Film Reviews by RP

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True Detective: Series 1

Slow, dark, disturbing psychological drama about the hunt for a deranged serial killer. Excellent!

(Edit) 12/10/2014

Wow! This has to be one of the most gripping TV series I've watched 8 episodes, just under an hour each, with superb acting from the two main characters and a disturbing, adult-oriented story line.

It's a thriller + psychological drama about the hunt for a deranged serial killer, with a disturbing theme of child abduction and abuse, highly atmospheric and laced with a few sex scenes as the personal lives and character of the two detectives are explored. Plenty of f-ing and blinding - not one to watch with your granny.

Set in 2012, the story opens with two ex-cops, one now a private investigator, one a barman, being questioned about a case from 2008 as it transpires that a similar killing has occurred, casting doubt as to whether the old case was investigated properly. Told first through flashbacks and then moving forward to the (then) current day, we get a feel for the hard work that goes into a police investigation - no instant solutions here - and the pressures and strains that a close working relationship with a partner, long hours away from home, grim details of cases, places on personal relationships both at work and at home.

If you're looking for cops-and-robbers, car chases, lots of crash-bang-wallop then look elsewhere - this is slow moving, slow burning, compelling drama rather all-out action.

The acting from Woody Harrelson and in particular from Matthew McConaughey is excellent, the plot detailed, enthralling and disturbing, the soundtrack evocative - and the Louisiana countryside and bayous superbly photographed. Excellent stuff.

I do have a minor criticism - having said that the soundtrack is excellent, the song that plays over the final credits seems seriously out of touch with the climax of such a dark drama...

5/5 stars. Highly recommended if you like your cop dramas slow and disturbing.

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Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan

No dangerous minds or hooligans here - it's a low budget bank heist thriller with a couple of twists

(Edit) 20/09/2014

It's a low budget, straight-to-DVD, Brit bank heist thriller. And there's no dangerous minds or hooligans involved.

Despite being a low rent film, it's not that bad. Yes, the script and acting are a bit ropey, but I've seen an awful lot worse. There are a couple of twists at the end that (at least with hindsight) are fairly obvious, so it's not something you can watch several times.

If you like cops-and-robbers films with a fair bit of f-ing and blinding then this may be for you. I'll give it 3/5 stars - but that does seem a bit generous.

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The Bridge: Series 1

Yet another great Nordic noir TV series - great stuff

(Edit) 20/09/2014

Yet another Nordic noir TV series - and again, it's excellent. This is a Danish/Swedish co-production, there are 10 episodes each about 57 min long, with subtitles. Don't let the subtitles put you off - this is great TV.

The bridge of the title is the Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden and Episode 1 opens with the placing of a body on the bridge, exactly on the border between the two countries. A joint investigation is set up and the character and personality of the woman Swedish detective and the Danish detective assigned to the case takes up much of the detail.

While a really good crime story, the first half is a trail of false clues, then once the killer is identified it does become fairly predictable. What keeps it going is the character detail, particularly that of Saga Norén, the Swedish detective (superbly played by Sofia Helin) and Martin Rohde, the Danish detective (played by Kim Bodnia who I've also seen in two other Nordic noir series, 'The Killing' and 'Those Who Kill').

Sofia Helin plays Saga as a dedicated officer with a personality somewhere on the autistic scale, an obsessive worker with little or no inter-personal skills - and this leads to some quite humorous incidents and I laughed out loud several times.

I really enjoyed this series and consumed it in two non-stop viewing sessions. Great stuff - 5/5 stars.

[Aside: The music that plays over the start and end titles is 'Hollow Talk' by The Choir of Young Believers from their 2009 album 'This is for the White in Your Eyes'. I bought this album on the strength of this one song - but be warned, that's by far the best track]

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Peggy Sue Got Married

Yet another high school time travel movie. Entertaining enough - but it's fairly average stuff

(Edit) 19/09/2014

Was 1985/85 the era of the high school time travel movie? In '85 we had 'Back to the Future', then in '86 along came 'Peggy Sue Got Married' - and guess what, it's a high school time travel movie...

Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) faints - and wakes up in 1960, still in high school and debating whether to marry boyfriend Charlie (Nic Cage). She finds out that her knowledge from the future doesn't seem to influence things much - but she does manage to pass on a few money-making tips to the local geek, who becomes a future v rich man. And back in the present day Peggy Sue and Charlie's relationship blossoms once more. Err that's it.

I suppose it could be classed as a rom-com, Nic Cage wants to be a rock 'n' roll singer (but fails to make it big), Kathleen Turner looks good as always, and it's a middle-of-the-road enjoyable film. Enjoyable yes, but excellent? Hardly. So why was it nominated for not one but three Oscars? [Aside: 1987 was the year that Oliver Stone's 'Platoon' won both Best Picture and Best Director]

Nic Cage has made some awful films lately (two being nominated for Razzies) but this shows that once upon a time he was almost good, even with a v strange voice. Kathleen Turner is good, but frankly it's not a Best Actress performance. The direction is good, but in my opinion director Francis Ford Coppola's best films ('The Godfather', 'The Conversation', 'Apocalypse Now') were already behind him and the film is full of clichés.

Look out for an early bit part for Jim Carrey.

I enjoyed it, it's entertaining enough - but it's fairly average stuff and also very American. 3/5 stars.

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Under the Skin

Beautifully photographed, unsettling, eerie, erotic, mildly scary sci-fi

(Edit) 23/08/2014

Does the idea of being seduced by a sexy alien disguised as Scarlett Johansson in a Transit van appeal to you? If you like that idea, then you might like 'Under the Skin' - it reminded me of 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' crossed with 'Species' and set in Scotland.

It's directed by Jonathan Glazer whose best-known film is the gloriously over-the-top crime caper 'Sexy Beast'.

'Under the Skin' is one of those films you'll either love or hate - is it boring load of old twaddle with not a lot going on, or is it a beautifully photographed, unsettling, eerie, erotic, mildly scary sci-fi film?

I quite enjoyed it so I guess I fall into the latter camp, so I'll give it an over-generous 4/5 stars.

[Aside 1: I'm now off to order the book by Michel Faber which is reputedly much better]

[Aside 2: Whenever I see ScarJo, why does the old Sex Pistols song 'Pretty Vacant' come to mind...]

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Disturbing and moving political drama - excellent

(Edit) 16/07/2014

Based on the true story of the disappearance and killing of writer/journalist Charles Horman (look him up on Wikipedia) during the military coup in Chile in 1973 and directed by the respected Greek director Costa-Gavros, this is a disturbing and moving political drama.

While it's not an overtly political film, it deals with the search for Charles Horman by his father (Jack Lemmon) and wife (Sissy Spacek) and the lack of any real help or assistance in their search, and the obfuscation and denial by the US authorities of any US involvement in the coup. It turns out that Charles Horman was indeed killed by the Chilean military and that - as is now well known - the coup was orchestrated by the CIA to overthrow the legitimately elected government of Salvador Allende (who had the misfortune to be too left wing for the USA).

The film combines a father's moving search for his son with a growing realisation that his respect for the USA and its freedoms is not matched by its actions and the 'dirty tricks' involved in the role they were playing in Chile and indeed other South American countries.

Excellent script (it won an Oscar and a BAFTA), well acted (Jack Lemmon won Best Actor at Cannes). The film might at first look and feel a bit dated, but stick with it - it really is excellent. 4/5 stars.

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Borgen: Series 3

Very good, well worth watching, excellent acting - but this 3rd season is a little predictable

(Edit) 15/07/2014

It's in Danish, with subtitles, it's about the politics of a foreign country and it's lengthy with 10 x 1 hour episodes. Don't let that put you off as it's well worth watching if you've seen the earlier two seasons.

This time some 2½ years after the close of Season 2, Birgitte Nyborg the former Prime Minister (really well played by Sidse Babett Knudsen) is out of politics and travelling the world as a lecturer and businesswoman. She acquires an English man friend, decides to re-enter politics (of course), challenges for the leadership of the Moderate Party and fails (of course), then decides to set up her own party (of course). The series culminates in an election in which her new party (of course) holds a significant role.

As you might guess from my comments, I found it all quite predictable - but that said, the acting and the characterisation are so good that I really enjoyed it. Yes, there are the inevitable media spats, affairs, jockeying for position between member parties in a weak coalition government, not-very-exciting tales of a mole leaking party info etc etc. No real thrills, just good solid TV.

I'll give it 4/5 stars. Very good, well worth watching.

[Aside: the subtitles are a bit of a mixed bag, a mix of American and English with quite a few spelling mistakes. But that's a minor point]

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The Forgotten

Mix of conspiracy thriller + 'The Twilight Zone' + 'The X-Files' = very average stuff

(Edit) 15/07/2014

Mother (Julianne Moore) thinks she's the victim of a conspiracy as she finds that everyone - husband, shrink, neighbour - deny the existence of her 9 year old son who died in a plane crash...

And it turns out that she is indeed the victim of a conspiracy in a ludicrous plot that mixes a bit of thriller with a hint of the old 1950s-1960s 'The Twilight Zone' TV programmes with a liberal dash of 'The X-Files'. All very silly stuff, not helped by the awful, intrusive background music.

Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if I'd seen it when it first came out, because then two of the main actors would be fairly fresh. But unfortunately the face of Brit actor Dominic West has become so well known as Detective Jimmy McNulty in 'The Wire' TV series and the face of Gary Sinise perhaps even better known as Mac Taylor in the 'CSI' TV series that I couldn't help but think of them in those other roles whenever they were on screen.

Very average. 3/5 stars.

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Grosse Pointe Blank

Mildly amusing

(Edit) 10/07/2014

I rented this because I've been watching a few films with Minnie Driver. This one is a strange mix of rom-com + hitman comedy with a very irritating pun for a title.

John Cusack plays Martin Blank, a freelance professional hitman. He attends his high school reunion in Grosse Pointe, an affluent suburb just outside Detroit - hence the title 'Grosse Pointe Blank', a terrible pun on 'Point Blank', the excellent Lee Marvin film.

He meets his old high school flame Minnie Driver, who puts on a passable USAnian accent. Dan Aykroyd is involved as a rival hitman and Alan Arkin as a psychiatrist - but I've never found either of them very funny. And the cast list shows not only John Cusack but also his sister Joan and a couple of other Cusacks.

It did make me smile but I found it all a bit too American for me and there's also too much f-ing and blinding in parts. The best thing about it is the soundtrack with a great selection of 70s / 80s music held together with a score by the late lamented Joe Strummer of 'The Clash'.

I'll give it 3/5 stars. Mildly amusing.

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Mammon: Series 1

Yet more 'Nordic noir' - but this one is too complex and convoluted. Not bad, just average

(Edit) 10/07/2014

I've now watched several Scandinavian 'Nordic noir' TV series and this is yet another, this time from Norway. That means it's in Norwegian with subtitles.

It tells a complex, convoluted tale of an investigative journalist trying to get to the bottom of a financial / investment conspiracy, which turns out to involve his own brother and with a strange quasi religious element and constant references to the story of Abraham and God's request that he sacrifice his son.

I found it over-complex and difficult to follow in parts as new characters seemed to be constantly introduced. Also, I don't remember it being constantly gloomy with everything in semi darkness last time I was in Oslo...

Not bad, just average. 3/5 stars.

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Prisoners of War: Series 1

Superb psychological drama - great stuff. Highly recommended.

(Edit) 10/07/2014

It's an Israeli TV series so it's in Hebrew with subtitles - but don't let that put you off, this really is great stuff.

I understand that the US TV series 'Homeland' is based on the Israeli series but I haven't (yet?) seen that so can't compare the two.

'Prisoners of War' tells of three Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon and held captive for 17 (!) years. Two return alive after a prisoner exchange, the third died in captivity. The story follows events as they attempt to re-integrate with their families - and of course over that time there have been changes, major changes in their lives. The story of their experiences in captivity are told with graphic flashbacks of torture and interrogation - and indeed they are also interrogated by their own side in case they have given away any information that would be a danger to national security.

In part a psychological drama, in part a soap opera, this is gripping stuff with excellent characterisation. At times it is slow moving, but this only adds to the tension as Season 1 builds to a climax - leaving a hook for Season 2.

I have no experience of life in Israel and have watched no Israeli TV before yet 'Prisoners of War' gave me a (perhaps false?) sense of what it might be like to live under constant threat. There is no preaching, no Arab/Israeli politics - just a superb human drama.

Highly recommended - 5/5 stars - and yes, I have ordered Season 2.

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Two Mules for Sister Sara

Not unlikeable and with some mildly humorous moments, but predictable and slow moving

(Edit) 29/06/2014

Directed by veteran Don Siegel who had already directed Clint Eastwood in 'Coogan's Bluff' and went on to direct him in 'The Beguiled', 'Dirty Harry' and 'Escape from Alcatraz' this is one of Clint's later Westerns as he transitioned from that genre into cop roles.

The two stars are Clint (looking and acting very like his characters in his earlier spaghetti Westerns) and Shirley MacLaine as the 'Sister Sara' of the title - and the contrast couldn't be greater. Although he is one of my favourite actors and directors, Clint's acting skills consist largely of playing Clint Eastwood with narrowed eyes and a curl of his lips. Shirley MacLaine however is a 'proper' actress and compared to Clint's limited range it most definitely shows.

If you're a Clint fan, then this film is worth watching - but frankly, it's a pretty weak effort with a weak script and predictable storyline. It tries to capture the look and feel of those earlier spaghetti Westerns, even down to the Ennio Morricone score, but it's a US film shot in Mexico - and the landscape photography is one of the best things about it. It also abounds with anachronisms ranging from the date of the French involvement in Mexico, the weapons, the invention of dynamite, the celebration of Bastille Day, Shirley MacLaine's eye make-up - the list goes on.

The film title itself is a sort of pun - Sara has two animals, a mule and later a burro. The 'second mule' is of course Clint's character...

Yes, there are some mildly humorous moments, but overall it's pretty slow moving, predictable, very average stuff. I'd be tempted to rate it at 2/5 stars but I do like both Clint and Shirley MacLaine so I'll give it an over-generous 3/5 stars.

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The Last House on the Left

A crude exploitation film, crudely made

(Edit) 27/06/2014

This was one of the so-called 'video nasties' and was refused a certificate in the UK until 2002, some 30 years after its release. So, is it really that bad?

It's bad all right - badly, cheaply made rubbish. While it might be claimed that it has historic value as a film that pushed the boundaries of on-screen violence, all that can honestly be said about it is that it is an early unwholesome exploitation film.

The story is crude: two girls head off for a rock concert in New York. While trying to score some grass, they make the mistake of approaching the baddies. Baddies rape them, drive them to the woods, rape them again, kill and dismember them. Having cleaned themselves up, the baddies then show up at a nearby house - which coincidentally happens to be the home of one of the girls. Parents wreak revenge. Add in a couple of unfunny 'comedy' cops and that's it.

It's a crude exploitation film, crudely made, with few if any redeeming features. 1/5 stars.

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Sudden Impact

Very average stuff

(Edit) 26/06/2014

This is the fourth of the five 'Dirty Harry' films, made 12 years after the original, and the only one directed by Clint himself. It also stars Sondra Locke who was Clint's long-term partner...

By 1983 the 'Dirty' Harry Callahan franchise was looking increasingly old fashioned, not only because Clint was now 53 but also the series had lost its freshness and novelty. Harry Callahan is referred to in the film as a 'dinosaur' and this is not far from the truth, not only because of his policing methods (blast all baddies with a .44 magnum) but also a shortage of ideas and believable plot lines. Here, a woman serial killer is on a revenge rampage, shooting her victims first in the nether regions, then in the head. Clint single handedly (of course) tracks her down with (of course) no help from the local cops and (of course) metes out his own form of summary justice to the remaining baddies and his own idea of justice to the killer.

This isn't the worst of the 'Dirty Harry' films (that's reserved for the last one) but it really is very average stuff. 3/5 stars.

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Angels, demons, heaven and hell, God and Satan + wooden acting = utter tosh

(Edit) 26/06/2014

John Constantine is a sort of occult detective + exorcist. That should give you a feel for what this film is about and coupled with the fact that it has 'wooden' actor Keanu Reeves in the lead and also includes the extremely boring Shia LaBeouf in a minor role, should give you some idea of just how good it is. And no, it isn't good - it's pretty bad. But the effects are OK...

Brit actresses Tilda Swinton (as an androgynous Archangel Gabriel) and Rachel Weisz are the best things about it - but frankly they just seem to be there as a sop to the British-written comic book character of Constantine. He first appeared in 'Swamp Thing' but the storyline in the film is (very loosely) developed from 'Hellblazer' and more specifically, the 'Dangerous Habits' issues. 'Dangerous Habits' is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Constantine's constant smoking, which has led to terminal lung cancer.

If you're in the mood for a supernatural action thriller, compete with angels, demons, heaven and hell, God and Satan, mixed with a little irreverent dark humour, then this might be for you. If you're a fan of the comic books then it probably won't be for you. It wasn't for me - I'm not even sure why I rented it - it's utter tosh.

I'll give it 2/5 stars.

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