Film Reviews by IS

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Out of the Unknown

Brlliant plots, acting and scripting (for the most part)

(Edit) 06/01/2018

Excellent Series and far seeing a shame only 20 episodes survived. The information provided IS correct it aired over 6 years from 1965 to 1971.

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The Dresden Files: Series 1

Another Excellent series bites the dust

(Edit) 12/10/2017

After 12 episodes this excellent, far above the run of the mill series, was aborted. Paul Blackthorne (another Brit) was excellently cast in the lead role balancing well the dark and the humorous side of the character. The plots of each episode were well scripted and varied and the series had a lot of potential. A little gem in 12 episodes.

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Grimm: Series 1

Formulaic or what?

(Edit) 22/03/2013

Very, very formulaic. There are a couple of subplots to make each episode slightly different from the previous one, but in essence once you have seen one you have seen them all. I'm not even sure that all the tales alluded to were in fact written by the Grimm brothers, but then my childhood was a while ago.

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