Film Reviews by DM

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It Was Fifty Years Ago Today!: The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper and Beyond

A waste of time!

(Edit) 25/01/2021

I thought this was going to be about the making of Sgt Pepper but it turned out to be a lot of interviews with people loosely connected with that period but not necessarily in the know. There was far too much about the Maharishi and the suicide or not of Brian Epstein and also the American tour which happened years before.

One of the extras I thought might be interesting was an interview with the Bootleg Beatles which was unfortunately marred by not being able to hear the interviewers questions.

I would rather give this no stars - a cheap con.

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Love and Mercy

Almost a documentary.

(Edit) 11/04/2017

I thought that both actors were believable in the part, having seen lots of clips of Brian Wilson in the past and as he is now. The music was also handled really well.

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No Good Deed


(Edit) 04/11/2016

I was looking forward to watching Idris Elba who always gives a good performance, unfortunately this film was derivative and predictable. I persevered to the end but my wife lost interest after the first 45 minutes.

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(Edit) 04/11/2016

This is a five star movie. The acting is superb and all the main characters are believable in their roles.

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