Welcome to MH's film reviews page. MH has written 2 reviews and rated 3 films.
Well if I could give this film zero stars then I would, what a load of tripe!!! I don't mind bad language, I don't even mind things that other people might find offensive, however when you have a film that literally from beginning to end is swearing and lewd with absolutely no point to it then it just becomes boring, insulting and completely pointless. One scene that is particularly bad taste is the rape scene which if in a normal film would be banned, but in the context of an animation that is meant to be funny to the viewer is just downright disgraceful, there is no way I am going to watch something like that and laugh!!! Please do yourself a favour and avoid this film!!
Didn't know what to expect from this one but was pleasantly surprised. All the characters are unpleasant but in a good way and the tension builds up nicely. If you enjoy something that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable but makes you laugh at the same time this is a good film to choose.