Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 178 reviews and rated 193 films.
Poor spin off of the Dr Who franchise featuring a whole set of annoying kids, held together by their teacher Miss Quill (who seems to be the only proper actress/actor in the whole setup - the lovely Katherine Kelly). Too much over-reaction, too much of the kids working out what to do in a galactic war (as if they would know)... and why does every Dr Who spinoff now have to have gay characters in it? Too much influence by Russell T Davies?
Nice to see real science being used properly regarding feeding, oxygen, water etc. Some of the fine details were skimmed over in the film (cf the book, which probably had *too* much detail). The last few scenes were very good - emotionally draining in fact and I found myself getting very emotional about it all, with a lump in my throat. It is also believable that the world (ie all nations) *would* get together to help someone in Watney's predicament.
Overly complex, difficult to follow and form any storyline to, never mind come with up any plot, ending or explanation.
The only reason that Clooney seems to be in the film is a decision by Soderbergh along the lines of "how can I make this poor story make any money - Ah yes, I'll have several scnes with Clooney in the nude. That will attract his female followers to the cinema".
One of the poorest films I have seen in a time
This is a very watchable film - up to date with its ideas, possibilities, plausibilities.
Good slow-burning film, not so much a thriller as an intelligent observation of real-life and what could be/would be/can be happening in areas that 99% of people would not inhabit. Totally unexpected ending that threw me completely. Recommended.
What on earth was Hugh Laurie thinking when he took this on - and *why* attempt to be an American? Doesn't the USA produce actors? Family breakdown, twee-US style with no redeeming qualities beyond toe-curling (but believable) scenes between the families but I would struggle to call this a comedy and certainly not "hilarious" as the CinemaParadiso synopsis describes the film.
A bit corny at times and predictbale but what you do in his situation, given that you would know what to do?
Very small cast so limited in what can be achived in a storyline - vide also the disappointing ending.
Tense at times but Jennifer L in a swimsuit made the day!
A bit formulaic and a bit convoluted revenge thriller. Several holes in the script (why would anyone accept someone with a UK accent pretending to be a Texas resident, even with a poor imitation accent?). Not overly violent, nor gory but not one of the best. manages to kill an hour or two of time if you want. ACting is a bit wooden but you get to see Jennifer L in her underwear!
Not amusing, nor a thriller, nor sci-fi - a mish mash of poor everything - storyline, acting, script.
Watch it simply to say that you have seen it - any acting talent that may have been present is quickly removed in this poor film with a weak storyline
This is a poor pastiche of the first 3 Bourne films, with little showing of the skills that he had in those films, excepting the car chases and hand-to-hand fighting. (Spoiler ...) And why did they have to kill Nicky Parsons? Film linked in nicely with the Athens riots but Alice Vikander was *too* much of a pain in the backside as her character to be worth the while. A bit confusing as a film plot that sorted itself out eventually without any real denouement but this seemed to be a filler in the franchise.
Not a patch on the remake with Matt Damon - this version has no intrigue into the personality of Jason Bourne - you keep being told that he is a cold-hearted killer but a bit of storyline to back this up would have been helpful but the main character doesn't really have many skills. The acting is wooden from Chamberlain and Smith and the supporting characters are very poor - the Treadstone "committee" doesn't lend itself to the storyline very well, making the whole scenario very one-dimensional unless you have read the book or seen the film remake. Flits from country to country and tries to merge itself with the real 'character' of Carlos in its timeline but I would avoid this film unless you want to make comparisons between the two versions
Not really much of a story beyond a child's kidnapping, whose father happens to be an agent for MI6. Poor acting, many scenes shot in semi-darkness. 1970's style dialogue. Not a great film by any stretch of the imagination and Threiller is a mis-representation of the genre.
Having seen the film many years ago, wanted to watch this again but I'm afraid Michael Keeton sort of spoils this film by being too far over the top compared with the other characterisations, which are all low-key.
Some nice bits and pieces - the reception area for the dead, the characters in there - with the ghosts wanting everyone out of their house, which most people would relate to if the supernatural/paranormal existed as portrayed.
As indicated, the Banana Boat Song sequence was different and amusing and the ending was acceptable but to my mind, the film is over-rated to a degree.
Enjoyed this film because it was far more plausible than "Lock, Stock ..." films with characters that you could imagine meeting in pubs etc at the time. Also liked the way that several then-current trends were all brought into play during the film - the bank robbery, the porn industry, corrupt policemen, drug smuggling, political goings on.
A very good British film with a wonderful script by Clement and La Frenais and great character acting by all involved.
Some good one-liners and Sandra Bullock certainly didn't over-act here - I don't mean that in a cynical way but she was relaxed in her role. Storyline was linked to the original film and followed on from that but wasn't the main driving point of the film, which was the interaction between Bullock's character and everyone else.
Passed an evening and I would tell people to watch it rather than avoid it.
Amusing without being hilarious, with dry observations and personal interactions to the fore.
Well worth a watch but the end-game does go a bit OTT!