Film Reviews by Lord

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The Little Mermaid

Not a Disney experience

(Edit) 04/06/2023

Just took my daughter to see new live action little mermaid movie…and wow it’s dreadful! only saving grace is McCarthy as Ursula. As My daughter said ‘most boring film ever! 0 out of 5.

 It’s probably more of a 1 out of 5 tho the film is far too long and plagued with forgettable new songs, some bad writing choices and some poor casting especially in roles of Sea King, the butler and the seagull. Tho McCarthy as Ursula steals the show. The lack of kitchen scene was a noticeable omission from the film the overall tone of the film fails to allow the Disney style sing-a-long love story to shine through and is hampered by too much aggressive explosive cgi and characters that just don’t click.

Running time at 2hrs 15mins too long for children to sit through and made even worse when the content doesn’t engage with the target audience.  

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It’s a steal….but not in a good way!

(Edit) 15/08/2022

For a film which is built on the success of a key character from Toy Story. This successfully destroys the love for Buzz and his sudo franchise created by him. 

My biggest complaint is the whole film steals the storyline from the Lost In Space franchise. Which makes for a very dull lazy film and completely destroys any fandom for Z.

Another very big gripe is although Chris evans voices Buzz and does a good job it’s so disappointing that it’s not voice by Tim Allen especially when Disney have added voice filters to make him sound like Tim Allen. 

The animation is solid but lacks the fun of a Lassetter film. The addition of Sox attempts to do this but Sox mimics R2 D2 with some of his animations thus just adding to the frustration of an already stolen storyline. 

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Monster Hunter

Badly paced unfinished rubbish

(Edit) 30/09/2021

This film spends so much time in the desert it runs out If time to have an ending, most the cast are killed quickly so not to give them any lines and the remaining cast get forgotten in the character building department. The palico chef is oddly massive and aggressive rather than cutesy. The admirals look is more monkey than leader warrior. The music is another massive miss, none of the official tunes play out not even the creature signature tunes. All are replaced with a awfully ill fitting score. And after an hour and half the film ends leaving you feeling completely bored and trying to understand why it ends where it does. (In complete) 

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Raya and the Last Dragon

Lacks any traits of a Disney classic

(Edit) 21/05/2021

A badly miss cast film with an awfully dull dragon. This latest feature claiming the title of Disney’s 58th classic is far from classic and in most cases very forgettable. From a badly cast dragon to the lack of whit usually found in this type of feature. This film feels like it fails to embrace many traits that make Disney films shine. The overall story feels like a rejected script from a Kung fu panda film. 

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