Film Reviews by HS

Welcome to HS's film reviews page. HS has written 3 reviews and rated 19 films.

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Doctor Zhivago

Dr Zhivago

(Edit) 12/07/2018

Your DVD is incomplete - it only shows the first two hours of this three-hour film. Such a pity, because it is a wonderful film - I saw it when it first came out in the 1960s and had been so looking forward to seeing it ALL again. You should get a double sided DVD for your clients, like you have of GONE WITH THE WIND.

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The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest

(Edit) 20/10/2015

It's lovely to see this old film again after goodness knows how many years ... a great cast, just a pity about the very poor soundtrack.

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(Edit) 16/10/2015

Quite a good film but not enough about her art. The unnecessary subtitles, in a Slavic language (?Czech) were distracting.

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