Welcome to HA's film reviews page. HA has written 2 reviews and rated 204 films.
This being a movie about time travel, perhaps it's apt I give my thoughts in reverse chronological order.
As the closing credits roll:
What!? How could they leave that detail unresolved? I mean... but... ok, sure, most of it, almost all of it, makes sense now, except I have no idea what might happen next.
For most of the middle:
It's a bit complicated, but I think I see where this is going. Are the writers really going to go there though? It'd be kind of an avant-garde plot twist and I'm not sure how they'd tie up the loose ends afterwards.
At the start:
This is odd, in a good way. The characters seem compelling and there's obviously going to be an enjoyably intellectual plot with cause & effect in the wrong order and different people turning out to actually be the same person from a different point in their history. I wonder what will happen next?
The very first shot:
Why is he carrying that other briefcase as well as the violin?
I tell you from the future, you have enjoyed watching this movie. It's a clever and interesting bit of writing, with some fine performances, and definitely worth a watch. But you're now wishing it was half an hour longer. Don't say I didn't always have said I was going to warn you.
A tight, atmospheric, low budget survival horror movie with a superhero twist.
This is one for fans of Watchmen more than those of Marvel's Avengers, as dialogue, character development and philosophising take precedence over action or special effects.