Film Reviews by MC

Welcome to MC's film reviews page. MC has written 8 reviews and rated 10 films.

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Knock on Any Door

well acted

(Edit) 15/11/2024

very well acted and a good social comment on the inequality within 1940s america. No wonder McCarthy was 'on their case' within a few years!

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Cross of Iron

iron cross film

(Edit) 26/07/2024

very 1970s in that there was needless misoginistic violence, but otherwise a lot of trouble had been taken to make the battle scenes realistic. The characters represented interesting archetypes of the types of people in the German army and the tensions there would have been.

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The English

1880s american drama

(Edit) 20/02/2023

this was surprisingly violent and nasty, and although it is accepted that late Victorian america was very violent it was a shock to see it on screen so blatantly. Nasty characters, nasty outcomes - watch with caution.

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The Road Dance

Road Dance

(Edit) 04/01/2023

very good period drama but disturbing turn of plot that we should have been warned about in the synopsis (i.e. before ordering disc)

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The Sanctity of Space

aerial photography

(Edit) 05/07/2022

Brilliant film: both in terms of the quality of the photography and the close filming of demanding ice climbing.

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Lawrence of Arabia


(Edit) 13/09/2021

great film, i haven't seen it yet because i was sent a broken disc! (which I returned to Cinemaparadiso and am waiting)

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The Nativity

The Nativity

(Edit) 08/01/2021

Brilliant film giving an insight into society in the 1st C and what real people's lives were like. It was wonderful to see the wise men from the east working out that something wonderful for the whole world was going to happen.

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Le Mans '66

Le Mans

(Edit) 09/09/2020

Really good film, not just for car enthusiasts but for the personalities portrayed with such top class acting. I was really moved and went and did a web search to learn more.

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