Film Reviews by VD

Welcome to VD's film reviews page. VD has written 2 reviews and rated 5 films.

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Doctor Sleep

Well produced and well acted, but horrible!

(Edit) 23/06/2020

If you can detach yourself from the horrors there are aspects of the movie worth discussing, including interesting references to other films such as the original Shining. But some scenes are absolutely vile. Avoid if you are squeamish, prone to nightmares and/or love children!

Interesting Freudian Slip in the critic review below - they call the female lead 'Rose the Hate'! (para.3)

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Song to Song

no plot to speak of

(Edit) 15/11/2017

One of the worst films I have ever tried to sit through. Endless introspective nonsense about who loves who, etc. with no real plot and very little about the song-writing industry they are supposed to be in. Some well-known people saw fit to appear in it, but I can't see why.

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