Film Reviews by ND

Welcome to ND's film reviews page. ND has written 34 reviews and rated 54 films.

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The Philadelphia Story

A class act

(Edit) 06/05/2020

People think that the RomCom started with Four Weddings but back in 1940 they knew a thing or two about how to tell a story well. This film is riveting. The speed of the dialogue is tremendous and when you have a cast like this it’s just magical. The wit is rasping and the comedic acting sublime. Look out for Uncle Willie.

I had never seen this before although I knew it is a famous film, so I went for it. My wife and I sat there riveted and grinning from ear to ear. The Philadelphia Story is famous for a reason, I’ll bet you never even notice it’s in black and white! 

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Great fun

(Edit) 03/09/2019

The nudity is so out of place it's uncomfortable and the film could have been shorter, I suppose. End of criticisms.

There are Jack Lemmon wannabees out there, none have his class. No-one could have played this better, he's a joy to watch in action.

The rest of the cast tries to live up to him and the majority succeed. The locals are all brilliant and the hotel director is a scene stealer, he's so good.

It's a dated film but the sitcom element could be remade today without difficulty.

We loved this film and recommend it to you.

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I Was a Fireman

Amazing films, very well observed, excellent and historic.

(Edit) 21/08/2019

There are four films on this DVD, it is essential that you watch the last one first. It explains a great deal about how these films were made and why. Trust me!

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Das Boot

A riveting docudrama that pull no punches.

(Edit) 21/08/2019

AR, the previous reviewer, has in a nutshell. It's so realistic, you can almost smell the sweat. You'll always be glad you watched it.

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Double Indemnity

Great actors and story. Don't miss this one.

(Edit) 21/08/2019

I completely agree with the reviewers previous, it is a shocking study in evil. Don't miss out on this, all three lead performances are outstanding. You're watching consumate professionals in action, most especially Edward G.

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Madness in action - fantastic acting

(Edit) 04/05/2019

This is not just a great war film, it's much more than that. Scott's performance is extraordinary and if it wasn't for his puzzling views on the Oscar system he would have been an automatic choice for best actor.

The supporting cast and direction, etc. are all as good as it gets.

If you haven't seen this film, treat yourself.

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La Dolce Vita

An academic exercise

(Edit) 04/05/2019

Beautifully made, well acted and fascinating.

Dull, devoid of sympathetic characters and very long, at least it felt it.

If you watch it you will be able to say you have done so and will not forget having done so. Get it out of the way then get on with watching fun films for a bit.

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Calamity Jane

Weird but fun

(Edit) 04/05/2019

Riveting, huge fun with one of the greatest Hollywood songs ever written but the characters are very strange!

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The King and I

The costume department was in overdrive

(Edit) 04/05/2019

Great, just great. They don't make 'em like this any longer. A treat and better than you'd expect. The costumes are sensational and the performances just as good. Enjoy.

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The Death of Stalin

I loved it - don't miss it.

(Edit) 04/05/2019

The cruelty of these people is sent up beautifully, none of them is sympathetic but the acting acting performances are very good indeed. Simon Russell Beale as Beria is terrifying, a bravura performance. Michael Palin, always the best of the Monty Python actors, is brilliant as the idealogue whose wife's trumped-up crimes see her denounced by him.

I loved every minute.

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The Apartment

A classic for good reason

(Edit) 04/05/2019

Just wonderful. The study of office politics is worth watching and the portrayal of a lack of morals in a moralistic age is not as hard hitting as it would have been at the time but still a bit shocking.

Strongly recommended.

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Black Panther


(Edit) 04/05/2019

When you start to hit the fast-forward button on a first viewing you know you've been had. If you're even vaguely considering watching this tosh then stop right now, it's awful.

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Blade Runner 2049

A sequel too far

(Edit) 13/02/2018

The sequel to my favourite film was going to have to be exceptional but it isn't. It's worth watching but the characters from the first film aren't matched at all. Ryan Gosling isn't dangerous, there's no Darryl Hannah-quality actress, the villain doesn't have any presence - think of Rutger Hauer in '82 - he was frightening!

The CGI Rachel is distractingly not-quite-right, the sets don't have the dinginess, you don't get any idea of what society was like. Actually, the more I think about it, the more disappointing it was.

If I tell you that after it was finished I didn't revisit any scene, just put the DVD back in the envelope and posted it, you'll get my view. As I said, see it, just don't expect the wide-eyed fascination of the original. "You see a turtle..."

Oh, if you haven't seen the original, get that and be amazed.

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No-one would make this film now, we're all too staid.

(Edit) 06/02/2018

This film is 50 years old this year and you have to accept that it's dated and directed by a Frenchman. However, the 20-something Jane Fonda is a feast for the eyes and worth the rental at twice the price. I believe the correct term to be applied is "Phwoar."

The plot is nonsense but the acting performances are sublime. To work this sort of thing needs to be performed dead-pan and it is, there are no duff characters. It's actually very funny in places. Plus you get to know where the band Duran Duran got their name from.

It's unashamedly sexist but that's the way things were then - I've seen much worse, there's no horrible humiliation. The erotic costumes wouldn't make it into mainstream cinema, though. I watched it with my 20 y.o. son and his eyes were out on stalks. The routine awfulness of the internet completely lacks the irony, humour and gentle eroticism of Barbarella. In its unique way it's a bit of a masterpiece.

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The Nice Guys

Well, I enjoyed it.

(Edit) 08/06/2017

For goodness' sake, it's a film, not a code to live by. Lighten up, people.

We sat down and loved it. The little girl was excellent but all the acting was good enough and the plot both keeps your attention and can be followed.

When it comes on the telly I'll make sure I watch it.

Rent this film, it's well worth it.

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