French). Does he try to save her? There is a very unusual scene in this film that I thought was brilliant and is one of my favorite movie scenes (Gilda looks directly into camera, at us , as we know, we are her witnesses). Loved this film.

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