Film Reviews by PT

Welcome to PT's film reviews page. PT has written 140 reviews and rated 368 films.

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The Burning Plain

Red Hot

(Edit) 01/08/2014

A wonderful non linear film all coming together with the denouement. Outstanding cinematography (the shot of the geese under the bridge is burnt into my retina) and superb acting , especially Charlize Theron as Sylvia, a cold, promiscuous and tormented soul. I loved the ending, so simple, but so, so deep.

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Sexy Beast

Brilliant British gangster film

(Edit) 31/07/2014

Gel (Winston's) is a retired criminal living in Spain, not tempted to return to villiany for anything. Enter psychopathic Ben Kingsley, to tryand change his mind for a job back in England ( do the job, do it, do it, yes yes yes yes yes). All the cast are great but Kingsley is something else. A must see for gangster lovers.

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Excellent fairy tale

(Edit) 31/07/2014

Hugely enjoyable film, funny, touching and original storyline. Amy Adams shows her great acting credentials as Gisele, totally convincing as an innocent, caring and happy soul. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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Grudge Match

Rocky v Raging bull

(Edit) 30/07/2014

OK this movie is not a classic like Rocky or Raging Bull, but if you are a fan of these movies hire it. There are a number of scenes where they both pay homage to the above classics. It's a light hearted comedy and enjoyable movie.

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American Hustle

A diamond of a film

(Edit) 29/07/2014

This film is pure class. Brilliant script, superbly acted by Bale and Lawrence, and particularly Amy Adams ( "OK baby let's go dancing", I hate dancing but I want to go dancing with her ). The shots that O Russell gets, accompanied by the brilliant, predominantly 70s soundtrack are worth watching as cinematic art alone, irrespective of the above. Classy vehicle.

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Young Adult

Theron shines

(Edit) 01/11/2013

I really enjoyed this movie. Charlize Theron is superb as the alcoholic, self obsessed Mavis Gary. Mavis returns to the town she grew up in (Mercury) determined to rekindle her romance with her old flame, irrespective of him being married with new baby. So self confident is Mavis she is oblivious to all the negativities, culminating in her brilliantly acted complete meltdown at her old boyfriends wife's party. A great performance from Theron.

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The Reader

A first class cinematic experience

(Edit) 25/08/2009

This film will linger in your mind long after you have seen it. It is haunting and superbly acted by all the main stars. Irrespective of Hannah's (Winslet) past, I defy anyone not to feel sympathy for her. The scene when she and Fiennes meet after 20 odd years is so moving, watch the hands. Miss Winslet gives the performance of a lifetime, hugely worthy of her oscar for the role. A film I feel will be mentioned in the next publication of classic film books, like films you must see before you die etc.

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Evelyn Salt kicks serious butt

(Edit) 26/01/2011

100 minutes of pure escapism. Angelina Jolie is terrific as Evelyn Salt in this non stop action thriller. The pace is relentless as Salt is pursued by the CIA. Jolie is a trained killing machine, expert in hand combat, weaponary, escapism and evasion.

Angelina is totally believable as one super cool, ruthless and aggressive lady.

Great stunts and cinematography too. Interesting that Jolie does the stunts herself (EXTRAS). Loved it.

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44 Inch Chest

The pain of love for all to see

(Edit) 02/02/2011

If you're lookong for an action movie forget it, this film is more like a play, with most of the action taking place within one room. Having said that, it is absolutely first class. A close up study of the pain and heartache of a man whose wife has left him. Witness Colin Diamonds (Ray Winston) total melt down, supported brilliantly by top class performances from the stella British cast. The acting and dialogue are unforgettable, SUPERB.

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On the Waterfront

A 100% classic

(Edit) 14/07/2010

" I could have been a contender, I could have had class, I could have been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am let's face it". The above is part of, arguably, the greatest monologue ever spoken in a film. This film has it all, brilliant script, direction and amazing performances from all the protagonists. Terry Malloy (Brando) battles with his conscious to do the right thing. The only trouble is the right thing in question means ratting on the father like figure of Johnny Friendly (Lee J Cob). Under pressure from the mob on one side, and his girl Edie Doyle and priest Father Barry on the other, the film basically charts Malloy's internal/external mental battle, brilliantly shown by Malloy's jorney. This film is the ultimate classic.

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A French Epic

(Edit) 12/07/2010

Set in French indo China of the thirties this is a beautifuly shot historical epic. Catherine Deneuve is superb as the aristocratic plantation owner Eliane. The main topic is the love triangle involving Eliane, her adopted Vietnamese daughter and an army officer played by Vincent Perez. All this is set in the turbulent times of the Vietnamese revoloution, brilliantly captured. A long and epic superb film from Regis Warginer. Despite winning two Cesars for other roles (French equivalent of the oscar) this film gave Catherine Deneuve's her only oscar nomination. She should have won as her performance is a consummate acting achievement.

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Sky High

Great Disney viewing

(Edit) 11/07/2010

A lovely family film with a great script and usual moral teachings to make us all better human beings. Funny, moralistic and a great concept for a film. So fitting that Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman, looking as good as ever) puts in a wonderful cameo as the principal of the school. Thoroughly enjoyable family film.

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Aguirre, Wrath of God

Oh God, what a film

(Edit) 08/04/2010

From the opening scene this film is brilliantly shot. Apparently shot on a low budget, which is all the more remarkable. Klaus Kinski is brilliant in the lead, an insane megalomaniac, who is so convincing lunging around like some kind of leering hunchback. The direction by Herzog is equally impressive, giving the film a dark feeling of one mans obsession with power and riches. For film buffs this is a must see.

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Body Heat

A moder classic film noir

(Edit) 14/01/2010

Kathleen Turner has never been better as the alluring femme fatale. Which is all the more remarkable given it's her feature film debut.

William Hurt is also superb as the man she entices as a companion with her addictive loving.

The plot is brilliant, with unforeseen twists and turns, and a most memorable ending. A gem of a film.

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A fast paced rollercoaster of an action movie

(Edit) 10/12/2008

Wanted is definitely not a slow burner. Right from the off you are gripped and can't take your eyes off the non stop action. The special effects and cinematogrophy are first class. If you enjoy action movies like the Matrix etc, this film is a must see.

Angelina jolie lights up the screen like a comet, with her brilliant role as the assasin Fox. As well as the action scenes, Wanted has a great script which has a great twist. The scenes with Jolie though are so memorable, especially the scene in the circular library, Jolies outstanding expressions show us why she is Hollywood gold.

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