Film Reviews by Gwydion

Welcome to Gwydion's film reviews page. Gwydion has written 31 reviews and rated 116 films.

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(Edit) 25/08/2020

Unconvincing future technology.

The setting is obviously a normal tropical forest.

And the plot is silly.

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The Pagan King

Cheap and weak

(Edit) 19/08/2020

Historically false - popes didn't have the sort of authority shown.

Cheaply made and it shows it.

I was bored by it.

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The Cloverfield Paradox

An elite crew are both foolish and hysteric

(Edit) 09/08/2020

It is a vital mission to save Earth, but everyone acts with deep malice to their colleagues.

In the face of each crisis, they react with total hysteria.

And they are amazingly slow to work out where they have been moved to. Elementary astronomy would tell them that.

Likewise the bloody obvious explanation for why a mysterious stranger claims to know some of them.

About as stupid as a gigantic fleshy monster that does not collapse under its own weight. Tacked on at the end and without logic.

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American Animals

What real crime is

(Edit) 05/08/2020

As they say, it is a true story.

You see how crime is messy and cruel. Not romanticised as in most films.

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Battle of the Bulge

Not like the real war.

(Edit) 27/05/2020

The Germans are shows repeatedly making simple tactical errors.

No one ever achieved the 'kill ratio' shown.

It insults the memory of those who actually fought.

Wish I had not bothered with it.

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The Ardennes


(Edit) 24/10/2019

Nothing remotely thrilling or interesting about stupid and violent people. Long sections of them sitting around doing nothing much. And a few pointless crimes. Hopeless.

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First Man

The real perils

(Edit) 17/03/2019

I very much liked this film.

Unlike 'The Right Stuff' and even 'Apollo 13', this got across the extreme dangers of space flight. That even when everything seems fine, there is a lot to worry about. That included the clanking, vibration and alarming noises for take-off.

People wanted Armstrong to be more colourful. But as far as I know, he wasn't. Good to have a movie that respected the facts.

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Trouble the Water

Black people not wanted

(Edit) 10/01/2019

This is about the New Orleans floods. That the authorities basically did not care what happened to the city's black population. Most of whom had to flee and have not been able to return.

Told in an informal style, and all real.

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Hugely disappointing

(Edit) 28/12/2018

Someone decided to make it in a language most audiences would not understand, and not bother with subtitles. And chose Rhaeto-Romance, but it is unlikely that any variant of Indo-European would have got so far west 5300 years ago.

Not understanding anything spoils the human interactions.

It is also excessively brutal. The aftermath of a battle would have made a lot more sense.

People of the era probably had a lot more social interconnections than are shown.

Someone is hung up on the idea of Heroic Individualism and wasted a grand opportunity.

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Tomb Raider

Too realistic for some people's taste

(Edit) 04/12/2018

I think people are offended by what I saw as the best feature - she is allowed to lose sometimes. She seems much more like a real woman with skills, not a fantasy.

You see her growing into her role.

OK, the entire story is fantasy, but it has intelligent aspects and some surprises. I liked it.

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Origin Wars

Low Budget low quality

(Edit) 18/09/2018

A dull rehash of things that were OK in other SF movies, I wish I hadn't bothered with it.

Lots of violence, of course. That's very easy to do.

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Bleak prospects

(Edit) 12/04/2018

It is 1942. You see a naive young man who is good at boxing and pleased to get into an elite Nazi school. Makes friends with the son of a high Nazi official. But increasingly sees the faults in the system.

I found it done well, showing how an ordinary person could be part of the system.

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History almost unknown in the West

(Edit) 28/01/2018

The film is set amidst the massive break-down in Russia after the overthrow of the heirs of Ivan the Terrible. And shows how much Russia suffered in that time.

It also shows the failed attempt by Poland-Lithuania, at that time a Great Power, to conquer Russia and convert it from Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism. You see many shots of the Polish hussars, with their 'wings' making them look like angels, but behaving otherwise.

The un-historical romance has a serf who escapes, loves a Russian princess and becomes a military hero. There is also a mystical element, featuring a holy man and a unicorn, which is also visually striking.

You ought to enjoy this.

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Entertaining, though not plausible

(Edit) 07/01/2018

As others have said, there are a lot of holes in the plot. A lot of mistakes to allow the alien to become a menace.

Having said this, it works as an entertaining adventure film. Few thrillers are very plausible.

The special effects are OK. One forgets that these people are not really in space.

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Stargate Continuum

Closing the Goa'uld story

(Edit) 25/11/2017

This is mostly for fans of Stargate SG-1. It completes the entire saga, beginning with the removal of the last Goa'uld from the last clone of Ba'al. Who however boasts that the real Ba'al is still free.

Meantime Vala Mal Doran has vanished - we are not sure why.

We then see the original Ba'al change time, and understand now why characters keep vanishing.

Three of the team flee and arrive at an Alternate Earth.

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